A JavaScript error in a part of the UI shouldn’t break the whole app. To solve this problem for React users, React 16 introduces a new concept of an “error boundary”.
Error boundaries are React components that
catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI
instead of the component tree that crashed. Error boundaries catch errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, and in constructors of the whole tree below them.
Error boundaries do
catch errors for:
Event handlers (learn more)
Asynchronous code (e.g.
Server side rendering
Errors thrown in the error boundary itself (rather than its children)
A class component becomes an error boundary if it defines either (or both) of the lifecycle methods
static getDerivedStateFromError()
. Use
static getDerivedStateFromError()
to render a fallback UI after an error has been thrown. Use
to log error information.
staticgetDerivedStateFromError(error){// Update state so the next render will show the fallback UI.return{hasError:true};} componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo){// You can also log the error to an error reporting servicelogErrorToMyService(error, errorInfo);} render(){ if(this.state.hasError){// You can render any custom fallback UIreturn<h1>Something went wrong.</h1>;} returnthis.props.children; } }
Then you can use it as a regular component:
<ErrorBoundary> <MyWidget/> </ErrorBoundary>
Error boundaries work like a JavaScript
catch {}
block, but for components. Only class components can be error boundaries. In practice, most of the time you’ll want to declare an error boundary component once and use it throughout your application.
Note that
error boundaries only catch errors in the components below them in the tree
. An error boundary can’t catch an error within itself. If an error boundary fails trying to render the error message, the error will propagate to the closest error boundary above it. This, too, is similar to how the
catch {}
block works in JavaScript.
Live Demo
Check out this example of declaring and using an error boundary.
Where to Place Error Boundaries
The granularity of error boundaries is up to you. You may wrap top-level route components to display a “Something went wrong” message to the user, just like how server-side frameworks often handle crashes. You may also wrap individual widgets in an error boundary to protect them from crashing the rest of the application.
New Behavior for Uncaught Errors
This change has an important implication.
As of React 16, errors that were not caught by any error boundary will result in unmounting of the whole React component tree.
We debated this decision, but in our experience it is worse to leave corrupted UI in place than to completely remove it. For example, in a product like Messenger leaving the broken UI visible could lead to somebody sending a message to the wrong person. Similarly, it is worse for a payments app to display a wrong amount than to render nothing.
This change means that as you migrate to React 16, you will likely uncover existing crashes in your application that have been unnoticed before. Adding error boundaries lets you provide better user experience when something goes wrong.
For example, Facebook Messenger wraps content of the sidebar, the info panel, the conversation log, and the message input into separate error boundaries. If some component in one of these UI areas crashes, the rest of them remain interactive.
We also encourage you to use JS error reporting services (or build your own) so that you can learn about unhandled exceptions as they happen in production, and fix them.
Component Stack Traces
React 16 prints all errors that occurred during rendering to the console in development, even if the application accidentally swallows them. In addition to the error message and the JavaScript stack, it also provides component stack traces. Now you can see where exactly in the component tree the failure has happened:
You can also see the filenames and line numbers in the component stack trace. This works by default in Create React App projects:
If you don’t use Create React App, you can add this plugin manually to your Babel configuration. Note that it’s intended only for development and
must be disabled in production
Component names displayed in the stack traces depend on the
property. If you support older browsers and devices which may not yet provide this natively (e.g. IE 11), consider including a
polyfill in your bundled application, such as
. Alternatively, you may explicitly set the
property on all your components.
How About try/catch?
is great but it only works for imperative code:
try{ showButton(); }catch(error){ // ... }
However, React components are declarative and specify
should be rendered:
Error boundaries preserve the declarative nature of React, and behave as you would expect. For example, even if an error occurs in a
method caused by a
somewhere deep in the tree, it will still correctly propagate to the closest error boundary.
How About Event Handlers?
Error boundaries
do not
catch errors inside event handlers.
React doesn’t need error boundaries to recover from errors in event handlers. Unlike the render method and lifecycle methods, the event handlers don’t happen during rendering. So if they throw, React still knows what to display on the screen.
If you need to catch an error inside an event handler, use the regular JavaScript
handleClick(){ try{// Do something that could throw}catch(error){this.setState({ error });}}
render(){ if(this.state.error){return<h1>Caught an error.</h1>}return<buttononClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me</button>} }
Note that the above example is demonstrating regular JavaScript behavior and doesn’t use error boundaries.
Naming Changes from React 15
React 15 included a very limited support for error boundaries under a different method name:
. This method no longer works, and you will need to change it to
in your code starting from the first 16 beta release.
For this change, we’ve provided a codemod to automatically migrate your code.
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React components hide their implementation details, including their rendered output. Other components using
usually will not need to
obtain a ref to the inner
DOM element. This is good because it prevents components from relying on each other’s DOM structure too much.
Although such encapsulation is desirable for application-level components like
, it can be inconvenient for highly reusable “leaf” components like
. These components tend to be used throughout the application in a similar manner as a regular DOM
, and accessing their DOM nodes may be unavoidable for managing focus, selection, or animations.
Ref forwarding is an opt-in feature that lets some components take a
they receive, and pass it further down (in other words, “forward” it) to a child.
In the example below,
to obtain the
passed to it, and then forward it to the DOM
that it renders:
// You can now get a ref directly to the DOM button: const ref = React.createRef(); <FancyButtonref={ref}>Click me!</FancyButton>;
This way, components using
can get a ref to the underlying
DOM node and access it if necessary—just like if they used a DOM
Here is a step-by-step explanation of what happens in the above example:
We create a React ref by calling
and assign it to a
We pass our
down to
<FancyButton ref={ref}>
by specifying it as a JSX attribute.
React passes the
to the
(props, ref) => ...
function inside
as a second argument.
We forward this
argument down to
<button ref={ref}>
by specifying it as a JSX attribute.
When the ref is attached,
will point to the
DOM node.
The second
argument only exists when you define a component with
call. Regular function or class components don’t receive the
argument, and ref is not available in props either.
Ref forwarding is not limited to DOM components. You can forward refs to class component instances, too.
Note for component library maintainers
When you start using
in a component library, you should treat it as a breaking change and release a new major version of your library.
This is because your library likely has an observably different behavior (such as what refs get assigned to, and what types are exported), and this can break apps and other libraries that depend on the old behavior.
Conditionally applying
when it exists is also not recommended for the same reasons: it changes how your library behaves and can break your users’ apps when they upgrade React itself.
Forwarding refs in higher-order components
This technique can also be particularly useful with higher-order components (also known as HOCs). Let’s start with an example HOC that logs component props to the console:
The “logProps” HOC passes all
through to the component it wraps, so the rendered output will be the same. For example, we can use this HOC to log all props that get passed to our “fancy button” component:
// Rather than exporting FancyButton, we export LogProps. // It will render a FancyButton though. exportdefaultlogProps(FancyButton);
There is one caveat to the above example: refs will not get passed through. That’s because
is not a prop. Like
, it’s handled differently by React. If you add a ref to a HOC, the ref will refer to the outermost container component, not the wrapped component.
This means that refs intended for our
component will actually be attached to the
import FancyButton from'./FancyButton';
const ref = React.createRef(); // The FancyButton component we imported is the LogProps HOC. // Even though the rendered output will be the same, // Our ref will point to LogProps instead of the inner FancyButton component! // This means we can't call e.g. ref.current.focus() <FancyButton label="Click Me" handleClick={handleClick} ref={ref}/>;
Fortunately, we can explicitly forward refs to the inner
component using the
accepts a render function that receives
parameters and returns a React node. For example:
render(){ const{forwardedRef,...rest}=this.props; // Assign the custom prop "forwardedRef" as a ref return<Componentref={forwardedRef}{...rest}/>;} }
// Note the second param "ref" provided by React.forwardRef. // We can pass it along to LogProps as a regular prop, e.g. "forwardedRef" // And it can then be attached to the Component. return React.forwardRef((props, ref)=>{return<LogProps{...props}forwardedRef={ref}/>;});}
Displaying a custom name in DevTools
accepts a render function. React DevTools uses this function to determine what to display for the ref forwarding component.
For example, the following component will appear as ”
” in the DevTools:
// Give this component a more helpful display name in DevTools. // e.g. "ForwardRef(logProps(MyComponent))" const name = Component.displayName || Component.name; forwardRef.displayName =`logProps(${name})`; return React.forwardRef(forwardRef); }
A common pattern in React is for a component to return multiple elements. Fragments let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.
<Columns />
would need to return multiple
elements in order for the rendered HTML to be valid. If a parent div was used inside the
<Columns />
, then the resulting HTML will be invalid.
You can use
the same way you’d use any other element except that it doesn’t support keys or attributes.
Keyed Fragments
Fragments declared with the explicit
syntax may have keys. A use case for this is mapping a collection to an array of fragments — for example, to create a description list:
functionGlossary(props){ return( <dl> {props.items.map(item=>( // Without the `key`, React will fire a key warning <React.Fragmentkey={item.id}> <dt>{item.term}</dt> <dd>{item.description}</dd> </React.Fragment> ))} </dl> ); }
is the only attribute that can be passed to
. In the future, we may add support for additional attributes, such as event handlers.
Live Demo
You can try out the new JSX fragment syntax with this CodePen.
A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. HOCs are not part of the React API, per se. They are a pattern that emerges from React’s compositional nature.
a higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.
In this document, we’ll discuss why higher-order components are useful, and how to write your own.
Use HOCs For Cross-Cutting Concerns
We previously recommended mixins as a way to handle cross-cutting concerns. We’ve since realized that mixins create more trouble than they are worth. Read more about why we’ve moved away from mixins and how you can transition your existing components.
Components are the primary unit of code reuse in React. However, you’ll find that some patterns aren’t a straightforward fit for traditional components.
For example, say you have a
component that subscribes to an external data source to render a list of comments:
classCommentListextendsReact.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.handleChange =this.handleChange.bind(this); this.state ={ // "DataSource" is some global data source comments: DataSource.getComments() }; }
componentDidMount(){ // Subscribe to changes DataSource.addChangeListener(this.handleChange); }
componentWillUnmount(){ // Clean up listener DataSource.removeChangeListener(this.handleChange); }
handleChange(){ // Update component state whenever the data source changes this.setState({ comments: DataSource.getComments() }); }
aren’t identical — they call different methods on
, and they render different output. But much of their implementation is the same:
On mount, add a change listener to
Inside the listener, call
whenever the data source changes.
On unmount, remove the change listener.
You can imagine that in a large app, this same pattern of subscribing to
and calling
will occur over and over again. We want an abstraction that allows us to define this logic in a single place and share it across many components. This is where higher-order components excel.
We can write a function that creates components, like
, that subscribe to
. The function will accept as one of its arguments a child component that receives the subscribed data as a prop. Let’s call the function
The first parameter is the wrapped component. The second parameter retrieves the data we’re interested in, given a
and the current props.
are rendered,
will be passed a
prop with the most current data retrieved from
// This function takes a component... functionwithSubscription(WrappedComponent, selectData){ // ...and returns another component... returnclassextends React.Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.handleChange =this.handleChange.bind(this); this.state ={ data:selectData(DataSource, props) }; }
componentDidMount(){ // ... that takes care of the subscription... DataSource.addChangeListener(this.handleChange); }
render(){ // ... and renders the wrapped component with the fresh data! // Notice that we pass through any additional props return<WrappedComponentdata={this.state.data}{...this.props}/>; } }; }
Note that a HOC doesn’t modify the input component, nor does it use inheritance to copy its behavior. Rather, a HOC
the original component by
it in a container component. A HOC is a pure function with zero side-effects.
And that’s it! The wrapped component receives all the props of the container, along with a new prop,
, which it uses to render its output. The HOC isn’t concerned with how or why the data is used, and the wrapped component isn’t concerned with where the data came from.
is a normal function, you can add as many or as few arguments as you like. For example, you may want to make the name of the
prop configurable, to further isolate the HOC from the wrapped component. Or you could accept an argument that configures
, or one that configures the data source. These are all possible because the HOC has full control over how the component is defined.
Like components, the contract between
and the wrapped component is entirely props-based. This makes it easy to swap one HOC for a different one, as long as they provide the same props to the wrapped component. This may be useful if you change data-fetching libraries, for example.
Don’t Mutate the Original Component. Use Composition.
Resist the temptation to modify a component’s prototype (or otherwise mutate it) inside a HOC.
functionlogProps(InputComponent){ InputComponent.prototype.componentDidUpdate=function(prevProps){ console.log('Current props: ',this.props); console.log('Previous props: ', prevProps); }; // The fact that we're returning the original input is a hint that it has // been mutated. return InputComponent; }
// EnhancedComponent will log whenever props are received const EnhancedComponent =logProps(InputComponent);
There are a few problems with this. One is that the input component cannot be reused separately from the enhanced component. More crucially, if you apply another HOC to
, the first HOC’s functionality will be overridden! This HOC also won’t work with function components, which do not have lifecycle methods.
Mutating HOCs are a leaky abstraction—the consumer must know how they are implemented in order to avoid conflicts with other HOCs.
Instead of mutation, HOCs should use composition, by wrapping the input component in a container component:
functionlogProps(WrappedComponent){ returnclassextends React.Component { componentDidUpdate(prevProps){ console.log('Current props: ',this.props); console.log('Previous props: ', prevProps); } render(){ // Wraps the input component in a container, without mutating it. Good! return<WrappedComponent{...this.props}/>; } } }
This HOC has the same functionality as the mutating version while avoiding the potential for clashes. It works equally well with class and function components. And because it’s a pure function, it’s composable with other HOCs, or even with itself.
You may have noticed similarities between HOCs and a pattern called
container components
. Container components are part of a strategy of separating responsibility between high-level and low-level concerns. Containers manage things like subscriptions and state, and pass props to components that handle things like rendering UI. HOCs use containers as part of their implementation. You can think of HOCs as parameterized container component definitions.
Convention: Pass Unrelated Props Through to the Wrapped Component
HOCs add features to a component. They shouldn’t drastically alter its contract. It’s expected that the component returned from a HOC has a similar interface to the wrapped component.
HOCs should pass through props that are unrelated to its specific concern. Most HOCs contain a render method that looks something like this:
render(){ // Filter out extra props that are specific to this HOC and shouldn't be // passed through const{ extraProp,...passThroughProps }=this.props;
// Inject props into the wrapped component. These are usually state values or // instance methods. const injectedProp = someStateOrInstanceMethod;
If you break it apart, it’s easier to see what’s going on.
// connect is a function that returns another function const enhance =connect(commentListSelector, commentListActions); // The returned function is a HOC, which returns a component that is connected // to the Redux store const ConnectedComment =enhance(CommentList);
In other words,
is a higher-order function that returns a higher-order component!
This form may seem confusing or unnecessary, but it has a useful property. Single-argument HOCs like the one returned by the
function have the signature
Component => Component
. Functions whose output type is the same as its input type are really easy to compose together.
// Instead of doing this... const EnhancedComponent =withRouter(connect(commentSelector)(WrappedComponent))
// ... you can use a function composition utility // compose(f, g, h) is the same as (...args) => f(g(h(...args))) const enhance =compose( // These are both single-argument HOCs withRouter, connect(commentSelector) ) const EnhancedComponent =enhance(WrappedComponent)
(This same property also allows
and other enhancer-style HOCs to be used as decorators, an experimental JavaScript proposal.)
utility function is provided by many third-party libraries including lodash (as
), Redux, and Ramda.
Convention: Wrap the Display Name for Easy Debugging
The container components created by HOCs show up in the React Developer Tools like any other component. To ease debugging, choose a display name that communicates that it’s the result of a HOC.
The most common technique is to wrap the display name of the wrapped component. So if your higher-order component is named
, and the wrapped component’s display name is
, use the display name
Higher-order components come with a few caveats that aren’t immediately obvious if you’re new to React.
Don’t Use HOCs Inside the render Method
React’s diffing algorithm (called Reconciliation) uses component identity to determine whether it should update the existing subtree or throw it away and mount a new one. If the component returned from
is identical (
) to the component from the previous render, React recursively updates the subtree by diffing it with the new one. If they’re not equal, the previous subtree is unmounted completely.
Normally, you shouldn’t need to think about this. But it matters for HOCs because it means you can’t apply a HOC to a component within the render method of a component:
render(){ // A new version of EnhancedComponent is created on every render // EnhancedComponent1 !== EnhancedComponent2 const EnhancedComponent =enhance(MyComponent); // That causes the entire subtree to unmount/remount each time! return<EnhancedComponent/>; }
The problem here isn’t just about performance — remounting a component causes the state of that component and all of its children to be lost.
Instead, apply HOCs outside the component definition so that the resulting component is created only once. Then, its identity will be consistent across renders. This is usually what you want, anyway.
In those rare cases where you need to apply a HOC dynamically, you can also do it inside a component’s lifecycle methods or its constructor.
Static Methods Must Be Copied Over
Sometimes it’s useful to define a static method on a React component. For example, Relay containers expose a static method
to facilitate the composition of GraphQL fragments.
When you apply a HOC to a component, though, the original component is wrapped with a container component. That means the new component does not have any of the static methods of the original component.
// Define a static method WrappedComponent.staticMethod=function(){/*...*/} // Now apply a HOC const EnhancedComponent =enhance(WrappedComponent);
// The enhanced component has no static method typeof EnhancedComponent.staticMethod ==='undefined'// true
To solve this, you could copy the methods onto the container before returning it:
functionenhance(WrappedComponent){ classEnhanceextendsReact.Component{/*...*/} // Must know exactly which method(s) to copy :( Enhance.staticMethod = WrappedComponent.staticMethod; return Enhance; }
However, this requires you to know exactly which methods need to be copied. You can use hoist-non-react-statics to automatically copy all non-React static methods:
// ...export the method separately... export{ someFunction };
// ...and in the consuming module, import both import MyComponent,{ someFunction }from'./MyComponent.js';
Refs Aren’t Passed Through
While the convention for higher-order components is to pass through all props to the wrapped component, this does not work for refs. That’s because
is not really a prop — like
, it’s handled specially by React. If you add a ref to an element whose component is the result of a HOC, the ref refers to an instance of the outermost container component, not the wrapped component.
The solution for this problem is to use the
API (introduced with React 16.3). Learn more about it in the forwarding refs section.
React is unaware of changes made to the DOM outside of React. It determines updates based on its own internal representation, and if the same DOM nodes are manipulated by another library, React gets confused and has no way to recover.
This does not mean it is impossible or even necessarily difficult to combine React with other ways of affecting the DOM, you just have to be mindful of what each is doing.
The easiest way to avoid conflicts is to prevent the React component from updating. You can do this by rendering elements that React has no reason to update, like an empty
<div />
How to Approach the Problem
To demonstrate this, let’s sketch out a wrapper for a generic jQuery plugin.
We will attach a ref to the root DOM element. Inside
, we will get a reference to it so we can pass it to the jQuery plugin.
To prevent React from touching the DOM after mounting, we will return an empty
<div />
from the
method. The
<div />
element has no properties or children, so React has no reason to update it, leaving the jQuery plugin free to manage that part of the DOM:
Note that we defined both
lifecycle methods. Many jQuery plugins attach event listeners to the DOM so it’s important to detach them in
. If the plugin does not provide a method for cleanup, you will probably have to provide your own, remembering to remove any event listeners the plugin registered to prevent memory leaks.
Integrating with jQuery Chosen Plugin
For a more concrete example of these concepts, let’s write a minimal wrapper for the plugin Chosen, which augments
Just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean that it’s the best approach for React apps. We encourage you to use React components when you can. React components are easier to reuse in React applications, and often provide more control over their behavior and appearance.
First, let’s look at what Chosen does to the DOM.
If you call it on a
DOM node, it reads the attributes off of the original DOM node, hides it with an inline style, and then appends a separate DOM node with its own visual representation right after the
. Then it fires jQuery events to notify us about the changes.
Let’s say that this is the API we’re striving for with our
wrapper React component:
Notice how we wrapped
in an extra
. This is necessary because Chosen will append another DOM element right after the
node we passed to it. However, as far as React is concerned,
always only has a single child. This is how we ensure that React updates won’t conflict with the extra DOM node appended by Chosen. It is important that if you modify the DOM outside of React flow, you must ensure React doesn’t have a reason to touch those DOM nodes.
Next, we will implement the lifecycle methods. We need to initialize Chosen with the ref to the
node in
, and tear it down in
Note that React assigns no special meaning to the
field. It only works because we have previously assigned this field from a
in the
This is enough to get our component to render, but we also want to be notified about the value changes. To do this, we will subscribe to the jQuery
event on the
managed by Chosen.
We won’t pass
directly to Chosen because component’s props might change over time, and that includes event handlers. Instead, we will declare a
method that calls
, and subscribe it to the jQuery
Finally, there is one more thing left to do. In React, props can change over time. For example, the
component can get different children if parent component’s state changes. This means that at integration points it is important that we manually update the DOM in response to prop updates, since we no longer let React manage the DOM for us.
Chosen’s documentation suggests that we can use jQuery
API to notify it about changes to the original DOM element. We will let React take care of updating
, but we will also add a
lifecycle method that notifies Chosen about changes in the children list:
React can be embedded into other applications thanks to the flexibility of
Although React is commonly used at startup to load a single root React component into the DOM,
can also be called multiple times for independent parts of the UI which can be as small as a button, or as large as an app.
In fact, this is exactly how React is used at Facebook. This lets us write applications in React piece by piece, and combine them with our existing server-generated templates and other client-side code.
Replacing String-Based Rendering with React
A common pattern in older web applications is to describe chunks of the DOM as a string and insert it into the DOM like so:
. These points in a codebase are perfect for introducing React. Just rewrite the string based rendering as a React component.
From here you could start moving more logic into the component and begin adopting more common React practices. For example, in components it is best not to rely on IDs because the same component can be rendered multiple times. Instead, we will use the React event system and register the click handler directly on the React
You can have as many such isolated components as you like, and use
to render them to different DOM containers. Gradually, as you convert more of your app to React, you will be able to combine them into larger components, and move some of the
calls up the hierarchy.
Embedding React in a Backbone View
Backbone views typically use HTML strings, or string-producing template functions, to create the content for their DOM elements. This process, too, can be replaced with rendering a React component.
Below, we will create a Backbone view called
. It will override Backbone’s
function to render a React
component into the DOM element provided by Backbone (
). Here, too, we are using
It is important that we also call
in the
method so that React unregisters event handlers and other resources associated with the component tree when it is detached.
When a component is removed
from within
a React tree, the cleanup is performed automatically, but because we are removing the entire tree by hand, we must call this method.
Integrating with Model Layers
While it is generally recommended to use unidirectional data flow such as React state, Flux, or Redux, React components can use a model layer from other frameworks and libraries.
Using Backbone Models in React Components
The simplest way to consume Backbone models and collections from a React component is to listen to the various change events and manually force an update.
Components responsible for rendering models would listen to
events, while components responsible for rendering collections would listen for
events. In both cases, call
to rerender the component with the new data.
In the example below, the
component renders a Backbone collection, using the
component to render individual items.
The approach above requires your React components to be aware of the Backbone models and collections. If you later plan to migrate to another data management solution, you might want to concentrate the knowledge about Backbone in as few parts of the code as possible.
One solution to this is to extract the model’s attributes as plain data whenever it changes, and keep this logic in a single place. The following is a higher-order component that extracts all attributes of a Backbone model into state, passing the data to the wrapped component.
This way, only the higher-order component needs to know about Backbone model internals, and most components in the app can stay agnostic of Backbone.
In the example below, we will make a copy of the model’s attributes to form the initial state. We subscribe to the
event (and unsubscribe on unmounting), and when it happens, we update the state with the model’s current attributes. Finally, we make sure that if the
prop itself changes, we don’t forget to unsubscribe from the old model, and subscribe to the new one.
Note that this example is not meant to be exhaustive with regards to working with Backbone, but it should give you an idea for how to approach this in a generic way:
To demonstrate how to use it, we will connect a
React component to a Backbone model, and update its
attribute every time the input changes:
functionNameInput(props){ return( <p> <inputvalue={props.firstName}onChange={props.handleChange}/><br/> My name is {props.firstName}.</p> ); }
const model =newBackbone.Model({firstName:'Frodo'}); const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')); root.render(<Examplemodel={model}/>);
Try it on CodePen
This technique is not limited to Backbone. You can use React with any model library by subscribing to its changes in the lifecycle methods and, optionally, copying the data into the local React state.
If you want to test out how some specific JSX is converted into JavaScript, you can try out
the online Babel compiler.
Specifying The React Element Type
The first part of a JSX tag determines the type of the React element.
Capitalized types indicate that the JSX tag is referring to a React component. These tags get compiled into a direct reference to the named variable, so if you use the JSX
<Foo />
must be in scope.
React Must Be in Scope
Since JSX compiles into calls to
, the
library must also always be in scope from your JSX code.
For example, both of the imports are necessary in this code, even though
are not directly referenced from JavaScript:
If you don’t use a JavaScript bundler and loaded React from a
tag, it is already in scope as the
Using Dot Notation for JSX Type
You can also refer to a React component using dot-notation from within JSX. This is convenient if you have a single module that exports many React components. For example, if
is a component, you can use it directly from JSX with:
When an element type starts with a lowercase letter, it refers to a built-in component like
and results in a string
passed to
. Types that start with a capital letter like
<Foo />
compile to
and correspond to a component defined or imported in your JavaScript file.
We recommend naming components with a capital letter. If you do have a component that starts with a lowercase letter, assign it to a capitalized variable before using it in JSX.
For example, this code will not run as expected:
import React from'react';
// Wrong! This is a component and should have been capitalized:functionhello(props){// Correct! This use of <div> is legitimate because div is a valid HTML tag: return<div>Hello {props.toWhat}</div>; }
functionHelloWorld(){ // Wrong! React thinks <hello /> is an HTML tag because it's not capitalized:return<hellotoWhat="World"/>;}
To fix this, we will rename
and use
<Hello />
when referring to it:
import React from'react';
// Correct! This is a component and should be capitalized:functionHello(props){// Correct! This use of <div> is legitimate because div is a valid HTML tag: return<div>Hello {props.toWhat}</div>; }
functionHelloWorld(){ // Correct! React knows <Hello /> is a component because it's capitalized.return<HellotoWhat="World"/>;}
Choosing the Type at Runtime
You cannot use a general expression as the React element type. If you do want to use a general expression to indicate the type of the element, just assign it to a capitalized variable first. This often comes up when you want to render a different component based on a prop:
functionStory(props){ // Correct! JSX type can be a capitalized variable.const SpecificStory = components[props.storyType];return<SpecificStorystory={props.story}/>;}
Props in JSX
There are several different ways to specify props in JSX.
JavaScript Expressions as Props
You can pass any JavaScript expression as a prop, by surrounding it with
. For example, in this JSX:
, the value of
will be
because the expression
1 + 2 + 3 + 4
gets evaluated.
statements and
loops are not expressions in JavaScript, so they can’t be used in JSX directly. Instead, you can put these in the surrounding code. For example:
functionNumberDescriber(props){ let description; if(props.number %2==0){ description =<strong>even</strong>;}else{ description =<i>odd</i>;}return<div>{props.number} is an {description} number</div>; }
You can learn more about conditional rendering and loops in the corresponding sections.
String Literals
You can pass a string literal as a prop. These two JSX expressions are equivalent:
<MyComponentmessage="hello world"/>
<MyComponentmessage={'hello world'}/>
When you pass a string literal, its value is HTML-unescaped. So these two JSX expressions are equivalent:
This behavior is usually not relevant. It’s only mentioned here for completeness.
Props Default to “True”
If you pass no value for a prop, it defaults to
. These two JSX expressions are equivalent:
In general, we don’t recommend
passing a value for a prop, because it can be confused with the ES6 object shorthand
which is short for
{foo: foo}
rather than
{foo: true}
. This behavior is just there so that it matches the behavior of HTML.
Spread Attributes
If you already have
as an object, and you want to pass it in JSX, you can use
as a “spread” syntax to pass the whole props object. These two components are equivalent:
In the example above, the
prop is safely consumed and
is not
passed on to the
element in the DOM.
All other props are passed via the
object making this component really flexible. You can see that it passes an
Spread attributes can be useful but they also make it easy to pass unnecessary props to components that don’t care about them or to pass invalid HTML attributes to the DOM. We recommend using this syntax sparingly.
Children in JSX
In JSX expressions that contain both an opening tag and a closing tag, the content between those tags is passed as a special prop:
. There are several different ways to pass children:
String Literals
You can put a string between the opening and closing tags and
will just be that string. This is useful for many of the built-in HTML elements. For example:
<MyComponent>Hello world!</MyComponent>
This is valid JSX, and
will simply be the string
"Hello world!"
. HTML is unescaped, so you can generally write JSX just like you would write HTML in this way:
<div>This is valid HTML & JSX at the same time.</div>
JSX removes whitespace at the beginning and ending of a line. It also removes blank lines. New lines adjacent to tags are removed; new lines that occur in the middle of string literals are condensed into a single space. So these all render to the same thing:
<div>Hello World</div>
<div> Hello World </div>
<div> Hello World </div>
Hello World </div>
JSX Children
You can provide more JSX elements as the children. This is useful for displaying nested components:
You can mix together different types of children, so you can use string literals together with JSX children. This is another way in which JSX is like HTML, so that this is both valid JSX and valid HTML:
<div> Here is a list: <ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> </ul> </div>
A React component can also return an array of elements:
render(){ // No need to wrap list items in an extra element! return[ // Don't forget the keys :) <likey="A">First item</li>, <likey="B">Second item</li>, <likey="C">Third item</li>, ]; }
JavaScript Expressions as Children
You can pass any JavaScript expression as children, by enclosing it within
. For example, these expressions are equivalent:
This is often useful for rendering a list of JSX expressions of arbitrary length. For example, this renders an HTML list:
functionTodoList(){ const todos =['finish doc','submit pr','nag dan to review']; return( <ul> {todos.map((message)=><Itemkey={message}message={message}/>)}</ul> ); }
JavaScript expressions can be mixed with other types of children. This is often useful in lieu of string templates:
Normally, JavaScript expressions inserted in JSX will evaluate to a string, a React element, or a list of those things. However,
works just like any other prop in that it can pass any sort of data, not just the sorts that React knows how to render. For example, if you have a custom component, you could have it take a callback as
// Calls the children callback numTimes to produce a repeated component functionRepeat(props){ let items =[]; for(let i =0; i < props.numTimes; i++){ items.push(props.children(i)); } return<div>{items}</div>; }
functionListOfTenThings(){ return( <RepeatnumTimes={10}> {(index)=><divkey={index}>This is item {index} in the list</div>}</Repeat> ); }
Children passed to a custom component can be anything, as long as that component transforms them into something React can understand before rendering. This usage is not common, but it works if you want to stretch what JSX is capable of.
Booleans, Null, and Undefined Are Ignored
, and
are valid children. They simply don’t render. These JSX expressions will all render to the same thing:
This can be useful to conditionally render React elements. This JSX renders the
<Header />
component only if
<div> {showHeader &&<Header/>}<Content/> </div>
One caveat is that some “falsy” values, such as the
number, are still rendered by React. For example, this code will not behave as you might expect because
will be printed when
is an empty array: