Join Allgeier Cyris as an IT Security Support Consultant to protect against cyber threats with advanced security solutions. Remote position focusing on Apache, Bash, Cloud, DNS, Docker, Kubernetes, Lua, MongoDB, NGINX, Postgres, SMTP, SQLite, TCP/IP, VMware technologies.
Posted 21 days ago
- Develop IoT applications and tech solutions - Optimize infrastructure costs through automation -
uide software development teams effectively - Enhance data architecture with MySQL - Develop
Posted 26 days ago
Build infrastructure software for data platforms, mentor engineers, provide HR support, collaborate
internationally in forensic accounting, hire exceptional talent, drive future
Posted 37 days ago
Support and advise on software security, Threat analysis, Security measure identification,
ation of solutions, Service and
Posted 48 days ago
. Architect cloud solutions for large enterprises.
. Innovate cloud infrastructure.
Posted 61 days ago
- Design and implement Data Pipelines with platform services and serverless solutions - Develop and
test ingestion pipelines from various sources - Create data transformations with SQL, Python, PaaS,
Posted 70 days ago
Enhancing data solutions Collaborating with teams Designing scalable data pipelines Supporting
ion-making Handling complex data