You can test React components similar to testing other JavaScript code.
There are a few ways to test React components. Broadly, they divide into two categories:
Rendering component trees
in a simplified test environment and asserting on their output.
Running a complete app
in a realistic browser environment (also known as “end-to-end” tests).
This documentation section focuses on testing strategies for the first case. While full end-to-end tests can be very useful to prevent regressions to important workflows, such tests are not concerned with React components in particular, and are out of the scope of this section.
When choosing testing tools, it is worth considering a few tradeoffs:
Iteration speed vs Realistic environment:
Some tools offer a very quick feedback loop between making a change and seeing the result, but don’t model the browser behavior precisely. Other tools might use a real browser environment, but reduce the iteration speed and are flakier on a continuous integration server.
How much to mock:
With components, the distinction between a “unit” and “integration” test can be blurry. If you’re testing a form, should its test also test the buttons inside of it? Or should a button component have its own test suite? Should refactoring a button ever break the form test?
Different answers may work for different teams and products.
Recommended Tools
is a JavaScript test runner that lets you access the DOM via
. While jsdom is only an approximation of how the browser works, it is often good enough for testing React components. Jest provides a great iteration speed combined with powerful features like mocking modules and timers so you can have more control over how the code executes.
React Testing Library
is a set of helpers that let you test React components without relying on their implementation details. This approach makes refactoring a breeze and also nudges you towards best practices for accessibility. Although it doesn’t provide a way to “shallowly” render a component without its children, a test runner like Jest lets you do this by mocking.
Learn More
This section is divided in two pages:
Recipes: Common patterns when writing tests for React components.
Environments: What to consider when setting up a testing environment for React components.
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On this page, we will primarily use function components. However, these testing strategies don’t depend on implementation details, and work just as well for class components too.
Data Fetching
Mocking Modules
Snapshot Testing
Multiple Renderers
Something Missing?
For each test, we usually want to render our React tree to a DOM element that’s attached to
. This is important so that it can receive DOM events. When the test ends, we want to “clean up” and unmount the tree from the
A common way to do it is to use a pair of
blocks so that they’ll always run and isolate the effects of a test to itself:
import{ unmountComponentAtNode }from"react-dom";
let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); });
afterEach(()=>{ // cleanup on exiting unmountComponentAtNode(container); container.remove(); container =null; });
You may use a different pattern, but keep in mind that we want to execute the cleanup
even if a test fails
. Otherwise, tests can become “leaky”, and one test can change the behavior of another test. That makes them difficult to debug.
When writing UI tests, tasks like rendering, user events, or data fetching can be considered as “units” of interaction with a user interface.
provides a helper called
that makes sure all updates related to these “units” have been processed and applied to the DOM before you make any assertions:
act(()=>{ // render components }); // make assertions
This helps make your tests run closer to what real users would experience when using your application. The rest of these examples use
to make these guarantees.
You might find using
directly a bit too verbose. To avoid some of the boilerplate, you could use a library like React Testing Library, whose helpers are wrapped with
The name
comes from the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern.
Commonly, you might want to test whether a component renders correctly for given props. Consider a simple component that renders a message based on a prop:
let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); });
afterEach(()=>{ // cleanup on exiting unmountComponentAtNode(container); container.remove(); container =null; });
it("renders with or without a name",()=>{ act(()=>{render(<Hello/>, container);});expect(container.textContent).toBe("Hey, stranger"); act(()=>{ render(<Helloname="Jenny"/>, container); }); expect(container.textContent).toBe("Hello, Jenny!");
Instead of calling real APIs in all your tests, you can mock requests with dummy data. Mocking data fetching with “fake” data prevents flaky tests due to an unavailable backend, and makes them run faster. Note: you may still want to run a subset of tests using an “end-to-end” framework that tells whether the whole app is working together.
let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); });
afterEach(()=>{ // cleanup on exiting unmountComponentAtNode(container); container.remove(); container =null; });
it("renders user data",async()=>{ const fakeUser ={name:"Joni Baez",age:"32",address:"123, Charming Avenue"}; jest.spyOn(global,"fetch").mockImplementation(()=> Promise.resolve({json:()=> Promise.resolve(fakeUser)})); // Use the asynchronous version of act to apply resolved promises awaitact(async()=>{ render(<Userid="123"/>, container); });
// remove the mock to ensure tests are completely isolated global.fetch.mockRestore();});
Mocking Modules
Some modules might not work well inside a testing environment, or may not be as essential to the test itself. Mocking out these modules with dummy replacements can make it easier to write tests for your own code.
Consider a
component that embeds a third-party
jest.mock("./map",()=>{returnfunctionDummyMap(props){return(<divdata-testid="map">{}:{}</div>);};}); let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); });
afterEach(()=>{ // cleanup on exiting unmountComponentAtNode(container); container.remove(); container =null; });
let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container);}); afterEach(()=>{ // cleanup on exiting unmountComponentAtNode(container); container.remove(); container =null; });
it("changes value when clicked",()=>{ const onChange = jest.fn(); act(()=>{ render(<ToggleonChange={onChange}/>, container); });
// get a hold of the button element, and trigger some clicks on it const button = document.querySelector("[data-testid=toggle]"); expect(button.innerHTML).toBe("Turn on");
Different DOM events and their properties are described in MDN. Note that you need to pass
{ bubbles: true }
in each event you create for it to reach the React listener because React automatically delegates events to the root.
React Testing Library offers a more concise helper for firing events.
Your code might use timer-based functions like
to schedule more work in the future. In this example, a multiple choice panel waits for a selection and advances, timing out if a selection isn’t made in 5 seconds:
import Card from"./card"; let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); jest.useFakeTimers(); });
You can use fake timers only in some tests. Above, we enabled them by calling
. The main advantage they provide is that your test doesn’t actually have to wait five seconds to execute, and you also didn’t need to make the component code more convoluted just for testing.
Snapshot Testing
Frameworks like Jest also let you save “snapshots” of data with
. With these, we can “save” the rendered component output and ensure that a change to it has to be explicitly committed as a change to the snapshot.
In this example, we render a component and format the rendered HTML with the
package, before saving it as an inline snapshot:
let container =null; beforeEach(()=>{ // setup a DOM element as a render target container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); });
afterEach(()=>{ // cleanup on exiting unmountComponentAtNode(container); container.remove(); container =null; });
it("should render a greeting",()=>{ act(()=>{ render(<Hello/>, container); });
expect(pretty(container.innerHTML)).toMatchInlineSnapshot();/* ... gets filled automatically by jest ... */ act(()=>{ render(<Helloname="Jenny"/>, container); });
expect( pretty(container.innerHTML) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot();/* ... gets filled automatically by jest ... */
expect( pretty(container.innerHTML) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot();/* ... gets filled automatically by jest ... */ });
It’s typically better to make more specific assertions than to use snapshots. These kinds of tests include implementation details so they break easily, and teams can get desensitized to snapshot breakages. Selectively mocking some child components can help reduce the size of snapshots and keep them readable for the code review.
Multiple Renderers
In rare cases, you may be running a test on a component that uses multiple renderers. For example, you may be running snapshot tests on a component with
, that internally uses
inside a child component to render some content. In this scenario, you can wrap updates with
s corresponding to their renderers.
import{ act as domAct }from"react-dom/test-utils"; import{ act as testAct, create }from"react-test-renderer"; // ... let root; domAct(()=>{ testAct(()=>{ root =create(<App/>); }); }); expect(root).toMatchSnapshot();
Something Missing?
If some common scenario is not covered, please let us know on the issue tracker for the documentation website.
Test runners like Jest, mocha, ava let you write test suites as regular JavaScript, and run them as part of your development process. Additionally, test suites are run as part of continuous integration.
Jest is widely compatible with React projects, supporting features like mocked modules and timers, and
If you use Create React App, Jest is already included out of the box with useful defaults.
Libraries like mocha work well in real browser environments, and could help for tests that explicitly need it.
End-to-end tests are used for testing longer flows across multiple pages, and require a different setup.
Mocking a rendering surface
Tests often run in an environment without access to a real rendering surface like a browser. For these environments, we recommend simulating a browser with
, a lightweight browser implementation that runs inside Node.js.
In most cases, jsdom behaves like a regular browser would, but doesn’t have features like layout and navigation. This is still useful for most web-based component tests, since it runs quicker than having to start up a browser for each test. It also runs in the same process as your tests, so you can write code to examine and assert on the rendered DOM.
Just like in a real browser, jsdom lets us model user interactions; tests can dispatch events on DOM nodes, and then observe and assert on the side effects of these actions
A large portion of UI tests can be written with the above setup: using Jest as a test runner, rendered to jsdom, with user interactions specified as sequences of browser events, powered by the
. For example, a lot of React’s own tests are written with this combination.
If you’re writing a library that tests mostly browser-specific behavior, and requires native browser behavior like layout or real inputs, you could use a framework like mocha.
In an environment where you
simulate a DOM (e.g. testing React Native components on Node.js), you could use event simulation helpers to simulate interactions with elements. Alternately, you could use the
helper from
Frameworks like Cypress, puppeteer and webdriver are useful for running end-to-end tests.
Mocking functions
When writing tests, we’d like to mock out the parts of our code that don’t have equivalents inside our testing environment (e.g. checking
status inside Node.js). Tests could also spy on some functions, and observe how other parts of the test interact with them. It is then useful to be able to selectively mock these functions with test-friendly versions.
This is especially useful for data fetching. It is usually preferable to use “fake” data for tests to avoid the slowness and flakiness due to fetching from real API endpoints
. This helps make the tests predictable. Libraries like Jest and sinon, among others, support mocked functions. For end-to-end tests, mocking network can be more difficult, but you might also want to test the real API endpoints in them anyway.
Mocking modules
Some components have dependencies for modules that may not work well in test environments, or aren’t essential to our tests. It can be useful to selectively mock these modules out with suitable replacements
On Node.js, runners like Jest support mocking modules. You could also use libraries like
Mocking timers
Components might be using time-based functions like
, or
. In testing environments, it can be helpful to mock these functions out with replacements that let you manually “advance” time. This is great for making sure your tests run fast! Tests that are dependent on timers would still resolve in order, but quicker
. Most frameworks, including Jest, sinon and lolex, let you mock timers in your tests.
Sometimes, you may not want to mock timers. For example, maybe you’re testing an animation, or interacting with an endpoint that’s sensitive to timing (like an API rate limiter). Libraries with timer mocks let you enable and disable them on a per test/suite basis, so you can explicitly choose how these tests would run.
End-to-end tests
End-to-end tests are useful for testing longer workflows, especially when they’re critical to your business (such as payments or signups). For these tests, you’d probably want to test how a real browser renders the whole app, fetches data from the real API endpoints, uses sessions and cookies, navigates between different links. You might also likely want to make assertions not just on the DOM state, but on the backing data as well (e.g. to verify whether the updates have been persisted to the database).
In this scenario, you would use a framework like Cypress, Playwright or a library like Puppeteer so you can navigate between multiple routes and assert on side effects not just in the browser, but potentially on the backend as well.
Facebook has adopted the Contributor Covenant as its Code of Conduct, and we expect project participants to adhere to it. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
Open Development
All work on React happens directly on GitHub. Both core team members and external contributors send pull requests which go through the same review process.
Semantic Versioning
React follows semantic versioning. We release patch versions for critical bugfixes, minor versions for new features or non-essential changes, and major versions for any breaking changes. When we make breaking changes, we also introduce deprecation warnings in a minor version so that our users learn about the upcoming changes and migrate their code in advance. Learn more about our commitment to stability and incremental migration in our versioning policy.
Every significant change is documented in the changelog file.
Branch Organization
Submit all changes directly to the
main branch
. We don’t use separate branches for development or for upcoming releases. We do our best to keep
in good shape, with all tests passing.
Code that lands in
must be compatible with the latest stable release. It may contain additional features, but no breaking changes. We should be able to release a new minor version from the tip of
at any time.
Feature Flags
To keep the
branch in a releasable state, breaking changes and experimental features must be gated behind a feature flag.
Feature flags are defined in
. Some builds of React may enable different sets of feature flags; for example, the React Native build may be configured differently than React DOM. These flags are found in
. Feature flags are statically typed by Flow, so you can run
yarn flow
to confirm that you’ve updated all the necessary files.
React’s build system will strip out disabled feature branches before publishing. A continuous integration job runs on every commit to check for changes in bundle size. You can use the change in size as a signal that a feature was gated correctly.
Where to Find Known Issues
We are using GitHub Issues for our public bugs. We keep a close eye on this and try to make it clear when we have an internal fix in progress. Before filing a new task, try to make sure your problem doesn’t already exist.
Reporting New Issues
The best way to get your bug fixed is to provide a reduced test case. This JSFiddle template is a great starting point.
Security Bugs
Facebook has a bounty program for the safe disclosure of security bugs. With that in mind, please do not file public issues; go through the process outlined on that page.
How to Get in Touch
IRC: #reactjs on freenode
Discussion forums
There is also an active community of React users on the Discord chat platform in case you need help with React.
Proposing a Change
If you intend to change the public API, or make any non-trivial changes to the implementation, we recommend filing an issue. This lets us reach an agreement on your proposal before you put significant effort into it.
If you’re only fixing a bug, it’s fine to submit a pull request right away but we still recommend to file an issue detailing what you’re fixing. This is helpful in case we don’t accept that specific fix but want to keep track of the issue.
Your First Pull Request
Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free video series:
How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub
To help you get your feet wet and get you familiar with our contribution process, we have a list of
good first issues
that contain bugs that have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started.
If you decide to fix an issue, please be sure to check the comment thread in case somebody is already working on a fix. If nobody is working on it at the moment, please leave a comment stating that you intend to work on it so other people don’t accidentally duplicate your effort.
If somebody claims an issue but doesn’t follow up for more than two weeks, it’s fine to take it over but you should still leave a comment.
Sending a Pull Request
The core team is monitoring for pull requests. We will review your pull request and either merge it, request changes to it, or close it with an explanation. For API changes we may need to fix our internal uses at, which could cause some delay. We’ll do our best to provide updates and feedback throughout the process.
Before submitting a pull request,
please make sure the following is done:
Fork the repository and create your branch from
in the repository root.
If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, add tests!
Ensure the test suite passes (
yarn test
). Tip:
yarn test --watch TestName
is helpful in development.
yarn test --prod
to test in the production environment.
If you need a debugger, run
yarn debug-test --watch TestName
, open
, and press “Inspect”.
Format your code with prettier (
yarn prettier
Make sure your code lints (
yarn lint
). Tip:
yarn linc
to only check changed files.
Run the Flow typechecks (
yarn flow
If you haven’t already, complete the CLA.
Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need to do this once, so if you’ve done this for another Facebook open source project, you’re good to go. If you are submitting a pull request for the first time, just let us know that you have completed the CLA and we can cross-check with your GitHub username.
Complete your CLA here.
Contribution Prerequisites
You have Node installed at LTS and Yarn at v1.2.0+.
You have JDK installed.
You have
installed or are comfortable installing a compiler if needed. Some of our dependencies may require a compilation step. On OS X, the Xcode Command Line Tools will cover this. On Ubuntu,
apt-get install build-essential
will install the required packages. Similar commands should work on other Linux distros. Windows will require some additional steps, see the
installation instructions for details.
You are familiar with Git.
Development Workflow
After cloning React, run
to fetch its dependencies.
Then, you can run several commands:
yarn lint
checks the code style.
yarn linc
is like
yarn lint
but faster because it only checks files that differ in your branch.
yarn test
runs the complete test suite.
yarn test --watch
runs an interactive test watcher.
yarn test --prod
runs tests in the production environment.
yarn test <pattern>
runs tests with matching filenames.
yarn debug-test
is just like
yarn test
but with a debugger. Open
and press “Inspect”.
yarn flow
runs the Flow typechecks.
yarn build
creates a
folder with all the packages.
yarn build react/index,react-dom/index --type=UMD
creates UMD builds of just React and ReactDOM.
We recommend running
yarn test
(or its variations above) to make sure you don’t introduce any regressions as you work on your change. However, it can be handy to try your build of React in a real project.
First, run
yarn build
. This will produce pre-built bundles in
folder, as well as prepare npm packages inside
The easiest way to try your changes is to run
yarn build react/index,react-dom/index --type=UMD
and then open
. This file already uses
from the
folder so it will pick up your changes.
If you want to try your changes in your existing React project, you may copy
, or any other build products into your app and use them instead of the stable version.
If your project uses React from npm, you may delete
in its dependencies and use
yarn link
to point them to your local
folder. Note that
instead of
you’ll want to pass
when building
. You’ll also need to build the
cd ~/path_to_your_react_clone/ yarn build react/index,react/jsx,react-dom/index,scheduler --type=NODE
cd build/node_modules/react yarn link cd build/node_modules/react-dom yarn link
cd ~/path/to/your/project yarn link react react-dom
Every time you run
yarn build
in the React folder, the updated versions will appear in your project’s
. You can then rebuild your project to try your changes.
If some package is still missing (e.g. maybe you use
in your project), you can always do a full build with
yarn build
. Note that running
yarn build
without options takes a long time.
We still require that your pull request contains unit tests for any new functionality. This way we can ensure that we don’t break your code in the future.
Style Guide
We use an automatic code formatter called Prettier.
yarn prettier
after making any changes to the code.
Then, our linter will catch most issues that may exist in your code.
You can check the status of your code styling by simply running
yarn linc
However, there are still some styles that the linter cannot pick up. If you are unsure about something, looking at Airbnb’s Style Guide will guide you in the right direction.
Request for Comments (RFC)
Many changes, including bug fixes and documentation improvements can be implemented and reviewed via the normal GitHub pull request workflow.
Some changes though are “substantial”, and we ask that these be put through a bit of a design process and produce a consensus among the React core team.
The “RFC” (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent and controlled path for new features to enter the project. You can contribute by visiting the rfcs repository.
By contributing to React, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license.
What Next?
Read the next section to learn how the codebase is organized.
We don’t necessarily recommend any of these conventions in React apps. Many of them exist for historical reasons and might change with time.
Top-Level Folders
After cloning the React repository, you will see a few top-level folders in it:
contains metadata (such as
) and the source code (
subdirectory) for all packages in the React repository.
If your change is related to the code, the
subdirectory of each package is where you’ll spend most of your time.
contains a few small React test applications for contributors.
is the build output of React. It is not in the repository but it will appear in your React clone after you build it for the first time.
The documentation is hosted in a separate repository from React.
There are a few other top-level folders but they are mostly used for the tooling and you likely won’t ever encounter them when contributing.
Colocated Tests
We don’t have a top-level directory for unit tests. Instead, we put them into a directory called
relative to the files that they test.
For example, a test for
is located in
right next to it.
Warnings and Invariants
The React codebase uses
to display warnings:
if(__DEV__){ console.error('Something is wrong.'); }
Warnings are only enabled in development. In production, they are completely stripped out. If you need to forbid some code path from executing, use
module instead:
var invariant =require('invariant');
invariant( 2+2===4, 'You shall not pass!' );
The invariant is thrown when the
condition is
“Invariant” is just a way of saying “this condition always holds true”. You can think about it as making an assertion.
It is important to keep development and production behavior similar, so
throws both in development and in production. The error messages are automatically replaced with error codes in production to avoid negatively affecting the byte size.
Development and Production
You can use
pseudo-global variable in the codebase to guard development-only blocks of code.
It is inlined during the compile step, and turns into
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
checks in the CommonJS builds.
For standalone builds, it becomes
in the unminified build, and gets completely stripped out with the
blocks it guards in the minified build.
if(__DEV__){ // This code will only run in development. }
We recently started introducing Flow checks to the codebase. Files marked with the
annotation in the license header comment are being typechecked.
We accept pull requests adding Flow annotations to existing code. Flow annotations look like this:
When possible, new code should use Flow annotations.
You can run
yarn flow
locally to check your code with Flow.
Multiple Packages
React is a monorepo. Its repository contains multiple separate packages so that their changes can be coordinated together, and issues live in one place.
React Core
The “core” of React includes all the top-level
APIs, for example:
React core only includes the APIs necessary to define components.
It does not include the reconciliation algorithm or any platform-specific code. It is used both by React DOM and React Native components.
The code for React core is located in
in the source tree. It is available on npm as the
package. The corresponding standalone browser build is called
, and it exports a global called
React was originally created for the DOM but it was later adapted to also support native platforms with React Native. This introduced the concept of “renderers” to React internals.
Renderers manage how a React tree turns into the underlying platform calls.
Renderers are also located in
React DOM Renderer renders React components to the DOM. It implements top-level
APIs and is available as
npm package. It can also be used as standalone browser bundle called
that exports a
React Native Renderer renders React components to native views. It is used internally by React Native.
React Test Renderer renders React components to JSON trees. It is used by the Snapshot Testing feature of Jest and is available as react-test-renderer npm package.
The only other officially supported renderer is
. It used to be in a separate GitHub repository but we moved it into the main source tree for now.
Technically the
is a very thin layer that teaches React to interact with React Native implementation. The real platform-specific code managing the native views lives in the React Native repository together with its components.
Even vastly different renderers like React DOM and React Native need to share a lot of logic. In particular, the reconciliation algorithm should be as similar as possible so that declarative rendering, custom components, state, lifecycle methods, and refs work consistently across platforms.
To solve this, different renderers share some code between them. We call this part of React a “reconciler”. When an update such as
is scheduled, the reconciler calls
on components in the tree and mounts, updates, or unmounts them.
Reconcilers are not packaged separately because they currently have no public API. Instead, they are exclusively used by renderers such as React DOM and React Native.
Stack Reconciler
The “stack” reconciler is the implementation powering React 15 and earlier. We have since stopped using it, but it is documented in detail in the next section.
Fiber Reconciler
The “fiber” reconciler is a new effort aiming to resolve the problems inherent in the stack reconciler and fix a few long-standing issues. It has been the default reconciler since React 16.
Its main goals are:
Ability to split interruptible work in chunks.
Ability to prioritize, rebase and reuse work in progress.
Ability to yield back and forth between parents and children to support layout in React.
Ability to return multiple elements from
Better support for error boundaries.
You can read more about React Fiber Architecture here and here. While it has shipped with React 16, the async features are not enabled by default yet.
Its source code is located in
Event System
React implements a layer over native events to smooth out cross-browser differences. Its source code is located in
What Next?
Read the next section to learn about the pre-React 16 implementation of reconciler in more detail. We haven’t documented the internals of the new reconciler yet.
This section is a collection of implementation notes for the
stack reconciler.
It is very technical and assumes a strong understanding of React public API as well as how it’s divided into core, renderers, and the reconciler. If you’re not very familiar with the React codebase, read the codebase overview first.
It also assumes an understanding of the differences between React components, their instances, and elements.
The stack reconciler was used in React 15 and earlier. It is located at src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler.
Video: Building React from Scratch
Paul O’Shannessy gave a talk about building React from scratch that largely inspired this document.
Both this document and his talk are simplifications of the real codebase so you might get a better understanding by getting familiar with both of them.
The reconciler itself doesn’t have a public API. Renderers like React DOM and React Native use it to efficiently update the user interface according to the React components written by the user.
Mounting as a Recursive Process
Let’s consider the first time you mount a component:
will pass
<App />
along to the reconciler. Remember that
<App />
is a React element, that is, a description of
to render. You can think about it as a plain object:
console.log(<App/>); // { type: App, props: {} }
The reconciler will check if
is a class or a function.
is a function, the reconciler will call
to get the rendered element.
is a class, the reconciler will instantiate an
new App(props)
, call the
lifecycle method, and then will call the
method to get the rendered element.
Either way, the reconciler will learn the element
“rendered to”.
This process is recursive.
may render to a
<Greeting />
may render to a
<Button />
, and so on. The reconciler will “drill down” through user-defined components recursively as it learns what each component renders to.
You can imagine this process as a pseudocode:
functionisClass(type){ // React.Component subclasses have this flag return( Boolean(type.prototype)&& Boolean(type.prototype.isReactComponent) ); }
// This function takes a React element (e.g. <App />) // and returns a DOM or Native node representing the mounted tree. functionmount(element){ var type = element.type; var props = element.props;
// We will determine the rendered element // by either running the type as function // or creating an instance and calling render(). var renderedElement; if(isClass(type)){ // Component class var publicInstance =newtype(props); // Set the props publicInstance.props = props; // Call the lifecycle if necessary if(publicInstance.componentWillMount){ publicInstance.componentWillMount(); } // Get the rendered element by calling render() renderedElement = publicInstance.render(); }else{ // Component function renderedElement =type(props); }
// This process is recursive because a component may // return an element with a type of another component. returnmount(renderedElement);
// Note: this implementation is incomplete and recurses infinitely! // It only handles elements like <App /> or <Button />. // It doesn't handle elements like <div /> or <p /> yet. }
var rootEl = document.getElementById('root'); var node =mount(<App/>); rootEl.appendChild(node);
This really
a pseudo-code. It isn’t similar to the real implementation. It will also cause a stack overflow because we haven’t discussed when to stop the recursion.
Let’s recap a few key ideas in the example above:
React elements are plain objects representing the component type (e.g.
) and the props.
User-defined components (e.g.
) can be classes or functions but they all “render to” elements.
“Mounting” is a recursive process that creates a DOM or Native tree given the top-level React element (e.g.
<App />
Mounting Host Elements
This process would be useless if we didn’t render something to the screen as a result.
In addition to user-defined (“composite”) components, React elements may also represent platform-specific (“host”) components. For example,
might return a
<div />
from its render method.
If element’s
property is a string, we are dealing with a host element:
There is no user-defined code associated with host elements.
When the reconciler encounters a host element, it lets the renderer take care of mounting it. For example, React DOM would create a DOM node.
If the host element has children, the reconciler recursively mounts them following the same algorithm as above. It doesn’t matter whether children are host (like
<div><hr /></div>
), composite (like
<div><Button /></div>
), or both.
The DOM nodes produced by the child components will be appended to the parent DOM node, and recursively, the complete DOM structure will be assembled.
The reconciler itself is not tied to the DOM. The exact result of mounting (sometimes called “mount image” in the source code) depends on the renderer, and can be a DOM node (React DOM), a string (React DOM Server), or a number representing a native view (React Native).
If we were to extend the code to handle host elements, it would look like this:
functionisClass(type){ // React.Component subclasses have this flag return( Boolean(type.prototype)&& Boolean(type.prototype.isReactComponent) ); }
// This function only handles elements with a composite type. // For example, it handles <App /> and <Button />, but not a <div />. functionmountComposite(element){ var type = element.type; var props = element.props;
var renderedElement; if(isClass(type)){ // Component class var publicInstance =newtype(props); // Set the props publicInstance.props = props; // Call the lifecycle if necessary if(publicInstance.componentWillMount){ publicInstance.componentWillMount(); } renderedElement = publicInstance.render(); }elseif(typeof type ==='function'){ // Component function renderedElement =type(props); }
// This is recursive but we'll eventually reach the bottom of recursion when // the element is host (e.g. <div />) rather than composite (e.g. <App />): returnmount(renderedElement); }
// This function only handles elements with a host type. // For example, it handles <div /> and <p /> but not an <App />. functionmountHost(element){ var type = element.type; var props = element.props; var children = props.children ||[]; if(!Array.isArray(children)){ children =[children]; } children = children.filter(Boolean);
// This block of code shouldn't be in the reconciler. // Different renderers might initialize nodes differently. // For example, React Native would create iOS or Android views. var node = document.createElement(type); Object.keys(props).forEach(propName=>{ if(propName !=='children'){ node.setAttribute(propName, props[propName]); } });
// Mount the children children.forEach(childElement=>{ // Children may be host (e.g. <div />) or composite (e.g. <Button />). // We will also mount them recursively: var childNode =mount(childElement);
// This line of code is also renderer-specific. // It would be different depending on the renderer: node.appendChild(childNode); });
// Return the DOM node as mount result. // This is where the recursion ends. return node; }
functionmount(element){ var type = element.type; if(typeof type ==='function'){ // User-defined components returnmountComposite(element); }elseif(typeof type ==='string'){ // Platform-specific components returnmountHost(element); } }
var rootEl = document.getElementById('root'); var node =mount(<App/>); rootEl.appendChild(node);
This is working but still far from how the reconciler is really implemented. The key missing ingredient is support for updates.
Introducing Internal Instances
The key feature of React is that you can re-render everything, and it won’t recreate the DOM or reset the state:
root.render(<App/>); // Should reuse the existing DOM: root.render(<App/>);
However, our implementation above only knows how to mount the initial tree. It can’t perform updates on it because it doesn’t store all the necessary information, such as all the
s, or which DOM
s correspond to which components.
The stack reconciler codebase solves this by making the
function a method and putting it on a class. There are drawbacks to this approach, and we are going in the opposite direction in the ongoing rewrite of the reconciler. Nevertheless this is how it works now.
Instead of separate
functions, we will create two classes:
Both classes have a constructor accepting the
, as well as a
method returning the mounted node. We will replace a top-level
function with a factory that instantiates the correct class:
functioninstantiateComponent(element){ var type = element.type; if(typeof type ==='function'){ // User-defined components returnnewCompositeComponent(element); }elseif(typeof type ==='string'){ // Platform-specific components returnnewDOMComponent(element); } }
First, let’s consider the implementation of
getPublicInstance(){ // For composite components, expose the class instance. returnthis.publicInstance; }
mount(){ var element =this.currentElement; var type = element.type; var props = element.props;
var publicInstance; var renderedElement; if(isClass(type)){ // Component class publicInstance =newtype(props); // Set the props publicInstance.props = props; // Call the lifecycle if necessary if(publicInstance.componentWillMount){ publicInstance.componentWillMount(); } renderedElement = publicInstance.render(); }elseif(typeof type ==='function'){ // Component function publicInstance =null; renderedElement =type(props); }
// Save the public instance this.publicInstance = publicInstance;
// Instantiate the child internal instance according to the element. // It would be a DOMComponent for <div /> or <p />, // and a CompositeComponent for <App /> or <Button />: var renderedComponent =instantiateComponent(renderedElement); this.renderedComponent = renderedComponent;
// Mount the rendered output return renderedComponent.mount(); } }
This is not much different from our previous
implementation, but now we can save some information, such as
, and
, for use during updates.
Note that an instance of
is not the same thing as an instance of the user-supplied
is an implementation detail of our reconciler, and is never exposed to the user. The user-defined class is the one we read from
, and
creates an instance of it.
To avoid the confusion, we will call instances of
“internal instances”. They exist so we can associate some long-lived data with them. Only the renderer and the reconciler are aware that they exist.
In contrast, we call an instance of the user-defined class a “public instance”. The public instance is what you see as
in the
and other methods of your custom components.
function, refactored to be a
method on
class, also looks familiar:
getPublicInstance(){ // For DOM components, only expose the DOM node. returnthis.node; }
mount(){ var element =this.currentElement; var type = element.type; var props = element.props; var children = props.children ||[]; if(!Array.isArray(children)){ children =[children]; }
// Create and save the node var node = document.createElement(type); this.node = node;
// Set the attributes Object.keys(props).forEach(propName=>{ if(propName !=='children'){ node.setAttribute(propName, props[propName]); } });
// Create and save the contained children. // Each of them can be a DOMComponent or a CompositeComponent, // depending on whether the element type is a string or a function. var renderedChildren =; this.renderedChildren = renderedChildren;
// Collect DOM nodes they return on mount var childNodes => child.mount()); childNodes.forEach(childNode=> node.appendChild(childNode));
// Return the DOM node as mount result return node; } }
The main difference after refactoring from
is that we now keep
associated with the internal DOM component instance. We will also use them for applying non-destructive updates in the future.
As a result, each internal instance, composite or host, now points to its child internal instances. To help visualize this, if a function
component renders a
class component, and
class renders a
, the internal instance tree would look like this:
In the DOM you would only see the
. However the internal instance tree contains both composite and host internal instances.
The composite internal instances need to store:
The current element.
The public instance if element type is a class.
The single rendered internal instance. It can be either a
or a
The host internal instances need to store:
The current element.
The DOM node.
All the child internal instances. Each of them can be either a
or a
If you’re struggling to imagine how an internal instance tree is structured in more complex applications, React DevTools can give you a close approximation, as it highlights host instances with grey, and composite instances with purple:
To complete this refactoring, we will introduce a function that mounts a complete tree into a container node and a public instance:
functionmountTree(element, containerNode){ // Create the top-level internal instance var rootComponent =instantiateComponent(element);
// Mount the top-level component into the container var node = rootComponent.mount(); containerNode.appendChild(node);
// Return the public instance it provides var publicInstance = rootComponent.getPublicInstance(); return publicInstance; }
var rootEl = document.getElementById('root'); mountTree(<App/>, rootEl);
Now that we have internal instances that hold onto their children and the DOM nodes, we can implement unmounting. For a composite component, unmounting calls a lifecycle method and recurses.
// ...
unmount(){ // Call the lifecycle method if necessary var publicInstance =this.publicInstance; if(publicInstance){ if(publicInstance.componentWillUnmount){ publicInstance.componentWillUnmount(); } }
// Unmount the single rendered component var renderedComponent =this.renderedComponent; renderedComponent.unmount(); } }
, unmounting tells each child to unmount:
// ...
unmount(){ // Unmount all the children var renderedChildren =this.renderedChildren; renderedChildren.forEach(child=> child.unmount()); } }
In practice, unmounting DOM components also removes the event listeners and clears some caches, but we will skip those details.
We can now add a new top-level function called
that is similar to
functionunmountTree(containerNode){ // Read the internal instance from a DOM node: // (This doesn't work yet, we will need to change mountTree() to store it.) var node = containerNode.firstChild; var rootComponent = node._internalInstance;
// Unmount the tree and clear the container rootComponent.unmount(); containerNode.innerHTML =''; }
In order for this to work, we need to read an internal root instance from a DOM node. We will modify
to add the
property to the root DOM node. We will also teach
to destroy any existing tree so it can be called multiple times:
functionmountTree(element, containerNode){ // Destroy any existing tree if(containerNode.firstChild){ unmountTree(containerNode); }
// Create the top-level internal instance var rootComponent =instantiateComponent(element);
// Mount the top-level component into the container var node = rootComponent.mount(); containerNode.appendChild(node);
// Save a reference to the internal instance node._internalInstance = rootComponent;
// Return the public instance it provides var publicInstance = rootComponent.getPublicInstance(); return publicInstance; }
Now, running
, or running
repeatedly, removes the old tree and runs the
lifecycle method on components.
In the previous section, we implemented unmounting. However React wouldn’t be very useful if each prop change unmounted and mounted the whole tree. The goal of the reconciler is to reuse existing instances where possible to preserve the DOM and the state:
var rootEl = document.getElementById('root');
mountTree(<App/>, rootEl); // Should reuse the existing DOM: mountTree(<App/>, rootEl);
We will extend our internal instance contract with one more method. In addition to
, both
will implement a new method called
classCompositeComponent{ // ...
receive(nextElement){ // ... } }
classDOMComponent{ // ...
receive(nextElement){ // ... } }
Its job is to do whatever is necessary to bring the component (and any of its children) up to date with the description provided by the
This is the part that is often described as “virtual DOM diffing” although what really happens is that we walk the internal tree recursively and let each internal instance receive an update.
Updating Composite Components
When a composite component receives a new element, we run the
lifecycle method.
Then we re-render the component with the new props, and get the next rendered element:
// ...
receive(nextElement){ var prevProps =this.currentElement.props; var publicInstance =this.publicInstance; var prevRenderedComponent =this.renderedComponent; var prevRenderedElement = prevRenderedComponent.currentElement;
// Update *own* element this.currentElement = nextElement; var type = nextElement.type; var nextProps = nextElement.props;
// Figure out what the next render() output is var nextRenderedElement; if(isClass(type)){ // Component class // Call the lifecycle if necessary if(publicInstance.componentWillUpdate){ publicInstance.componentWillUpdate(nextProps); } // Update the props publicInstance.props = nextProps; // Re-render nextRenderedElement = publicInstance.render(); }elseif(typeof type ==='function'){ // Component function nextRenderedElement =type(nextProps); }
// ...
Next, we can look at the rendered element’s
. If the
has not changed since the last render, the component below can also be updated in place.
For example, if it returned
<Button color="red" />
the first time, and
<Button color="blue" />
the second time, we can just tell the corresponding internal instance to
the next element:
// ...
// If the rendered element type has not changed, // reuse the existing component instance and exit. if(prevRenderedElement.type === nextRenderedElement.type){ prevRenderedComponent.receive(nextRenderedElement); return; }
// ...
However, if the next rendered element has a different
than the previously rendered element, we can’t update the internal instance. A
can’t “become” an
Instead, we have to unmount the existing internal instance and mount the new one corresponding to the rendered element type. For example, this is what happens when a component that previously rendered a
<button />
renders an
<input />
// ...
// If we reached this point, we need to unmount the previously // mounted component, mount the new one, and swap their nodes.
// Find the old node because it will need to be replaced var prevNode = prevRenderedComponent.getHostNode();
// Unmount the old child and mount a new child prevRenderedComponent.unmount(); var nextRenderedComponent =instantiateComponent(nextRenderedElement); var nextNode = nextRenderedComponent.mount();
// Replace the reference to the child this.renderedComponent = nextRenderedComponent;
// Replace the old node with the new one // Note: this is renderer-specific code and // ideally should live outside of CompositeComponent: prevNode.parentNode.replaceChild(nextNode, prevNode); } }
To sum this up, when a composite component receives a new element, it may either delegate the update to its rendered internal instance, or unmount it and mount a new one in its place.
There is another condition under which a component will re-mount rather than receive an element, and that is when the element’s
has changed. We don’t discuss
handling in this document because it adds more complexity to an already complex tutorial.
Note that we needed to add a method called
to the internal instance contract so that it’s possible to locate the platform-specific node and replace it during the update. Its implementation is straightforward for both classes:
classCompositeComponent{ // ...
getHostNode(){ // Ask the rendered component to provide it. // This will recursively drill down any composites. returnthis.renderedComponent.getHostNode(); } }
classDOMComponent{ // ...
getHostNode(){ returnthis.node; } }
Updating Host Components
Host component implementations, such as
, update differently. When they receive an element, they need to update the underlying platform-specific view. In case of React DOM, this means updating the DOM attributes:
classDOMComponent{ // ...
receive(nextElement){ var node =this.node; var prevElement =this.currentElement; var prevProps = prevElement.props; var nextProps = nextElement.props; this.currentElement = nextElement;
// Remove old attributes. Object.keys(prevProps).forEach(propName=>{ if(propName !=='children'&&!nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propName)){ node.removeAttribute(propName); } }); // Set next attributes. Object.keys(nextProps).forEach(propName=>{ if(propName !=='children'){ node.setAttribute(propName, nextProps[propName]); } });
// ...
Then, host components need to update their children. Unlike composite components, they might contain more than a single child.
In this simplified example, we use an array of internal instances and iterate over it, either updating or replacing the internal instances depending on whether the received
matches their previous
. The real reconciler also takes element’s
in the account and track moves in addition to insertions and deletions, but we will omit this logic.
We collect DOM operations on children in a list so we can execute them in batch:
// ...
// These are arrays of React elements: var prevChildren = prevProps.children ||[]; if(!Array.isArray(prevChildren)){ prevChildren =[prevChildren]; } var nextChildren = nextProps.children ||[]; if(!Array.isArray(nextChildren)){ nextChildren =[nextChildren]; } // These are arrays of internal instances: var prevRenderedChildren =this.renderedChildren; var nextRenderedChildren =[];
// As we iterate over children, we will add operations to the array. var operationQueue =[];
// Note: the section below is extremely simplified! // It doesn't handle reorders, children with holes, or keys. // It only exists to illustrate the overall flow, not the specifics.
for(var i =0; i < nextChildren.length; i++){ // Try to get an existing internal instance for this child var prevChild = prevRenderedChildren[i];
// If there is no internal instance under this index, // a child has been appended to the end. Create a new // internal instance, mount it, and use its node. if(!prevChild){ var nextChild =instantiateComponent(nextChildren[i]); var node = nextChild.mount();
// Record that we need to append a node operationQueue.push({type:'ADD', node}); nextRenderedChildren.push(nextChild); continue; }
// We can only update the instance if its element's type matches. // For example, <Button size="small" /> can be updated to // <Button size="large" /> but not to an <App />. var canUpdate = prevChildren[i].type === nextChildren[i].type;
// If we can't update an existing instance, we have to unmount it // and mount a new one instead of it. if(!canUpdate){ var prevNode = prevChild.getHostNode(); prevChild.unmount();
var nextChild =instantiateComponent(nextChildren[i]); var nextNode = nextChild.mount();
// Record that we need to swap the nodes operationQueue.push({type:'REPLACE', prevNode, nextNode}); nextRenderedChildren.push(nextChild); continue; }
// If we can update an existing internal instance, // just let it receive the next element and handle its own update. prevChild.receive(nextChildren[i]); nextRenderedChildren.push(prevChild); }
// Finally, unmount any children that don't exist: for(var j = nextChildren.length; j < prevChildren.length; j++){ var prevChild = prevRenderedChildren[j]; var node = prevChild.getHostNode(); prevChild.unmount();
// Record that we need to remove the node operationQueue.push({type:'REMOVE', node}); }
// Point the list of rendered children to the updated version. this.renderedChildren = nextRenderedChildren;
// ...
As the last step, we execute the DOM operations. Again, the real reconciler code is more complex because it also handles moves:
// ...
// Process the operation queue. while(operationQueue.length >0){ var operation = operationQueue.shift(); switch(operation.type){ case'ADD': this.node.appendChild(operation.node); break; case'REPLACE': this.node.replaceChild(operation.nextNode, operation.prevNode); break; case'REMOVE': this.node.removeChild(operation.node); break; } } } }
And that is it for updating host components.
Top-Level Updates
Now that both
implement the
method, we can change the top-level
function to use it when the element
is the same as it was the last time:
functionmountTree(element, containerNode){ // Check for an existing tree if(containerNode.firstChild){ var prevNode = containerNode.firstChild; var prevRootComponent = prevNode._internalInstance; var prevElement = prevRootComponent.currentElement;
// If we can, reuse the existing root component if(prevElement.type === element.type){ prevRootComponent.receive(element); return; }
// Otherwise, unmount the existing tree unmountTree(containerNode); }
// ...
Now calling
two times with the same type isn’t destructive:
var rootEl = document.getElementById('root');
mountTree(<App/>, rootEl); // Reuses the existing DOM: mountTree(<App/>, rootEl);
These are the basics of how React works internally.
What We Left Out
This document is simplified compared to the real codebase. There are a few important aspects we didn’t address:
Components can render
, and the reconciler can handle “empty slots” in arrays and rendered output.
The reconciler also reads
from the elements, and uses it to establish which internal instance corresponds to which element in an array. A bulk of complexity in the actual React implementation is related to that.
In addition to composite and host internal instance classes, there are also classes for “text” and “empty” components. They represent text nodes and the “empty slots” you get by rendering
Renderers use injection to pass the host internal class to the reconciler. For example, React DOM tells the reconciler to use
as the host internal instance implementation.
The logic for updating the list of children is extracted into a mixin called
which is used by the host internal instance class implementations both in React DOM and React Native.
The reconciler also implements support for
in composite components. Multiple updates inside event handlers get batched into a single update.
The reconciler also takes care of attaching and detaching refs to composite components and host nodes.
Lifecycle methods that are called after the DOM is ready, such as
, get collected into “callback queues” and are executed in a single batch.
React puts information about the current update into an internal object called “transaction”. Transactions are useful for keeping track of the queue of pending lifecycle methods, the current DOM nesting for the warnings, and anything else that is “global” to a specific update. Transactions also ensure React “cleans everything up” after updates. For example, the transaction class provided by React DOM restores the input selection after any update.
Jumping into the Code
is where the code like
from this tutorial lives. It takes care of mounting and unmounting top-level components.
is its React Native analog.
is the equivalent of
in this tutorial. It implements the host component class for React DOM renderer.
is its React Native analog.
is the equivalent of
in this tutorial. It handles calling user-defined components and maintaining their state.
contains the switch that picks the right internal instance class to construct for an element. It is equivalent to
in this tutorial.
is a wrapper with
, and
methods. It calls the underlying implementations on the internal instances, but also includes some code around them that is shared by all internal instance implementations.
implements the logic for mounting, updating, and unmounting children according to the
of their elements.
implements processing the operation queue for child insertions, deletions, and moves independently of the renderer.
, and
are really called
, and
in React codebase for legacy reasons, but they receive elements.
Properties on the internal instances start with an underscore, e.g.
. They are considered to be read-only public fields throughout the codebase.
Future Directions
Stack reconciler has inherent limitations such as being synchronous and unable to interrupt the work or split it in chunks. There is a work in progress on the new Fiber reconciler with a completely different architecture. In the future, we intend to replace stack reconciler with it, but at the moment it is far from feature parity.
Next Steps
Read the next section to learn about the guiding principles we use for React development.