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PHP / APCUIterator (class) — DevDocs

The APCUIterator class


(PECL apcu >= 5.0.0)

The APCUIterator class makes it easier to iterate over large APCu caches. This is helpful as it allows iterating over large caches in steps, while grabbing a defined number of entries per lock instance, so it frees the cache locks for other activities rather than hold up the entire cache to grab 100 (the default) entries. Also, using regular expression matching is more efficient as it's been moved to the C level.

Class synopsis

class APCUIterator implements Iterator {
/* Methods */
public __construct (
array | string | null $search = null ,
int $format = APC_ITER_ALL ,
int $chunk_size = 100 ,
int $list = APC_LIST_ACTIVE
public current(): mixed
public getTotalCount(): int
public getTotalHits(): int
public getTotalSize(): int
public key(): string
public next(): bool
public rewind(): void
public valid(): bool

Table of Contents

  • APCUIterator::__construct — Constructs an APCUIterator iterator object
  • APCUIterator::current — Get current item
  • APCUIterator::getTotalCount — Get total count
  • APCUIterator::getTotalHits — Get total cache hits
  • APCUIterator::getTotalSize — Get total cache size
  • APCUIterator::key — Get iterator key
  • APCUIterator::next — Move pointer to next item
  • APCUIterator::rewind — Rewinds iterator
  • APCUIterator::valid — Checks if current position is valid
PHP / APCUIterator::__construct — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 5.0.0)

APCUIterator::__construct Constructs an APCUIterator iterator object


public APCUIterator::__construct (
array | string | null $search = null ,
int $format = APC_ITER_ALL ,
int $chunk_size = 100 ,
int $list = APC_LIST_ACTIVE

Constructs an APCUIterator object .



Either a PCRE regular expression that matches against APCu key names, given as a string . Or an array of string s with APCu key names. Or, optionally null to skip the search.


The desired format, as configured with one or more of the APC_ITER_* constants.


The chunk size. Must be a value greater than 0. The default value is 100.


The type to list. Either pass in APC_LIST_ACTIVE or APC_LIST_DELETED .


Example #1 A APCUIterator::__construct() example

foreach (new APCUIterator('/^counter\./') as $counter) {
    echo "$counter[key]: $counter[value]\n";
    apc_dec($counter['key'], $counter['value']);

See Also

  • apcu_exists() - Checks if entry exists
  • apcu_cache_info() - Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store
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PHP / APCUIterator::current — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 5.0.0)

APCUIterator::current Get current item


public APCUIterator::current(): mixed

Gets the current item from the APCUIterator stack.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns the current item on success, or false if no more items or exist, or on failure.

See Also

  • APCUIterator::next() - Move pointer to next item
  • Iterator::current() - Return the current element
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PHP / APCUIterator::getTotalCount — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 5.0.0)

APCUIterator::getTotalCount Get total count


public APCUIterator::getTotalCount(): int

Get the total count.


This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

The total count.

See Also

  • APCUIterator::getTotalHits() - Get total cache hits
  • APCUIterator::getTotalSize() - Get total cache size
  • apcu_cache_info() - Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store
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PHP / APCUIterator::getTotalHits — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 5.0.0)

APCUIterator::getTotalHits Get total cache hits


public APCUIterator::getTotalHits(): int

Gets the total number of cache hits.


This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

The number of hits on success, or false on failure.

See Also

  • APCUIterator::getTotalCount() - Get total count
  • APCUIterator::getTotalSize() - Get total cache size
  • apcu_cache_info() - Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store
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PHP / APCUIterator::getTotalSize — DevDocs


(PECL apcu >= 5.0.0)

APCUIterator::getTotalSize Get total cache size


public APCUIterator::getTotalSize(): int

Gets the total cache size.


This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

The total cache size.

See Also

  • APCUIterator::getTotalCount() - Get total count
  • APCUIterator::getTotalHits() - Get total cache hits
  • apc_cache_info()
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