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Using certmanager-issuer for CertManager Issuer creation | GitLab

  • Configuration
  • Installation parameters

Using certmanager-issuer for CertManager Issuer creation

This chart is a helper for Jetstack’s CertManager Helm chart.
It automatically provisions an Issuer object, used by CertManager when requesting TLS certificates for
GitLab Ingresses.


We describe all the major sections of the configuration below. When configuring
from the parent chart, these values are:

# Configure an ACME Issuer in cert-manager. Only used if global.ingress.configureCertmanager is true.
server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory

# Provide an email to associate with your TLS certificates
# email:

create: true

cpu: 50m

# Priority class assigned to pods
priorityClassName: ""

labels: {}

Installation parameters

This table contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied
to the helm install command using the --set flags:

Parameter Default Description
server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory Let’s Encrypt server for use with the ACME CertManager Issuer.
email You must provide an email to associate with your TLS certificates. Let’s Encrypt uses this address to contact you about expiring certificates, and issues related to your account.
rbac.create true When true , creates RBAC-related resources to allow for manipulation of CertManager Issuer objects.
resources.requests.cpu 50m Requested CPU resources for the Issuer creation Job.
common.labels Common labels to apply to the ServiceAccount, Job, ConfigMap, and Issuer.
Priority class assigned to pods.
Using the GitLab-Gitaly chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Design Choices

  • Configuration

    • Installation command line options

  • Chart configuration examples

    • extraEnv
    • extraEnvFrom
    • image.pullSecrets
    • tolerations
    • annotations
    • priorityClassName
    • git.config
    • Altering security contexts

  • External Services

    • Workhorse

  • Chart settings

    • Git Repository Persistence
    • Running Gitaly over TLS
    • Global server hooks

Using the GitLab-Gitaly chart

The gitaly sub-chart provides a configurable deployment of Gitaly Servers.


This chart depends on access to the Workhorse service, either as part of the
complete GitLab chart or provided as an external service reachable from the Kubernetes
cluster this chart is deployed onto.

Design Choices

The Gitaly container used in this chart also contains the GitLab Shell codebase in
order to perform the actions on the Git repositories that have not yet been ported into Gitaly.
The Gitaly container includes a copy of the GitLab Shell container within it, and
as a result we also need to configure GitLab Shell within this chart.


The gitaly chart is configured in two parts: external services,
and chart settings.

Gitaly is by default deployed as a component when deploying the GitLab
chart. If deploying Gitaly separately, global.gitaly.enabled needs to
be set to false and additional configuration will need to be performed
as described in the external Gitaly documentation.

Installation command line options

The table below contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied to
the helm install command using the --set flags.

Parameter Default Description
annotations Pod annotations
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
podLabels Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
external[].hostname - "" hostname of external node
external[].name - "" name of external node storage
external[].port - "" port of external node
extraContainers List of extra containers to include
extraInitContainers List of extra init containers to include
extraVolumeMounts List of extra volumes mounts to do
extraVolumes List of extra volumes to create
extraEnv List of extra environment variables to expose
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
gitaly.serviceName The name of the generated Gitaly service. Overrides global.gitaly.serviceName , and defaults to <RELEASE-NAME>-gitaly
image.pullPolicy Always Gitaly image pull policy
image.pullSecrets Secrets for the image repository
image.repository registry.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitaly Gitaly image repository
image.tag master Gitaly image tag
init.image.repository initContainer image
init.image.tag initContainer image tag
internal.names[] - default Ordered names of StatefulSet storages
serviceLabels {} Supplemental service labels
service.externalPort 8075 Gitaly service exposed port
service.internalPort 8075 Gitaly internal port
service.name gitaly The name of the Service port that Gitaly is behind in the Service object.
service.type ClusterIP Gitaly service type
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy Policy for changing ownership and permission of the volume (requires Kubernetes 1.23)
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the pod should be started
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
persistence.accessMode ReadWriteOnce Gitaly persistence access mode
persistence.annotations Gitaly persistence annotations
persistence.enabled true Gitaly enable persistence flag
persistence.matchExpressions Label-expression matches to bind
persistence.matchLabels Label-value matches to bind
persistence.size 50Gi Gitaly persistence volume size
persistence.storageClass storageClassName for provisioning
persistence.subPath Gitaly persistence volume mount path
priorityClassName Gitaly StatefulSet priorityClassName
logging.level Log level
logging.format json Log format
logging.sentryDsn Sentry DSN URL - Exceptions from Go server
logging.rubySentryDsn Sentry DSN URL - Exceptions from gitaly-ruby
logging.sentryEnvironment Sentry environment to be used for logging
ruby.maxRss Gitaly-Ruby resident set size (RSS) that triggers a memory restart (bytes)
ruby.gracefulRestartTimeout Graceful period before a force restart after exceeding Max RSS
ruby.restartDelay Time that Gitaly-Ruby memory must remain high before a restart (seconds)
ruby.numWorkers Number of Gitaly-Ruby worker processes
shell.concurrency[] Concurrency of each RPC endpoint Specified using keys rpc and maxPerRepo
packObjectsCache.enabled false Enable the Gitaly pack-objects cache
packObjectsCache.dir /home/git/repositories/+gitaly/PackObjectsCache Directory where cache files get stored
packObjectsCache.max_age 5m Cache entries lifespan
git.catFileCacheSize Cache size used by Git cat-file process
git.config[] [] Git configuration that Gitaly should set when spawning Git commands
prometheus.grpcLatencyBuckets Buckets corresponding to histogram latencies on GRPC method calls to be recorded by Gitaly. A string form of the array (for example, "[1.0, 1.5, 2.0]" ) is required as input
statefulset.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the StatefulSet
statefulset.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 30 Delay before liveness probe is initiated
statefulset.livenessProbe.periodSeconds 10 How often to perform the liveness probe
statefulset.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds 3 When the liveness probe times out
statefulset.livenessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed
statefulset.livenessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the liveness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
statefulset.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 10 Delay before readiness probe is initiated
statefulset.readinessProbe.periodSeconds 10 How often to perform the readiness probe
statefulset.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds 3 When the readiness probe times out
statefulset.readinessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed
statefulset.readinessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the readiness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
metrics.enabled false If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
metrics.port 9236 Metrics endpoint port
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping, note that enabling this removes the prometheus.io scrape annotations
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor
DEPRECATED Use metrics.port

Chart configuration examples


extraEnv allows you to expose additional environment variables in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnv :

SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value

When the container is started, you can confirm that the environment variables are exposed:

env | grep SOME


extraEnvFrom allows you to expose additional environment variables from other data sources in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnvFrom :

fieldPath: spec.nodeName
containerName: test-container
resource: requests.cpu
name: special-secret
key: special_token
# optional: boolean
name: useful-config
key: some-string
# optional: boolean


pullSecrets allows you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.

Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods can be
found in the Kubernetes documentation.

Below is an example use of pullSecrets

repository: my.gitaly.repository
tag: latest
pullPolicy: Always
- name: my-secret-name
- name: my-secondary-secret-name


tolerations allow you schedule pods on tainted worker nodes

Below is an example use of tolerations :

- key: "node_label"
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoSchedule"
- key: "node_label"
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoExecute"


annotations allows you to add annotations to the Gitaly pods.

Below is an example use of annotations :

kubernetes.io/example-annotation: annotation-value


priorityClassName allows you to assign a PriorityClass
to the Gitaly pods.

Below is an example use of priorityClassName :

priorityClassName: persistence-enabled


git.config allows you to add configuration to all Git commands spawned by
Gitaly. Accepts configuration as documented in git-config(1) in key /
value pairs, as shown below.

- key: "pack.threads"
value: 4
- key: "fsck.missingSpaceBeforeDate"
value: ignore

Altering security contexts

Gitaly StatefulSet performance may suffer when repositories have large
amounts of files.
Mitigate the issue by changing or fully deleting the settings for the
securityContext .

fsGroup: ""
runAsUser: ""

The example syntax eliminates the securityContext setting entirely.
Setting securityContext: {} or securityContext: does not work due
to the way Helm merges default values with user provided configuration.

Starting from Kubernetes 1.23 you can instead set the fsGroupChangePolicy to OnRootMismatch to mitigate the issue.

fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch"

From the documentation,
this setting “could help shorten the time it takes to change ownership and permission of a volume.”

External Services

This chart should be attached the Workhorse service.


host: workhorse.example.com
serviceName: webservice
port: 8181

Name Type Default Description
host String The hostname of the Workhorse server. This can be omitted in lieu of serviceName .
port Integer 8181 The port on which to connect to the Workhorse server.
serviceName String webservice The name of the service which is operating the Workhorse server. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name ) in place of the host value. This is convenient when using Workhorse as a part of the overall GitLab chart.

Chart settings

The following values are used to configure the Gitaly Pods.

Gitaly uses an Auth Token to authenticate with the Workhorse and Sidekiq
services. The Auth Token secret and key are sourced from the global.gitaly.authToken
value. Additionally, the Gitaly container has a copy of GitLab Shell, which has some configuration
that can be set. The Shell authToken is sourced from the global.shell.authToken

Git Repository Persistence

This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClaim and mounts a corresponding persistent
volume for the Git repository data. You’ll need physical storage available in the
Kubernetes cluster for this to work. If you’d rather use emptyDir, disable PersistentVolumeClaim
with: persistence.enabled: false .

The persistence settings for Gitaly are used in a volumeClaimTemplate
that should be valid for all your Gitaly pods. You should not include settings
that are meant to reference a single specific volume (such as volumeName ). If you want
to reference a specific volume, you need to manually create the PersistentVolumeClaim.

You can’t change these through our settings once you’ve deployed. In StatefulSet
the VolumeClaimTemplate is immutable.
enabled: true
storageClass: standard
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
size: 50Gi
matchLabels: {}
matchExpressions: []
subPath: "/data"
annotations: {}

Name Type Default Description
accessMode String ReadWriteOnce Sets the accessMode requested in the PersistentVolumeClaim. See Kubernetes Access Modes Documentation for details.
enabled Boolean true Sets whether or not to use a PersistentVolumeClaims for the repository data. If false , an emptyDir volume is used.
matchExpressions Array Accepts an array of label condition objects to match against when choosing a volume to bind. This is used in the PersistentVolumeClaim selector section. See the volumes documentation.
matchLabels Map Accepts a Map of label names and label values to match against when choosing a volume to bind. This is used in the PersistentVolumeClaim selector section. See the volumes documentation.
size String 50Gi The minimum volume size to request for the data persistence.
storageClass String Sets the storageClassName on the Volume Claim for dynamic provisioning. When unset or null, the default provisioner will be used. If set to a hyphen, dynamic provisioning is disabled.
subPath String Sets the path within the volume to mount, rather than the volume root. The root is used if the subPath is empty.
annotations Map Sets the annotations on the Volume Claim for dynamic provisioning. See Kubernetes Annotations Documentation for details.

Running Gitaly over TLS

This section refers to Gitaly being run inside the cluster using
the Helm charts. If you are using an external Gitaly instance and want to use
TLS for communicating with it, refer the external Gitaly documentation

Gitaly supports communicating with other components over TLS. This is controlled
by the settings global.gitaly.tls.enabled and global.gitaly.tls.secretName .
Follow the steps to run Gitaly over TLS:

  1. The Helm chart expects a certificate to be provided for communicating over
    TLS with Gitaly. This certificate should apply to all the Gitaly nodes that
    are present. Hence all hostnames of each of these Gitaly nodes should be
    added as a Subject Alternate Name (SAN) to the certificate.

    To know the hostnames to use, check the file /srv/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml
    file in the Toolbox pod and check the various
    gitaly_address fields specified under repositories.storages key within it.

    kubectl exec -it <Toolbox pod> -- grep gitaly_address /srv/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml

A basic script for generating custom signed certificates for
internal Gitaly pods can be found in this repository.
Users can use or refer that script to generate certificates with proper
SAN attributes.

  1. Create a k8s TLS secret using the certificate created.

    kubectl create secret tls gitaly-server-tls --cert=gitaly.crt --key=gitaly.key

  2. Redeploy the Helm chart by passing --set global.gitaly.tls.enabled=true .

Global server hooks

The Gitaly StatefulSet has support for Global server hooks. The hook scripts run on the Gitaly pod, and are therefore limited to the tools available in the Gitaly container.

The hooks are populated using ConfigMaps, and can be used by setting the following values as appropriate:

  1. global.gitaly.hooks.preReceive.configmap
  2. global.gitaly.hooks.postReceive.configmap
  3. global.gitaly.hooks.update.configmap

To populate the ConfigMap, you can point kubectl to a directory of scripts:

kubectl create configmap MAP_NAME --from-file /PATH/TO/SCRIPT/DIR
Read article
Using the GitLab-Exporter chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Configuration
  • Installation command line options

  • Chart configuration examples

    • image.pullSecrets
    • extraEnv
    • extraEnvFrom
    • annotations
  • Global settings

  • Chart settings

    • metrics.enabled

Using the GitLab-Exporter chart

The gitlab-exporter sub-chart provides Prometheus metrics for GitLab
application-specific data. It talks to PostgreSQL directly to perform
queries to retrieve data for CI builds, pull mirrors, etc. In addition,
it uses the Sidekiq API, which talks to Redis to gather different
metrics around the state of the Sidekiq queues (e.g. number of jobs).


This chart depends on Redis and PostgreSQL services, either as part of
the complete GitLab chart or provided as external services reachable
from the Kubernetes cluster on which this chart is deployed.


The gitlab-exporter chart is configured as follows:
Global settings and Chart settings.

Installation command line options

The table below contains all the possible chart configurations that can be supplied
to the helm install command using the --set flags.

Parameter Default Description
annotations Pod annotations
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
podLabels Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
deployment.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment
enabled true GitLab Exporter enabled flag
extraContainers List of extra containers to include
extraInitContainers List of extra init containers to include
extraVolumeMounts List of extra volumes mounts to do
extraVolumes List of extra volumes to create
extraEnv List of extra environment variables to expose
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent GitLab image pull policy
image.pullSecrets Secrets for the image repository
image.repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-exporter GitLab Exporter image repository
image.tag image tag
init.image.repository initContainer image
init.image.tag initContainer image tag
metrics.enabled true If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
metrics.port 9168 Metrics endpoint port
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping, note that enabling this removes the prometheus.io scrape annotations
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor
DEPRECATED Set explicit metrics annotations. Replaced by template content.
Priority class assigned to pods.
resources.requests.cpu 75m GitLab Exporter minimum CPU
resources.requests.memory 100M GitLab Exporter minimum memory
serviceLabels {} Supplemental service labels
service.externalPort 9168 GitLab Exporter exposed port
service.internalPort 9168 GitLab Exporter internal port
service.name gitlab-exporter GitLab Exporter service name
service.type ClusterIP GitLab Exporter service type
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the pod should be started
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
psql.port Set PostgreSQL server port. Takes precedence over global.psql.port

Chart configuration examples



extraEnv allows you to expose additional environment variables in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnv :

SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value

When the container is started, you can confirm that the environment variables are exposed:

env | grep SOME


extraEnvFrom allows you to expose additional environment variables from other data sources in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnvFrom :

fieldPath: spec.nodeName
containerName: test-container
resource: requests.cpu
name: special-secret
key: special_token
# optional: boolean
name: useful-config
key: some-string
# optional: boolean

pullSecrets allows you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.

Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods can be
found in the Kubernetes documentation.

Below is an example use of pullSecrets :

repository: my.image.repository
pullPolicy: Always
- name: my-secret-name
- name: my-secondary-secret-name


annotations allows you to add annotations to the GitLab Exporter pods. For example:

kubernetes.io/example-annotation: annotation-value

Global settings

We share some common global settings among our charts. See the Globals Documentation
for common configuration options, such as GitLab and Registry hostnames.

Chart settings

The following values are used to configure the GitLab Exporter pod.


By default, the pod exposes a metrics endpoint at /metrics . When
metrics are enabled, annotations are added to each pod allowing a
Prometheus server to discover and scrape the exposed metrics.

Read article
Using the GitLab-Grafana chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Design Choices
  • Configuration
  • Installation command line options
  • Dashboard Support
  • Datasource support

Using the GitLab-Grafana chart

The gitlab-grafana subchart adapts the grafana/grafana
chart to operate correctly with the same level of configuration as the Omnibus
GitLab install. In addition, the installation of Grafana allows additional
dashboards to be installed by the end user and be incorporated with the
GitLab supplied dashboards.


This chart depends on the grafana/grafana chart which is usually installed
by the GitLab meta chart. In addition, Kubernetes Ingress support is
needed to properly route the Grafana requests using the /-/grafana path.

Design Choices

Because of Helm limitations it is not possible to configure the Grafana
chart with knowledge of a dynamic name for the initial password Secret.
As a result a statically named Secret is created to contain the initial
password. This Secret is named gitlab-grafana-initial-password .

The same issue exists for the ConfigMap that contains the script that
is used to inject the initial password into the Grafana container. That
ConfigMap is named gitlab-grafana-import-secret .

Both the initial password Secret and the import script ConfigMap are
mounted into the Grafana container (Script in /tmp/initial and Configmap in /tmp/scripts ).
The container command line is augmented to use both
of these objects to securely expose the initial password to the
Grafana server. Modification of the container command line will
generally prevent the initial password from being injected into the
Grafana server environment.


There are no required settings, it should work out of the box if you deploy
all of the charts together. The administrator credentials are created by
the shared-secrets Job and the administrator username is set to root .
Password for Grafana’s root user can be extracted by the following command:

kubectl get secret gitlab-grafana-initial-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode ; echo

Installation command line options

Parameter Default Description
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
ingress.apiVersion Value to use in the apiVersion field.
ingress.tls {} Hash of Ingress TLS settings if GitLab cert manager is not installed
ingress.annotations {} Additional annotations to add to Grafana Ingress resource

Dashboard Support

Grafana dashboards are automatically discovered from the ConfigMaps in
the deployed namespace. If a ConfigMap has been created with the
gitlab_grafana_dashboard label set to true , then the JSON encoded
dashboard in the ConfigMap will be imported into Grafana. This import happens
once (when Grafana is restarted) and any changes to the dashboard will not be
written back to the ConfigMap.

There are currently no dashboards created when the chart is installed. Any
user created dashboards can be imported by creating a ConfigMap using the
gitlab_grafana_dashboard label and managing the ConfigMap themselves.

Datasource support

Datasources may be created in the same manner as the dashboards by adding
the gitlab_grafana_datasource label. This chart will add a ConfigMap
to direct Grafana to use the embedded Prometheus metrics.

Read article
Using the GitLab Pages chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Configuration
  • Global Settings

  • Chart settings

    • General settings
    • Pages specific settings
    • Configuring the ingress

  • Chart configuration examples

    • extraVolumes
    • extraVolumeMounts
    • Configuring the networkpolicy
    • Example Network Policy
    • TLS access to GitLab Pages

Using the GitLab Pages chart

The gitlab-pages subchart provides a daemon for serving static websites from
GitLab projects.


This chart depends on access to the Workhorse services, either as part of the
complete GitLab chart or provided as an external service reachable from the Kubernetes
cluster this chart is deployed onto.


The gitlab-pages chart is configured as follows:
Global settings and Chart settings.

Global Settings

We share some common global settings among our charts. See the
Globals Documentation for details.

Chart settings

The tables in following two sections contains all the possible chart
configurations that can be supplied to the helm install command using the
--set flags.

General settings

Parameter Default Description
annotations Pod annotations
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
deployment.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy used by the deployment. When not provided, the cluster default is used.
extraEnv List of extra environment variables to expose
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data source to expose
hpa.behavior {scaleDown: {stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 }} Behavior contains the specifications for up- and downscaling behavior (requires autoscaling/v2beta2 or higher)
hpa.customMetrics [] Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization )
hpa.cpu.targetType AverageValue Set the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue 100m Set the autoscaling CPU target value
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling CPU target utilization
hpa.memory.targetType Set the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue Set the autoscaling memory target value
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling memory target utilization
hpa.minReplicas 1 Minimum number of replicas
hpa.maxReplicas 10 Maximum number of replicas
DEPRECATED Set the autoscaling CPU target value
image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent GitLab image pull policy
image.pullSecrets Secrets for the image repository
image.repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-exporter GitLab Exporter image repository
image.tag image tag
init.image.repository initContainer image
init.image.tag initContainer image tag
metrics.enabled true If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
metrics.port 9235 Metrics endpoint port
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping, note that enabling this removes the prometheus.io scrape annotations
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor
DEPRECATED Set explicit metrics annotations. Replaced by template content.
metrics.tls.enabled false TLS enabled for the metrics endpoint
metrics.tls.secretName {Release.Name}-pages-metrics-tls Secret for the metrics endpoint TLS cert and key
podLabels Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
resources.requests.cpu 75m GitLab Pages minimum CPU
resources.requests.memory 100M GitLab Pages minimum memory
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the pod should be started
service.externalPort 8090 GitLab Pages exposed port
service.internalPort 8090 GitLab Pages internal port
service.name gitlab-pages GitLab Pages service name
service.customDomains.type LoadBalancer Type of service created for handling custom domains
service.customDomains.internalHttpsPort 8091 Port where Pages daemon listens for HTTPS requests
service.customDomains.internalHttpsPort 8091 Port where Pages daemon listens for HTTPS requests
service.customDomains.nodePort.http Node Port to be opened for HTTP connections. Valid only if service.customDomains.type is NodePort
service.customDomains.nodePort.https Node Port to be opened for HTTPS connections. Valid only if service.customDomains.type is NodePort
service.sessionAffinity None Type of the session affinity. Must be either ClientIP or None (this only makes sense for traffic originating from within the cluster)
service.sessionAffinityConfig Session affinity config. If service.sessionAffinity == ClientIP the default session sticky time is 3 hours (10800)
serviceLabels {} Supplemental service labels
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment

Pages specific settings

Parameter Default Description
artifactsServerTimeout 10 Timeout (in seconds) for a proxied request to the artifacts server
artifactsServerUrl API URL to proxy artifact requests to
extraVolumeMounts List of extra volumes mounts to add
extraVolumes List of extra volumes to create
gitlabCache.cleanup int See: Pages Global Settings
gitlabCache.expiry int See: Pages Global Settings
gitlabCache.refresh int See: Pages Global Settings
gitlabClientHttpTimeout GitLab API HTTP client connection timeout in seconds
gitlabClientJwtExpiry JWT Token expiry time in seconds
gitlabRetrieval.interval int See: Pages Global Settings
gitlabRetrieval.retries int See: Pages Global Settings
gitlabRetrieval.timeout int See: Pages Global Settings
gitlabServer GitLab server FQDN
headers [] Specify any additional http headers that should be sent to the client with each response. Multiple headers can be given as an array, header and value as one string, for example ['my-header: myvalue', 'my-other-header: my-other-value']
insecureCiphers false Use default list of cipher suites, may contain insecure ones like 3DES and RC4
internalGitlabServer Internal GitLab server used for API requests
logFormat json Log output format
logVerbose false Verbose logging
maxConnections Limit on the number of concurrent connections to the HTTP, HTTPS or proxy listeners
maxURILength Limit the length of URI, 0 for unlimited.
propagateCorrelationId Reuse existing Correlation-ID from the incoming request header X-Request-ID if present
redirectHttp false Redirect pages from HTTP to HTTPS
sentry.enabled false Enable Sentry reporting
sentry.dsn The address for sending Sentry crash reporting to
sentry.environment The environment for Sentry crash reporting
serverShutdowntimeout 30s GitLab Pages server shutdown timeout in seconds
statusUri The URL path for a status page
tls.minVersion Specifies the minimum SSL/TLS version
tls.maxVersion Specifies the maximum SSL/TLS version
useHTTPProxy false Use this option when GitLab Pages is behind a Reverse Proxy.
useProxyV2 false Force HTTPS request to utilize the PROXYv2 protocol.
zipCache.cleanup int See: Zip Serving and Cache Configuration
zipCache.expiration int See: Zip Serving and Cache Configuration
zipCache.refresh int See: Zip Serving and Cache Configuration
zipOpenTimeout int See: Zip Serving and Cache Configuration
zipHTTPClientTimeout int See: Zip Serving and Cache Configuration
rateLimitSourceIP See: GitLab Pages rate-limits. To enable rate-limiting use extraEnv=["FF_ENFORCE_IP_RATE_LIMITS=true"]
rateLimitSourceIPBurst See: GitLab Pages rate-limits
rateLimitDomain See: GitLab Pages rate-limits. To enable rate-limiting use extraEnv=["FF_ENFORCE_DOMAIN_RATE_LIMITS=true"]
rateLimitDomainBurst See: GitLab Pages rate-limits
rateLimitTLSSourceIP See: GitLab Pages rate-limits. To enable rate-limiting use extraEnv=["FF_ENFORCE_IP_TLS_RATE_LIMITS=true"]
rateLimitTLSSourceIPBurst See: GitLab Pages rate-limits
rateLimitTLSDomain See: GitLab Pages rate-limits. To enable rate-limiting use extraEnv=["FF_ENFORCE_DOMAIN_TLS_RATE_LIMITS=true"]
rateLimitTLSDomainBurst See: GitLab Pages rate-limits
serverReadTimeout 5s See: GitLab Pages global settings
serverReadHeaderTimeout 1s See: GitLab Pages global settings
serverWriteTimeout 5m See: GitLab Pages global settings
serverKeepAlive 15s See: GitLab Pages global settings
authCookieSessionTimeout 10m See: GitLab Pages global settings

Configuring the ingress

This section controls the GitLab Pages Ingress.

Name Type Default Description
apiVersion String Value to use in the apiVersion field.
annotations String This field is an exact match to the standard annotations for Kubernetes Ingress.
configureCertmanager Boolean false Toggles Ingress annotation cert-manager.io/issuer . The acquisition of a TLS certificate for GitLab Pages via cert-manager is disabled because a wildcard certificate acquisition requires a cert-manager Issuer with a DNS01 solver, and the Issuer deployed by this chart only provides a HTTP01 solver. For more information see the TLS requirement for GitLab Pages.
enabled Boolean Setting that controls whether to create Ingress objects for services that support them. When not set, the global.ingress.enabled setting is used.
tls.enabled Boolean When set to false , you disable TLS for the Pages subchart. This is mainly useful for cases in which you cannot use TLS termination at ingress-level , like when you have a TLS-terminating proxy before the Ingress Controller.
tls.secretName String The name of the Kubernetes TLS Secret that contains a valid certificate and key for the pages URL. When not set, the global.ingress.tls.secretName is used instead. Defaults to not being set.

Chart configuration examples


extraVolumes allows you to configure extra volumes chart-wide.

Below is an example use of extraVolumes :

extraVolumes: |
- name: example-volume
claimName: example-pvc


extraVolumeMounts allows you to configure extra volumeMounts on all containers chart-wide.

Below is an example use of extraVolumeMounts :

extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: example-volume
mountPath: /etc/example

Configuring the networkpolicy

This section controls the
This configuration is optional and is used to limit Egress and Ingress of the
Pods to specific endpoints.

Name Type Default Description
enabled Boolean false This setting enables the NetworkPolicy
ingress.enabled Boolean false When set to true , the Ingress network policy will be activated. This will block all Ingress connections unless rules are specified.
ingress.rules Array [] Rules for the Ingress policy, for details see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/#the-networkpolicy-resource and the example below
egress.enabled Boolean false When set to true , the Egress network policy will be activated. This will block all egress connections unless rules are specified.
egress.rules Array [] Rules for the egress policy, these for details see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/#the-networkpolicy-resource and the example below

Example Network Policy

The gitlab-pages service requires Ingress connections for port 80 and 443 and
Egress connections to various to default workhorse port 8181. This examples adds
the following network policy:

  • All Ingress requests from the network on TCP port 80 and 443 are allowed
  • All Egress requests to the network on UDP port 53 are allowed for DNS
  • All Egress requests to the network on TCP port 8181 are allowed for Workhorse

Note the example provided is only an example and may not be complete

enabled: true
enabled: true
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
- port: 443
protocol: TCP
enabled: true
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 8181
protocol: TCP
- port: 53
protocol: UDP

TLS access to GitLab Pages

To have TLS access to the GitLab Pages feature you must:

  1. Create a dedicated wildcard certificate for your GitLab Pages domain in this format:
    *.pages.<yourdomain> .

  2. Create the secret in Kubernetes:

    kubectl create secret tls tls-star-pages-<mysecret> --cert=<path/to/fullchain.pem> --key=<path/to/privkey.pem>

  3. Configure GitLab Pages to use this secret:

    secretName: tls-star-pages-<mysecret>

  4. Create a DNS entry in your DNS provider with the name *.pages.<yourdomaindomain>
    pointing to your LoadBalancer.

Read article
Using the GitLab Runner chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Configuration
  • Deploying a stand-alone runner

  • Using Docker-in-Docker

    • Security concerns
  • Installation command line options
  • Default runner configuration
  • Chart configuration examples

Using the GitLab Runner chart

The GitLab Runner subchart provides a GitLab Runner for running CI jobs. It is enabled by default and should work out of the box with support for caching using s3 compatible object storage.


This chart depends on the shared-secrets Job to populate its registrationToken for automatic registration. If you intend to run this chart as a stand-alone chart with an existing GitLab instance then you will need to manually set the registrationToken in the gitlab-runner secret to be equal to that displayed by the running GitLab instance.


There are no required settings, it should work out of the box if you deploy all of the charts together.

Deploying a stand-alone runner

By default we do infer gitlabUrl , automatically generate a registration token, and generate it through the migrations chart. This behavior will not work if you intend to deploy it with a running GitLab instance.

In this case you will need to set gitlabUrl value to be the URL of the running GitLab instance. You will also need to manually create gitlab-runner secret and fill it with the registrationToken provided by the running GitLab.

Using Docker-in-Docker

In order to run Docker-in-Docker, the runner container needs to be privileged to have access to the needed capabilities. To enable it set the privileged value to true . See the upstream documentation in regards to why this is does not default to true .

Security concerns

Privileged containers have extended capabilities, for example they can mount arbitrary files from the host they run on. Make sure to run the container in an isolated environment such that nothing important runs beside it.

Installation command line options

Parameter Description Default
gitlab-runner.image Runner image gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine-v10.5.0
gitlab-runner.gitlabUrl URL that the Runner uses to register to GitLab Server GitLab external URL
gitlab-runner.install Install the gitlab-runner chart true
gitlab-runner.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
initContainer image
initContainer image tag
gitlab-runner.pullSecrets Secrets for the image repository
gitlab-runner.unregisterRunners Unregister all runners before termination true
gitlab-runner.concurrent Number of concurrent jobs 20
gitlab-runner.checkInterval Polling interval 30s
gitlab-runner.rbac.create Whether to create RBAC service account true
gitlab-runner.rbac.clusterWideAccess Deploy containers of jobs cluster-wide false
gitlab-runner.rbac.serviceAccountName Name of the RBAC service account to create default
gitlab-runner.runners.privileged Run in privileged mode, needed for dind
gitlab-runner.runners.cache.secretName Secret to access key and secret key from gitlab-minio
gitlab-runner.runners.config Runner configuration as string See below
gitlab-runner.resources.limits.cpu Runner CPU limit
gitlab-runner.resources.limits.memory Runner memory limit
gitlab-runner.resources.requests.cpu Runner requested CPU
gitlab-runner.resources.requests.memory Runner requested memory

Default runner configuration

The default runner configuration used in the GitLab chart has been customized to use the included MinIO for cache by default. If you are setting the runner config value, you will need to also configure your own cache configuration.

config: |
image = "ubuntu:18.04"
{{- if .Values.global.minio.enabled }}
Type = "s3"
Path = "gitlab-runner"
Shared = true
ServerAddress = {{ include "gitlab-runner.cache-tpl.s3ServerAddress" . }}
BucketName = "runner-cache"
BucketLocation = "us-east-1"
Insecure = false
{{ end }}

Chart configuration examples

Runners configuration to use only custom nameservers (exclude any cluster or host nameservers):

config: |
image = "ubuntu:18.04"
dns_policy = "none"
nameservers = [""]

See the Runner chart additional configuration.

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