In React, you can create distinct components that encapsulate behavior you need. Then, you can render only some of them, depending on the state of your application.
In the example below, we will create a stateful component called
It will render either
<LoginButton />
<LogoutButton />
depending on its current state. It will also render a
<Greeting />
from the previous example:
While declaring a variable and using an
statement is a fine way to conditionally render a component, sometimes you might want to use a shorter syntax. There are a few ways to inline conditions in JSX, explained below.
Inline If with Logical && Operator
You may embed expressions in JSX by wrapping them in curly braces. This includes the JavaScript logical
operator. It can be handy for conditionally including an element:
functionMailbox(props){ const unreadMessages = props.unreadMessages; return( <div> <h1>Hello!</h1> {unreadMessages.length >0&&<h2> You have {unreadMessages.length} unread messages.</h2>}</div> ); }
It works because in JavaScript,
true && expression
always evaluates to
, and
false && expression
always evaluates to
Therefore, if the condition is
, the element right after
will appear in the output. If it is
, React will ignore and skip it.
Note that returning a falsy expression will still cause the element after
to be skipped but will return the falsy expression. In the example below,
will be returned by the render method.
Just like in JavaScript, it is up to you to choose an appropriate style based on what you and your team consider more readable. Also remember that whenever conditions become too complex, it might be a good time to extract a component.
Preventing Component from Rendering
In rare cases you might want a component to hide itself even though it was rendered by another component. To do this return
instead of its render output.
In the example below, the
<WarningBanner />
is rendered depending on the value of the prop called
. If the value of the prop is
, then the component does not render:
from a component’s
method does not affect the firing of the component’s lifecycle methods. For instance
will still be called.
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const numbers =[1,2,3,4,5]; const doubled => number *2);console.log(doubled);
This code logs
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
to the console.
In React, transforming arrays into lists of elements is nearly identical.
Rendering Multiple Components
You can build collections of elements and include them in JSX using curly braces
Below, we loop through the
array using the JavaScript
function. We return a
element for each item. Finally, we assign the resulting array of elements to
When you run this code, you’ll be given a warning that a key should be provided for list items. A “key” is a special string attribute you need to include when creating lists of elements. We’ll discuss why it’s important in the next section.
Let’s assign a
to our list items inside
and fix the missing key issue.
Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. Keys should be given to the elements inside the array to give the elements a stable identity:
The best way to pick a key is to use a string that uniquely identifies a list item among its siblings. Most often you would use IDs from your data as keys:
When you don’t have stable IDs for rendered items, you may use the item index as a key as a last resort:
const todoItems =, index)=> // Only do this if items have no stable IDs<likey={index}>{todo.text} </li> );
We don’t recommend using indexes for keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with component state. Check out Robin Pokorny’s article for an in-depth explanation on the negative impacts of using an index as a key. If you choose not to assign an explicit key to list items then React will default to using indexes as keys.
Here is an in-depth explanation about why keys are necessary if you’re interested in learning more.
Extracting Components with Keys
Keys only make sense in the context of the surrounding array.
For example, if you extract a
component, you should keep the key on the
<ListItem />
elements in the array rather than on the
element in the
Example: Incorrect Key Usage
functionListItem(props){ const value = props.value; return( // Wrong! There is no need to specify the key here:<likey={value.toString()}>{value} </li> ); }
functionNumberList(props){ const numbers = props.numbers; const listItems => // Wrong! The key should have been specified here:<ListItemvalue={number}/>); return( <ul> {listItems} </ul> ); }
Example: Correct Key Usage
functionListItem(props){ // Correct! There is no need to specify the key here:return<li>{props.value}</li>;}
functionNumberList(props){ const numbers = props.numbers; const listItems => // Correct! Key should be specified inside the array.<ListItemkey={number.toString()}value={number}/>); return( <ul> {listItems} </ul> ); }
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A good rule of thumb is that elements inside the
call need keys.
Keys Must Only Be Unique Among Siblings
Keys used within arrays should be unique among their siblings. However, they don’t need to be globally unique. We can use the same keys when we produce two different arrays:
const posts =[ {id:1,title:'Hello World',content:'Welcome to learning React!'}, {id:2,title:'Installation',content:'You can install React from npm.'} ];
Keys serve as a hint to React but they don’t get passed to your components. If you need the same value in your component, pass it explicitly as a prop with a different name:
Sometimes this results in clearer code, but this style can also be abused. Like in JavaScript, it is up to you to decide whether it is worth extracting a variable for readability. Keep in mind that if the
body is too nested, it might be a good time to extract a component.
HTML form elements work a bit differently from other DOM elements in React, because form elements naturally keep some internal state. For example, this form in plain HTML accepts a single name:
This form has the default HTML form behavior of browsing to a new page when the user submits the form. If you want this behavior in React, it just works. But in most cases, it’s convenient to have a JavaScript function that handles the submission of the form and has access to the data that the user entered into the form. The standard way to achieve this is with a technique called “controlled components”.
In HTML, form elements such as
, and
typically maintain their own state and update it based on user input. In React, mutable state is typically kept in the state property of components, and only updated with
We can combine the two by making the React state be the “single source of truth”. Then the React component that renders a form also controls what happens in that form on subsequent user input. An input form element whose value is controlled by React in this way is called a “controlled component”.
For example, if we want to make the previous example log the name when it is submitted, we can write the form as a controlled component:
handleChange(event){this.setState({value:});} handleSubmit(event){ alert('A name was submitted: '+this.state.value); event.preventDefault(); }
Since the
attribute is set on our form element, the displayed value will always be
, making the React state the source of truth. Since
runs on every keystroke to update the React state, the displayed value will update as the user types.
With a controlled component, the input’s value is always driven by the React state. While this means you have to type a bit more code, you can now pass the value to other UI elements too, or reset it from other event handlers.
The textarea Tag
In HTML, a
element defines its text by its children:
<textarea> Hello there, this is some text in a text area </textarea>
In React, a
uses a
attribute instead. This way, a form using a
can be written very similarly to a form that uses a single-line input:
classEssayFormextendsReact.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state ={value:'Please write an essay about your favorite DOM element.'}; this.handleChange =this.handleChange.bind(this); this.handleSubmit =this.handleSubmit.bind(this); }
handleChange(event){this.setState({value:});} handleSubmit(event){ alert('An essay was submitted: '+this.state.value); event.preventDefault(); }
Note that the Coconut option is initially selected, because of the
attribute. React, instead of using this
attribute, uses a
attribute on the root
tag. This is more convenient in a controlled component because you only need to update it in one place. For example:
Overall, this makes it so that
<input type="text">
, and
all work very similarly - they all accept a
attribute that you can use to implement a controlled component.
You can pass an array into the
attribute, allowing you to select multiple options in a
The file input Tag
In HTML, an
<input type="file">
lets the user choose one or more files from their device storage to be uploaded to a server or manipulated by JavaScript via the File API.
Because its value is read-only, it is an
component in React. It is discussed together with other uncontrolled components later in the documentation.
Handling Multiple Inputs
When you need to handle multiple controlled
elements, you can add a
attribute to each element and let the handler function choose what to do based on the value of
render(){ return( <form> <label> Is going: <input name="isGoing"type="checkbox" checked={this.state.isGoing} onChange={this.handleInputChange}/> </label> <br/> <label> Number of guests: <input name="numberOfGuests"type="number" value={this.state.numberOfGuests} onChange={this.handleInputChange}/> </label> </form> ); } }
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Note how we used the ES6 computed property name syntax to update the state key corresponding to the given input name:
this.setState({ [name]: value});
It is equivalent to this ES5 code:
var partialState ={}; partialState[name]= value;this.setState(partialState);
Also, since
automatically merges a partial state into the current state, we only needed to call it with the changed parts.
Controlled Input Null Value
Specifying the
prop on a controlled component prevents the user from changing the input unless you desire so. If you’ve specified a
but the input is still editable, you may have accidentally set
The following code demonstrates this. (The input is locked at first but becomes editable after a short delay.)
It can sometimes be tedious to use controlled components, because you need to write an event handler for every way your data can change and pipe all of the input state through a React component. This can become particularly annoying when you are converting a preexisting codebase to React, or integrating a React application with a non-React library. In these situations, you might want to check out uncontrolled components, an alternative technique for implementing input forms.
Fully-Fledged Solutions
If you’re looking for a complete solution including validation, keeping track of the visited fields, and handling form submission, Formik is one of the popular choices. However, it is built on the same principles of controlled components and managing state — so don’t neglect to learn them.
Often, several components need to reflect the same changing data. We recommend lifting the shared state up to their closest common ancestor. Let’s see how this works in action.
In this section, we will create a temperature calculator that calculates whether the water would boil at a given temperature.
We will start with a component called
. It accepts the
temperature as a prop, and prints whether it is enough to boil the water:
functionBoilingVerdict(props){ if(props.celsius >=100){ return<p>The water would boil.</p>;} return<p>The water would not boil.</p>;}
Next, we will create a component called
. It renders an
that lets you enter the temperature, and keeps its value in
Additionally, it renders the
for the current input value.
render(){ const temperature =this.state.temperature;return( <fieldset> <legend>Enter temperature in Celsius:</legend> <inputvalue={temperature}onChange={this.handleChange}/><BoilingVerdictcelsius={parseFloat(temperature)}/></fieldset> ); } }
We have two inputs now, but when you enter the temperature in one of them, the other doesn’t update. This contradicts our requirement: we want to keep them in sync.
We also can’t display the
. The
doesn’t know the current temperature because it is hidden inside the
Writing Conversion Functions
First, we will write two functions to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit and back:
These two functions convert numbers. We will write another function that takes a string
and a converter function as arguments and returns a string. We will use it to calculate the value of one input based on the other input.
It returns an empty string on an invalid
, and it keeps the output rounded to the third decimal place:
render(){ const temperature =this.state.temperature;// ...
However, we want these two inputs to be in sync with each other. When we update the Celsius input, the Fahrenheit input should reflect the converted temperature, and vice versa.
In React, sharing state is accomplished by moving it up to the closest common ancestor of the components that need it. This is called “lifting state up”. We will remove the local state from the
and move it into the
If the
owns the shared state, it becomes the “source of truth” for the current temperature in both inputs. It can instruct them both to have values that are consistent with each other. Since the props of both
components are coming from the same parent
component, the two inputs will always be in sync.
Let’s see how this works step by step.
First, we will replace
in the
component. For now, let’s pretend
already exists, although we will need to pass it from the
in the future:
render(){ // Before: const temperature = this.state.temperature; const temperature =this.props.temperature;// ...
We know that props are read-only. When the
was in the local state, the
could just call
to change it. However, now that the
is coming from the parent as a prop, the
has no control over it.
In React, this is usually solved by making a component “controlled”. Just like the DOM
accepts both a
and an
prop, so can the custom
accept both
props from its parent
Now, when the
wants to update its temperature, it calls
There is no special meaning to either
prop names in custom components. We could have called them anything else, like name them
which is a common convention.
prop will be provided together with the
prop by the parent
component. It will handle the change by modifying its own local state, thus re-rendering both inputs with the new values. We will look at the new
implementation very soon.
Before diving into the changes in the
, let’s recap our changes to the
component. We have removed the local state from it, and instead of reading
, we now read
. Instead of calling
when we want to make a change, we now call
, which will be provided by the
render(){ const temperature =this.props.temperature;const scale =this.props.scale; return( <fieldset> <legend>Enter temperature in {scaleNames[scale]}:</legend> <inputvalue={temperature} onChange={this.handleChange}/> </fieldset> ); } }
Now let’s turn to the
We will store the current input’s
in its local state. This is the state we “lifted up” from the inputs, and it will serve as the “source of truth” for both of them. It is the minimal representation of all the data we need to know in order to render both inputs.
For example, if we enter 37 into the Celsius input, the state of the
component will be:
{ temperature:'37', scale:'c' }
If we later edit the Fahrenheit field to be 212, the state of the
will be:
{ temperature:'212', scale:'f' }
We could have stored the value of both inputs but it turns out to be unnecessary. It is enough to store the value of the most recently changed input, and the scale that it represents. We can then infer the value of the other input based on the current
The inputs stay in sync because their values are computed from the same state:
Now, no matter which input you edit,
in the
get updated. One of the inputs gets the value as is, so any user input is preserved, and the other input value is always recalculated based on it.
Let’s recap what happens when you edit an input:
React calls the function specified as
on the DOM
. In our case, this is the
method in the
method in the
component calls
with the new desired value. Its props, including
, were provided by its parent component, the
When it previously rendered, the
had specified that
of the Celsius
is the
method, and
of the Fahrenheit
is the
method. So either of these two
methods gets called depending on which input we edited.
Inside these methods, the
component asks React to re-render itself by calling
with the new input value and the current scale of the input we just edited.
React calls the
method to learn what the UI should look like. The values of both inputs are recomputed based on the current temperature and the active scale. The temperature conversion is performed here.
React calls the
methods of the individual
components with their new props specified by the
. It learns what their UI should look like.
React calls the
method of the
component, passing the temperature in Celsius as its props.
React DOM updates the DOM with the boiling verdict and to match the desired input values. The input we just edited receives its current value, and the other input is updated to the temperature after conversion.
Every update goes through the same steps so the inputs stay in sync.
Lessons Learned
There should be a single “source of truth” for any data that changes in a React application. Usually, the state is first added to the component that needs it for rendering. Then, if other components also need it, you can lift it up to their closest common ancestor. Instead of trying to sync the state between different components, you should rely on the top-down data flow.
Lifting state involves writing more “boilerplate” code than two-way binding approaches, but as a benefit, it takes less work to find and isolate bugs. Since any state “lives” in some component and that component alone can change it, the surface area for bugs is greatly reduced. Additionally, you can implement any custom logic to reject or transform user input.
If something can be derived from either props or state, it probably shouldn’t be in the state. For example, instead of storing both
, we store just the last edited
and its
. The value of the other input can always be calculated from them in the
method. This lets us clear or apply rounding to the other field without losing any precision in the user input.
When you see something wrong in the UI, you can use React Developer Tools to inspect the props and move up the tree until you find the component responsible for updating the state. This lets you trace the bugs to their source:
React has a powerful composition model, and we recommend using composition instead of inheritance to reuse code between components.
In this section, we will consider a few problems where developers new to React often reach for inheritance, and show how we can solve them with composition.
Some components don’t know their children ahead of time. This is especially common for components like
that represent generic “boxes”.
We recommend that such components use the special
prop to pass children elements directly into their output:
This lets other components pass arbitrary children to them by nesting the JSX:
functionWelcomeDialog(){ return( <FancyBordercolor="blue"> <h1className="Dialog-title"> Welcome</h1><pclassName="Dialog-message"> Thank you for visiting our spacecraft!</p></FancyBorder> ); }
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Anything inside the
JSX tag gets passed into the
component as a
prop. Since
inside a
, the passed elements appear in the final output.
While this is less common, sometimes you might need multiple “holes” in a component. In such cases you may come up with your own convention instead of using
React elements like
<Contacts />
<Chat />
are just objects, so you can pass them as props like any other data. This approach may remind you of “slots” in other libraries but there are no limitations on what you can pass as props in React.
Sometimes we think about components as being “special cases” of other components. For example, we might say that a
is a special case of
In React, this is also achieved by composition, where a more “specific” component renders a more “generic” one and configures it with props:
render(){ return( <Dialogtitle="Mars Exploration Program" message="How should we refer to you?"> <inputvalue={this.state.login}onChange={this.handleChange}/><buttononClick={this.handleSignUp}> Sign Me Up!</button></Dialog> ); }
At Facebook, we use React in thousands of components, and we haven’t found any use cases where we would recommend creating component inheritance hierarchies.
Props and composition give you all the flexibility you need to customize a component’s look and behavior in an explicit and safe way. Remember that components may accept arbitrary props, including primitive values, React elements, or functions.
If you want to reuse non-UI functionality between components, we suggest extracting it into a separate JavaScript module. The components may import it and use that function, object, or class, without extending it.
React is, in our opinion, the premier way to build big, fast Web apps with JavaScript. It has scaled very well for us at Facebook and Instagram.
One of the many great parts of React is how it makes you think about apps as you build them. In this document, we’ll walk you through the thought process of building a searchable product data table using React.
The first thing you’ll want to do is to draw boxes around every component (and subcomponent) in the mock and give them all names. If you’re working with a designer, they may have already done this, so go talk to them! Their Photoshop layer names may end up being the names of your React components!
But how do you know what should be its own component? Use the same techniques for deciding if you should create a new function or object. One such technique is the single responsibility principle, that is, a component should ideally only do one thing. If it ends up growing, it should be decomposed into smaller subcomponents.
Since you’re often displaying a JSON data model to a user, you’ll find that if your model was built correctly, your UI (and therefore your component structure) will map nicely. That’s because UI and data models tend to adhere to the same
information architecture
. Separate your UI into components, where each component matches one piece of your data model.
You’ll see here that we have five components in our app. We’ve italicized the data each component represents. The numbers in the image correspond to the numbers below.
contains the entirety of the example
receives all
user input
displays and filters the
data collection
based on
user input
displays a heading for each
displays a row for each
If you look at
, you’ll see that the table header (containing the “Name” and “Price” labels) isn’t its own component. This is a matter of preference, and there’s an argument to be made either way. For this example, we left it as part of
because it is part of rendering the
data collection
which is
’s responsibility. However, if this header grows to be complex (e.g., if we were to add affordances for sorting), it would certainly make sense to make this its own
Now that we’ve identified the components in our mock, let’s arrange them into a hierarchy. Components that appear within another component in the mock should appear as a child in the hierarchy:
Step 2: Build A Static Version in React
See the Pen Thinking In React: Step 2 on CodePen.
Now that you have your component hierarchy, it’s time to implement your app. The easiest way is to build a version that takes your data model and renders the UI but has no interactivity. It’s best to decouple these processes because building a static version requires a lot of typing and no thinking, and adding interactivity requires a lot of thinking and not a lot of typing. We’ll see why.
To build a static version of your app that renders your data model, you’ll want to build components that reuse other components and pass data using
are a way of passing data from parent to child. If you’re familiar with the concept of
don’t use state at all
to build this static version. State is reserved only for interactivity, that is, data that changes over time. Since this is a static version of the app, you don’t need it.
You can build top-down or bottom-up. That is, you can either start with building the components higher up in the hierarchy (i.e. starting with
) or with the ones lower in it (
). In simpler examples, it’s usually easier to go top-down, and on larger projects, it’s easier to go bottom-up and write tests as you build.
At the end of this step, you’ll have a library of reusable components that render your data model. The components will only have
methods since this is a static version of your app. The component at the top of the hierarchy (
) will take your data model as a prop. If you make a change to your underlying data model and call
again, the UI will be updated. You can see how your UI is updated and where to make changes. React’s
one-way data flow
(also called
one-way binding
) keeps everything modular and fast.
Refer to the React docs if you need help executing this step.
A Brief Interlude: Props vs State
There are two types of “model” data in React: props and state. It’s important to understand the distinction between the two; skim the official React docs if you aren’t sure what the difference is. See also FAQ: What is the difference between state and props?
Step 3: Identify The Minimal (but complete) Representation Of UI State
To make your UI interactive, you need to be able to trigger changes to your underlying data model. React achieves this with
To build your app correctly, you first need to think of the minimal set of mutable state that your app needs. The key here is DRY:
Don’t Repeat Yourself
. Figure out the absolute minimal representation of the state your application needs and compute everything else you need on-demand. For example, if you’re building a TODO list, keep an array of the TODO items around; don’t keep a separate state variable for the count. Instead, when you want to render the TODO count, take the length of the TODO items array.
Think of all the pieces of data in our example application. We have:
The original list of products
The search text the user has entered
The value of the checkbox
The filtered list of products
Let’s go through each one and figure out which one is state. Ask three questions about each piece of data:
Is it passed in from a parent via props? If so, it probably isn’t state.
Does it remain unchanged over time? If so, it probably isn’t state.
Can you compute it based on any other state or props in your component? If so, it isn’t state.
The original list of products is passed in as props, so that’s not state. The search text and the checkbox seem to be state since they change over time and can’t be computed from anything. And finally, the filtered list of products isn’t state because it can be computed by combining the original list of products with the search text and value of the checkbox.
So finally, our state is:
The search text the user has entered
The value of the checkbox
Step 4: Identify Where Your State Should Live
See the Pen Thinking In React: Step 4 on CodePen.
OK, so we’ve identified what the minimal set of app state is. Next, we need to identify which component mutates, or
, this state.
Remember: React is all about one-way data flow down the component hierarchy. It may not be immediately clear which component should own what state.
This is often the most challenging part for newcomers to understand,
so follow these steps to figure it out:
For each piece of state in your application:
Identify every component that renders something based on that state.
Find a common owner component (a single component above all the components that need the state in the hierarchy).
Either the common owner or another component higher up in the hierarchy should own the state.
If you can’t find a component where it makes sense to own the state, create a new component solely for holding the state and add it somewhere in the hierarchy above the common owner component.
Let’s run through this strategy for our application:
needs to filter the product list based on state and
needs to display the search text and checked state.
The common owner component is
It conceptually makes sense for the filter text and checked value to live in
Cool, so we’ve decided that our state lives in
. First, add an instance property
this.state = {filterText: '', inStockOnly: false}
to reflect the initial state of your application. Then, pass
as a prop. Finally, use these props to filter the rows in
and set the values of the form fields in
You can start seeing how your application will behave: set
and refresh your app. You’ll see that the data table is updated correctly.
Step 5: Add Inverse Data Flow
See the Pen Thinking In React: Step 5 on CodePen.
So far, we’ve built an app that renders correctly as a function of props and state flowing down the hierarchy. Now it’s time to support data flowing the other way: the form components deep in the hierarchy need to update the state in
React makes this data flow explicit to help you understand how your program works, but it does require a little more typing than traditional two-way data binding.
If you try to type or check the box in the previous version of the example (step 4), you’ll see that React ignores your input. This is intentional, as we’ve set the
prop of the
to always be equal to the
passed in from
Let’s think about what we want to happen. We want to make sure that whenever the user changes the form, we update the state to reflect the user input. Since components should only update their own state,
will pass callbacks to
that will fire whenever the state should be updated. We can use the
event on the inputs to be notified of it. The callbacks passed by
will call
, and the app will be updated.
And That’s It
Hopefully, this gives you an idea of how to think about building components and applications with React. While it may be a little more typing than you’re used to, remember that code is read far more often than it’s written, and it’s less difficult to read this modular, explicit code. As you start to build large libraries of components, you’ll appreciate this explicitness and modularity, and with code reuse, your lines of code will start to shrink. :)