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GitLab Helm subcharts | GitLab

GitLab Helm subcharts

The GitLab Helm chart is made up of multiple subcharts,
which provide the core GitLab components:

  • Gitaly
  • GitLab Exporter
  • GitLab Grafana
  • GitLab Pages
  • GitLab Runner
  • GitLab Shell
  • GitLab agent server (KAS)
  • Mailroom
  • Migrations
  • Praefect
  • Sidekiq
  • Spamcheck
  • Toolbox
  • Webservice

The parameters for each subchart must be under the gitlab key. For example,
GitLab Shell parameters would be similar to:


Use these charts for optional dependencies:

  • MinIO
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Registry

Use these charts as optional additions:

  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

  • Unprivileged GitLab Runner that uses the Kubernetes executor
  • Automatically provisioned SSL from Let’s Encrypt, which uses Jetstack’s cert-manager with certmanager-issuer
Using the GitLab `kas` chart | GitLab

  • Disable the agent server

    • Specify an Ingress
    • Installation command line options

  • Enable TLS communication

    • Create your certificates
    • Chart configuration values
  • Test the kas chart

Using the GitLab kas chart

The kas sub-chart provides a configurable deployment of the
GitLab agent server (KAS).
The agent server is a component you install together with GitLab. It is required to
manage the GitLab agent for Kubernetes.

This chart depends on access to the GitLab API and the Gitaly Servers.
When you enable this chart, an Ingress is deployed.

To consume minimal resources, the kas container uses a distroless image.
The deployed services are exposed by an Ingress, which uses
WebSocket proxying for communication.
This proxy allows long-lived connections with the external component,
agentk .
agentk is the Kubernetes cluster-side agent counterpart.

The route to access the service depends on your Ingress configuration.

For more information, see the
GitLab agent for Kubernetes architecture.

Disable the agent server

The GitLab agent server ( kas ) is enabled by default.
To disable it on your GitLab instance, set the Helm property global.kas.enabled to false .

For example:

helm upgrade --install kas --set global.kas.enabled=false

Specify an Ingress

When you use the chart’s Ingress with the default configuration,
the service for the agent server is reachable on a subdomain.
For example, for global.hosts.domain: example.com , the agent server
is reachable at kas.example.com .

The KAS Ingress
can use a different domain than the global.hosts.domain .

Set global.hosts.kas.name , for example:

global.hosts.kas.name: kas.my-other-domain.com

This example uses kas.my-other-domain.com as the host for the KAS Ingress alone.
The rest of the services (including GitLab, Registry, MinIO, etc.) use the domain
specified in global.hosts.domain .

Installation command line options

You can pass these parameters to the helm install command by using the --set flags.

Parameter Default Description
annotations {} Pod annotations.
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
extraContainers List of extra containers to include.
image.repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-kas Image repository.
image.tag v13.7.0 Image tag.
hpa.behavior {scaleDown: {stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 }} Behavior contains the specifications for up- and downscaling behavior (requires autoscaling/v2beta2 or higher)
hpa.customMetrics [] Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization )
hpa.cpu.targetType AverageValue Set the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue 100m Set the autoscaling CPU target value
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling CPU target utilization
hpa.memory.targetType Set the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue Set the autoscaling memory target value
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling memory target utilization
DEPRECATED Set the autoscaling CPU target value
true if global.kas.enabled=true
You can use kas.ingress.enabled to explicitly turn it on or off. If not set, you can optionally use global.ingress.enabled for the same purpose.
ingress.apiVersion Value to use in the apiVersion field.
ingress.annotations {} Ingress annotations.
ingress.tls {} Ingress TLS configuration.
ingress.agentPath / Ingress path for the agent API endpoint.
ingress.k8sApiPath /k8s-proxy Ingress path for Kubernetes API endpoint.
metrics.enabled true If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping.
metrics.port 8151
DEPRECATED: use observability.port . Metrics endpoint port.
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path.
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping. Enabling removes the prometheus.io scrape annotations.
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor.
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor.
maxReplicas 10 HPA maxReplicas .
maxUnavailable 1 HPA maxUnavailable .
minReplicas 2 HPA maxReplicas .
nodeSelector Define a nodeSelector for the Pod s of this Deployment , if present.
observability.port 8151 Observability endpoint port. Used for metrics and probe endpoints.
observability.livenessProbe.path /liveness URI for the liveness probe endpoint. This value has to match the observability.liveness_probe.url_path value from the KAS service configuration
observability.readinessProbe.path /readiness URI for the readiness probe endpoint. This value has to match the observability.readiness_probe.url_path value from the KAS service configuration
serviceAccount.annotations {} Service account annotations.
podLabels {} Supplemental Pod labels. Not used for selectors.
serviceLabels {} Supplemental service labels.
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
redis.enabled true Allows opting-out of using Redis for KAS features. Warnings: Redis will become a hard dependency soon, so this key is already deprecated.
resources.requests.cpu 75m GitLab Exporter minimum CPU.
resources.requests.memory 100M GitLab Exporter minimum memory.
service.externalPort 8150 External port (for agentk connections).
service.internalPort 8150 Internal port (for agentk connections).
service.apiInternalPort 8153 Internal port for the internal API (for GitLab backend).
service.loadBalancerIP nil A custom load balancer IP when service.type is LoadBalancer .
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges nil A list of custom load balancer source ranges when service.type is LoadBalancer .
service.kubernetesApiPort 8154 External port to expose proxied Kubernetes API on.
service.privateApiPort 8155 Internal port to expose kas ’ private API on (for kas -> kas communication).
privateApi.secret Autogenerated The name of the secret to use for authenticating with the database.
privateApi.key Autogenerated The name of the key in privateApi.secret to use.
privateApi.tls false Enable kas pods to communicate with each other using TLS.
privateApi.tls.secretName nil Name of the Kubernetes TLS secret which contains the certificate and its associated key. Required if privateApi.tls is true .
privateApi.host private-api.test Name of the host added to your certificate’s SAN. Required if privateApi.tls is true .
global.kas.service.apiExternalPort 8153 External port for the internal API (for GitLab backend).
service.type ClusterIP Service type.
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment.
customConfig {} When given, merges the default kas configuration with these values giving precedence to those defined here.
deployment.minReadySeconds 0 Minimum number of seconds that must pass before a kas pod is considered ready.
deployment.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment.
deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds 300 How much time in seconds a Pod is allowed to spend shutting down after receiving SIGTERM.
Priority class assigned to pods.

Enable TLS communication

Enable TLS communication between your kas pods and other GitLab chart components.


  • You need at least GitLab 15.5.1 to use this feature. You can set your GitLab version with global.gitlabVersion: master . If you need to force an image update after an initial deployment, also set global.image.pullPolicy: Always .

  1. Create the certificate authority and certificates that your kas pods will trust.
  2. Configure your chart to use the trusted certificates.

Create your certificates

To create a certificate authority (CA) and the required certificates, follow the steps in
Use TLS between components of the GitLab chart.

Chart configuration values

To configure kas to use the certificates you created, set the following values.

Value Description
global.certificates.customCAs Shares your CA with your GitLab components.
global.appConfig.gitlab_kas.internalUrl Enables grpcs communication between the GitLab Webservice and kas .
gitlab.kas.privateApi.tls.enabled Mounts the certificates volume and enables TLS communication between kas pods.
gitlab.kas.privateApi.tls.secretName Specifies which Kubernetes TLS secret stores your certificates.
gitlab.kas.customConfig Configures kas to expose its ports by using grpcs .
gitlab.kas.ingress Configures kas Ingress to verify the proxied SSL certificate.

For example, you could use this values.yaml file to deploy your chart:

   .internal-ca: &internal-ca gitlab-internal-tls-ca # The secret name you used to share your TLS CA.
.internal-tls: &internal-tls gitlab-internal-tls # The secret name you used to share your TLS certificate.

- secret: *internal-ca
domain: gitlab.example.com # Your gitlab domain
internalUrl: "grpcs://RELEASE-kas.NAMESPACE.svc:8153" # Replace RELEASE and NAMESPACE with your chart's release and namespace

enabled: true
secretName: *internal-tls
certificate_file: /etc/kas/tls.crt
key_file: /etc/kas/tls.key
certificate_file: /etc/kas/tls.crt
key_file: /etc/kas/tls.key
certificate_file: /etc/kas/tls.crt
key_file: /etc/kas/tls.key
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: https
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-ssl-name: RELEASE-kas.NAMESPACE.svc # Replace RELEASE and NAMESPACE with your chart's release and namespace
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-ssl-secret: NAMESPACE/CA-SECRET-NAME # Replace NAMESPACE and CA-SECRET-NAME with your chart's namespace and CA secret name. The same you used for &internal-ca.
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-ssl-verify: on

Test the kas chart

To install the chart:

  1. Create your own Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Check out the merge request’s working branch.

  3. Install (or upgrade) GitLab with kas enabled by default from your local chart branch:

    helm upgrade --force --install gitlab . \
    --timeout 600s \
    --set global.hosts.domain=your.domain.com \
    --set global.hosts.externalIP=XYZ.XYZ.XYZ.XYZ \
    --set certmanager-issuer.email=your@email.com

  4. Use the GDK to run the process to configure and use the
    GitLab agent for Kubernetes:
    (You can also follow the steps to configure and use the agent manually.)

    1. From your GDK GitLab repository, move into the QA folder: cd qa .

    2. Run the following command to run the QA test:

      bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All https://your.gitlab.domain/ -- --tag orchestrated --tag quarantine qa/specs/features/ee/api/7_configure/kubernetes/kubernetes_agent_spec.rb

      You can also customize the agentk version to install with an environment variable: GITLAB_AGENTK_VERSION=v13.7.1

Read article
Using the Mailroom chart | GitLab

  • Configuration

  • Incoming email

    • IMAP
    • Microsoft Graph
    • Reply-by-email

    • Service Desk email

      • IMAP
      • Microsoft Graph

Using the Mailroom chart

The Mailroom Pod handles the ingestion of email into the GitLab application.


repository: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-mailroom
# tag: v0.9.1
pullSecrets: []
# pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

enabled: true

image: {}
# repository:
# tag:
cpu: 50m

# Tolerations for pod scheduling
tolerations: []

podLabels: {}

minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 2
targetAverageUtilization: 75

# Note that the HPA is limited to autoscaling/v2beta1, autoscaling/v2beta2 and autoscaling/v2
customMetrics: []
behavior: {}

enabled: false
enabled: false
rules: []
enabled: false
rules: []
annotations: {}

# limits:
# cpu: 1
# memory: 2G
cpu: 50m
memory: 150M

## Allow to overwrite under which User and Group we're running.
runAsUser: 1000
fsGroup: 1000

## Enable deployment to use a serviceAccount
enabled: false
create: false
annotations: {}
## Name to be used for serviceAccount, otherwise defaults to chart fullname
# name:

Parameter Description Default
deployment.strategy Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment {}
enabled Mailroom enablement flag true
hpa.behavior Behavior contains the specifications for up- and downscaling behavior (requires autoscaling/v2beta2 or higher) {scaleDown: {stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 }}
hpa.customMetrics Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization ) []
hpa.cpu.targetType Set the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue Set the autoscaling CPU target value
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling CPU target utilization 75
hpa.memory.targetType Set the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue Set the autoscaling memory target value
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling memory target utilization
hpa.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas 2
hpa.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas 1
image.pullPolicy Mailroom image pull policy IfNotPresent
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
image.pullSecrets Mailroom image pull secrets
image.repository Mailroom image repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-mailroom
image.tag Mailroom image tag master
init.image.repository Mailroom init image repository
init.image.tag Mailroom init image tag
init.resources Mailroom init container resource requirements { requests: { cpu: 50m }}
podLabels Labels for running Mailroom Pods {}
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart. {}
resources Mailroom resource requirements { requests: { cpu: 50m, memory: 150M }}
networkpolicy.annotations Annotations to add to the NetworkPolicy {}
networkpolicy.egress.enabled Flag to enable egress rules of NetworkPolicy false
networkpolicy.egress.rules Define a list of egress rules for NetworkPolicy []
networkpolicy.enabled Flag for using NetworkPolicy false
networkpolicy.ingress.enabled Flag to enable ingress rules of NetworkPolicy false
networkpolicy.ingress.rules Define a list of ingress rules for NetworkPolicy []
securityContext.fsGroup Group ID under which the pod should be started 1000
securityContext.runAsUser User ID under which the pod should be started 1000
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccount.enabled Flag for using ServiceAccount false
serviceAccount.create Flag for creating a ServiceAccount false
serviceAccount.name Name of ServiceAccount to use
tolerations Tolerations to add to the Mailroom
Priority class assigned to pods.

Incoming email

By default, incoming email is disabled. There are two methods for
reading incoming email:

  • IMAP
  • Microsoft Graph

First, enable it by setting the common settings.
Then configure the IMAP settings or
Microsoft Graph settings.

These methods can be configured in values.yaml . See the following examples:

  • Incoming email with IMAP
  • Incoming email with Microsoft Graph


To enable incoming e-mail for IMAP, provide details of your IMAP server
and access credentials using the global.appConfig.incomingEmail

In addition, the requirements for the IMAP email account
should be reviewed to ensure that the targeted IMAP account can be used
by GitLab for receiving email. Several common email services are also
documented on the same page to aid in setting up incoming email.

The IMAP password will still need to be created as a Kubernetes Secret as
described in the secrets guide.

Microsoft Graph

See the GitLab documentation on creating an Azure Active Directory application.

Provide the tenant ID, client ID, and client secret. You can find details for these settings in the command line options.

Create a Kubernetes secret containing the client secret as described in the secrets guide.


To use the reply-by-email feature, where users can reply to notification emails to
comment on issues and MRs, you need to configure both outgoing email
and incoming email settings.

Service Desk email

By default, the Service Desk email is disabled.

As with incoming e-mail, enable it by setting the common settings.
Then configure the IMAP settings or
Microsoft Graph settings.

These options can also be configured in values.yaml . See the following examples:

  • Service Desk with IMAP
  • Service Desk with Microsoft Graph

Service Desk email requires that Incoming email be configured.


Provide details of your IMAP server and access credentials using the
global.appConfig.serviceDeskEmail settings. You can find details for
these settings in the command line options.

Create a Kubernetes secret containing IMAP password as described in the secrets guide.

Microsoft Graph

See the GitLab documentation on creating an Azure Active Directory application.

Provide the tenant ID, client ID, and client secret using the
global.appConfig.serviceDeskEmail settings. You can find details for
these settings in the command line options.

You will also have to create a Kubernetes secret containing the client secret
as described in the secrets guide.

Read article
Using the GitLab-Migrations chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Design Choices
  • Configuration
  • Installation command line options

  • Chart configuration examples

    • extraEnv
    • extraEnvFrom
    • image.pullSecrets
  • Using the Community Edition of this chart

  • External Services

    • Redis

      • host
      • serviceName
      • port
      • password
      • sentinels

    • PostgreSQL

      • host
      • serviceName
      • port
      • database
      • preparedStatements
      • username
      • password

Using the GitLab-Migrations chart

The migrations sub-chart provides a single migration Job that handles seeding/migrating the GitLab database. The chart runs using the GitLab Rails codebase.

After migrating, this Job also edits the application settings in the database to turn off writes to authorized keys file. In the charts we are only supporting use of the GitLab Authorized Keys API with the SSH AuthorizedKeysCommand instead of support for writing to an authorized keys file.


This chart depends on Redis, and PostgreSQL, either as part of the complete GitLab chart or provided as external services reachable from the Kubernetes cluster this chart is deployed onto.

Design Choices

The migrations creates a new migrations Job each time the chart is deployed. In order to prevent job name collisions, we append the chart revision, and a random alpha-numeric value to the Job name each time is created. The purpose of the random text is described further in this section.

For now we also have the jobs remain as objects in the cluster after they complete. This is so we can observe the migration logs. Currently this means these Jobs persist even after a helm uninstall . This is one of the reasons why we append random text to the Job name, so that future deployments using the same release name don’t cause conflicts. Once we have some form of log-shipping in place, we can revisit the persistence of these objects.

The container used in this chart has some additional optimizations that we are not currently using in this Chart. Mainly the ability to quickly skip running migrations if they are already up to date, without needing to boot up the rails application to check. This optimization requires us to persist the migration status. Which we are not doing with this chart at the moment. In the future we will introduce storage support for the migrations status to this chart.


The migrations chart is configured in two parts: external services, and chart settings.

Installation command line options

Table below contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied to helm install command using the --set flags

Parameter Description Default
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart. {}
image.repository Migrations image repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-toolbox-ee
image.tag Migrations image tag
image.pullPolicy Migrations pull policy Always
image.pullSecrets Secrets for the image repository
init.image initContainer image busybox
init.tag initContainer image tag latest
enabled Migrations enable flag true
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
annotations Annotations for the job spec {}
podAnnotations Annotations for the pob spec {}
podLabels Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
redis.serviceName Redis service name redis
psql.serviceName Name of Service providing PostgreSQL release-postgresql
psql.password.secret psql secret gitlab-postgres
psql.password.key key to psql password in psql secret psql-password
psql.port Set PostgreSQL server port. Takes precedence over global.psql.port
resources.requests.cpu 250m GitLab Migrations minimum CPU
resources.requests.memory 200Mi GitLab Migrations minimum memory
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the pod should be started
extraInitContainers List of extra init containers to include
extraContainers List of extra containers to include
extraVolumes List of extra volumes to create
extraVolumeMounts List of extra volumes mounts to do
extraEnv List of extra environment variables to expose
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
bootsnap.enabled Enable the Bootsnap cache for Rails true
Priority class assigned to pods.

Chart configuration examples


extraEnv allows you to expose additional environment variables in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnv :

SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value

When the container is started, you can confirm that the environment variables are exposed:

env | grep SOME


extraEnvFrom allows you to expose additional environment variables from other data sources in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnvFrom :

fieldPath: spec.nodeName
containerName: test-container
resource: requests.cpu
name: special-secret
key: special_token
# optional: boolean
name: useful-config
key: some-string
# optional: boolean


pullSecrets allow you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.

Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods
can be found in the Kubernetes documentation.

Below is an example use of pullSecrets :

repository: my.migrations.repository
pullPolicy: Always
- name: my-secret-name
- name: my-secondary-secret-name

Using the Community Edition of this chart

By default, the Helm charts use the Enterprise Edition of GitLab. If desired, you can instead use the Community Edition. Learn more about the difference between the two.

In order to use the Community Edition, set image.repository to registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-toolbox-ce

External Services


host: redis.example.com
serviceName: redis
port: 6379
- host: sentinel1.example.com
port: 26379
secret: gitlab-redis
key: redis-password


The hostname of the Redis server with the database to use. This can be omitted in lieu of serviceName . If using Redis Sentinels, the host attribute needs to be set to the cluster name as specified in the sentinel.conf .


The name of the service which is operating the Redis database. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name ) in place of the host value. This is convenient when using Redis as a part of the overall GitLab chart. This will default to redis


The port on which to connect to the Redis server. Defaults to 6379 .


The password attribute for Redis has two sub keys:

  • secret defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from

  • key defines the name of the key in the above secret that contains the password.


The sentinels attribute allows for a connection to a Redis HA cluster.
The sub keys describe each Sentinel connection.

  • host defines the hostname for the Sentinel service

  • port defines the port number to reach the Sentinel service, defaults to 26379

Note: The current Redis Sentinel support only supports Sentinels that have
been deployed separately from the GitLab chart. As a result, the Redis
deployment through the GitLab chart should be disabled with redis.install=false .
The Secret containing the Redis password will need to be manually created
before deploying the GitLab chart.


host: psql.example.com
serviceName: pgbouncer
port: 5432
database: gitlabhq_production
username: gitlab
preparedStatements: false
secret: gitlab-postgres
key: psql-password


The hostname of the PostgreSQL server with the database to use. This can be omitted if postgresql.install=true (default non-production).


The name of the service which is operating the PostgreSQL database. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service in place of the host value.


The port on which to connect to the PostgreSQL server. Defaults to 5432 .


The name of the database to use on the PostgreSQL server. This defaults to gitlabhq_production .


If prepared statements should be used when communicating with the PostgreSQL server. Defaults to false .


The username with which to authenticate to the database. This defaults to gitlab


The password attribute for PostgreSQL has to sub keys:

  • secret defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from

  • key defines the name of the key in the above secret that contains the password.
Read article
Using the Praefect chart (alpha) | GitLab

  • Known limitations and issues
  • Requirements

  • Configuration

    • Replicas
    • Multiple virtual storages
    • Persistence
    • Migrating to Praefect
    • Creating the database
    • Running Praefect over TLS
    • Installation command line options

Using the Praefect chart (alpha)

The Praefect chart is still under development. The alpha version is not yet suitable for production use. Upgrades may require significant manual intervention.
See our Praefect GA release Epic for more information.

The Praefect chart is used to manage a Gitaly cluster inside a GitLab installment deployed with the Helm charts.

Known limitations and issues

  1. The database has to be manually created.
  2. The cluster size is fixed: Gitaly Cluster does not currently support autoscaling.
  3. Using a Praefect instance in the cluster to manage Gitaly instances outside the cluster is not supported.
  4. Upgrades to version 4.8 of the chart (GitLab 13.8) will encounter an issue that makes it appear that repository data is lost. Data is not lost, but requires manual intervention.


This chart consumes the Gitaly chart. Settings from global.gitaly are used to configure the instances created by this chart. Documentation of these settings can be found in Gitaly chart documentation.

Important : global.gitaly.tls is independent of global.praefect.tls . They are configured separately.

By default, this chart will create 3 Gitaly Replicas.


The chart is disabled by default. To enable it as part of a chart deploy set global.praefect.enabled=true .


The default number of replicas to deploy is 3. This can be changed by setting global.praefect.virtualStorages[].gitalyReplicas with the desired number of replicas. For example:

enabled: true
- name: default
gitalyReplicas: 4
maxUnavailable: 1

Multiple virtual storages

Multiple virtual storages can be configured (see Gitaly Cluster documentation). For example:

enabled: true
- name: default
gitalyReplicas: 4
maxUnavailable: 1
- name: vs2
gitalyReplicas: 5
maxUnavailable: 2

This will create two sets of resources for Gitaly. This includes two Gitaly StatefulSets (one per virtual storage).

Administrators can then configure where new repositories are stored.


It is possible to provide persistence configuration per virtual storage.

enabled: true
- name: default
gitalyReplicas: 4
maxUnavailable: 1
enabled: true
size: 50Gi
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
storageClass: storageclass1
- name: vs2
gitalyReplicas: 5
maxUnavailable: 2
enabled: true
size: 100Gi
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
storageClass: storageclass2

Migrating to Praefect

Group-level wikis cannot be moved using the API at this time.

When migrating from standalone Gitaly instances to a Praefect setup, global.praefect.replaceInternalGitaly can be set to false .
This ensures that the existing Gitaly instances are preserved while the new Praefect-managed Gitaly instances are created.

enabled: true
replaceInternalGitaly: false
- name: virtualStorage2
gitalyReplicas: 5
maxUnavailable: 2

When migrating to Praefect, none of Praefect’s virtual storages can be named default .
This is because there must be at least one storage named default at all times,
therefore the name is already taken by the non-Praefect configuration.

The instructions to migrate to Gitaly Cluster
can then be followed to move data from the default storage to virtualStorage2 . If additional storages
were defined under global.gitaly.internal.names , be sure to migrate repositories from those storages as well.

After the repositories have been migrated to virtualStorage2 , replaceInternalGitaly can be set back to true if a storage named
default is added in the Praefect configuration.

enabled: true
replaceInternalGitaly: true
- name: default
gitalyReplicas: 4
maxUnavailable: 1
- name: virtualStorage2
gitalyReplicas: 5
maxUnavailable: 2

The instructions to migrate to Gitaly Cluster
can be followed again to move data from virtualStorage2 to the newly-added default storage if desired.

Finally, see the repository storage paths documentation
to configure where new repositories are stored.

Creating the database

Praefect uses its own database to track its state. This has to be manually created in order for Praefect to be functional.

These instructions assume you are using the bundled PostgreSQL server. If you are using your own server,
there will be some variation in how you connect.

  1. Log into your database instance:

    kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=postgresql -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name --no-headers) -- bash

    PGPASSWORD=$(cat $POSTGRES_POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE) psql -U postgres -d template1

  2. Create the database user:


  3. Set the database user password.

    By default, the shared-secrets Job will generate a secret for you.

    1. Fetch the password:

      kubectl get secret RELEASE_NAME-praefect-dbsecret -o jsonpath="{.data.secret}" | base64 --decode

    2. Set the password in the psql prompt:

      \password praefect

  4. Create the database:

    CREATE DATABASE praefect WITH OWNER praefect;

Running Praefect over TLS

Praefect supports communicating with client and Gitaly nodes over TLS. This is
controlled by the settings global.praefect.tls.enabled and global.praefect.tls.secretName .
To run Praefect over TLS follow these steps:

  1. The Helm chart expects a certificate to be provided for communicating over
    TLS with Praefect. This certificate should apply to all the Praefect nodes that
    are present. Hence all hostnames of each of these nodes should be added as a
    Subject Alternate Name (SAN) to the certificate or alternatively, you can use wildcards.

    To know the hostnames to use, check the file /srv/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml
    file in the Toolbox Pod and check the various gitaly_address fields specified
    under repositories.storages key within it.

    kubectl exec -it <Toolbox Pod> -- grep gitaly_address /srv/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml

A basic script for generating custom signed certificates for internal Praefect Pods
can be found in this repository.
Users can use or refer that script to generate certificates with proper SAN attributes.

  1. Create a TLS Secret using the certificate created.

    kubectl create secret tls <secret name> --cert=praefect.crt --key=praefect.key

  2. Redeploy the Helm chart by passing --set global.praefect.tls.enabled=true .

When running Gitaly over TLS, a secret name must be provided for each virtual storage.

enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
secretName: praefect-tls
- name: default
gitalyReplicas: 4
maxUnavailable: 1
tlsSecretName: default-tls
- name: vs2
gitalyReplicas: 5
maxUnavailable: 2
tlsSecretName: vs2-tls

Installation command line options

The table below contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied to
the helm install command using the --set flags.

Parameter Default Description
common.labels {} Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
failover.enabled true Whether Praefect should perform failover on node failure
failover.readonlyAfter false Whether the nodes should be in read-only mode after failover
autoMigrate true Automatically run migrations on startup
electionStrategy sql See election strategy
image.repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitaly The default image repository to use. Praefect is bundled as part of the Gitaly image
podLabels {} Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
ntpHost pool.ntp.org Configure the NTP server Praefect should ask the for the current time.

service.name praefect The name of the service to create
service.type ClusterIP The type of service to create
service.internalPort 8075 The internal port number that the Praefect pod will be listening on
service.externalPort 8075 The port number the Praefect service should expose in the cluster
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
logging.level Log level
logging.format json Log format
logging.sentryDsn Sentry DSN URL - Exceptions from Go server
logging.rubySentryDsn Sentry DSN URL - Exceptions from gitaly-ruby
logging.sentryEnvironment Sentry environment to be used for logging
metrics.enabled true If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
metrics.port 9236 Metrics endpoint port
metrics.separate_database_metrics true If true then metrics scrapes will not perform database queries, setting to false may cause performance problems
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled false If a ServiceMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping, note that enabling this removes the prometheus.io scrape annotations
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor
securityContext.runAsUser 1000
securityContext.fsGroup 1000
serviceLabels {} Supplemental service labels
statefulset.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the statefulset
Read article
Using the GitLab-Sidekiq chart | GitLab

  • Requirements
  • Design Choices
  • Configuration
  • Installation command line options

  • Chart configuration examples

    • resources
    • extraEnv
    • extraEnvFrom
    • extraVolumes
    • extraVolumeMounts
    • image.pullSecrets
    • tolerations
    • annotations
  • Using the Community Edition of this chart

  • External Services

    • Redis
    • PostgreSQL
    • Gitaly
  • Metrics
  • Chart-wide defaults

  • Per-pod Settings

    • queues
    • negateQueues
    • Example pod entry

  • Configuring the networkpolicy

    • Example Network Policy

Using the GitLab-Sidekiq chart

The sidekiq sub-chart provides configurable deployment of Sidekiq workers, explicitly
designed to provide separation of queues across multiple Deployment s with individual
scalability and configuration.

While this chart provides a default pods: declaration, if you provide an empty definition,
you will have no workers.


This chart depends on access to Redis, PostgreSQL, and Gitaly services, either as
part of the complete GitLab chart or provided as external services reachable from
the Kubernetes cluster this chart is deployed onto.

Design Choices

This chart creates multiple Deployment s and associated ConfigMap s. It was decided
that it would be clearer to make use of ConfigMap behaviours instead of using environment
attributes or additional arguments to the command for the containers, in order to
avoid any concerns about command length. This choice results in a large number of
ConfigMap s, but provides very clear definitions of what each pod should be doing.


The sidekiq chart is configured in three parts: chart-wide external services,
chart-wide defaults, and per-pod definitions.

Installation command line options

The table below contains all the possible charts configurations that can be supplied
to the helm install command using the --set flags:

Parameter Default Description
annotations Pod annotations
podLabels Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
common.labels Supplemental labels that are applied to all objects created by this chart.
concurrency 20 Sidekiq default concurrency
deployment.strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment
deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds 30 Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully.
enabled true Sidekiq enabled flag
extraContainers List of extra containers to include
extraInitContainers List of extra init containers to include
extraVolumeMounts String template of extra volume mounts to configure
extraVolumes String template of extra volumes to configure
extraEnv List of extra environment variables to expose
extraEnvFrom List of extra environment variables from other data sources to expose
gitaly.serviceName gitaly Gitaly service name
health_checks.port 3808 Health check server port
hpa.behaviour {scaleDown: {stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 }} Behavior contains the specifications for up- and downscaling behavior (requires autoscaling/v2beta2 or higher)
hpa.customMetrics [] Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization )
hpa.cpu.targetType AverageValue Set the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue 350m Set the autoscaling CPU target value
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling CPU target utilization
hpa.memory.targetType Set the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue Set the autoscaling memory target value
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization Set the autoscaling memory target utilization
DEPRECATED Set the autoscaling CPU target value
minReplicas 2 Minimum number of replicas
maxReplicas 10 Maximum number of replicas
maxUnavailable 1 Limit of maximum number of Pods to be unavailable
image.pullPolicy Always Sidekiq image pull policy
image.pullSecrets Secrets for the image repository
image.repository registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-sidekiq-ee Sidekiq image repository
image.tag Sidekiq image tag
init.image.repository initContainer image
init.image.tag initContainer image tag
logging.format default Set to json for JSON-structured logs
metrics.enabled true If a metrics endpoint should be made available for scraping
metrics.port 3807 Metrics endpoint port
metrics.path /metrics Metrics endpoint path
metrics.log_enabled false Enables or disables metrics server logs written to sidekiq_exporter.log
metrics.podMonitor.enabled false If a PodMonitor should be created to enable Prometheus Operator to manage the metrics scraping
metrics.podMonitor.additionalLabels {} Additional labels to add to the PodMonitor
metrics.podMonitor.endpointConfig {} Additional endpoint configuration for the PodMonitor
DEPRECATED Set explicit metrics annotations. Replaced by template content.
metrics.tls.enabled false TLS enabled for the metrics/sidekiq_exporter endpoint
metrics.tls.secretName {Release.Name}-sidekiq-metrics-tls Secret for the metrics/sidekiq_exporter endpoint TLS cert and key
psql.password.key psql-password key to psql password in psql secret
psql.password.secret gitlab-postgres psql password secret
psql.port Set PostgreSQL server port. Takes precedence over global.psql.port
redis.serviceName redis Redis service name
resources.requests.cpu 900m Sidekiq minimum needed CPU
resources.requests.memory 2G Sidekiq minimum needed memory
resources.limits.memory Sidekiq maximum allowed memory
timeout 25 Sidekiq job timeout
tolerations [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
memoryKiller.daemonMode true If false , uses the legacy memory killer mode
memoryKiller.maxRss 2000000 Maximum RSS before delayed shutdown triggered expressed in kilobytes
memoryKiller.graceTime 900 Time to wait before a triggered shutdown expressed in seconds
memoryKiller.shutdownWait 30 Amount of time after triggered shutdown for existing jobs to finish expressed in seconds
memoryKiller.hardLimitRss Maximum RSS before immediate shutdown triggered expressed in kilobyte in daemon mode
memoryKiller.checkInterval 3 Amount of time between memory checks
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 20 Delay before liveness probe is initiated
livenessProbe.periodSeconds 60 How often to perform the liveness probe
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds 30 When the liveness probe times out
livenessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed
livenessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the liveness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 0 Delay before readiness probe is initiated
readinessProbe.periodSeconds 10 How often to perform the readiness probe
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds 2 When the readiness probe times out
readinessProbe.successThreshold 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed
readinessProbe.failureThreshold 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the readiness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded
securityContext.fsGroup 1000 Group ID under which the pod should be started
securityContext.runAsUser 1000 User ID under which the pod should be started
priorityClassName "" Allow configuring pods priorityClassName , this is used to control pod priority in case of eviction

Chart configuration examples


resources allows you to configure the minimum and maximum amount of resources (memory and CPU) a Sidekiq
pod can consume.

Sidekiq pod workloads vary greatly between deployments. Generally speaking, it is understood that each Sidekiq
process consumes approximately 1 vCPU and 2 GB of memory. Vertical scaling should generally align to this 1:2
ratio of vCPU:Memory .

Below is an example use of resources :

memory: 5G
memory: 2G
cpu: 900m


extraEnv allows you to expose additional environment variables in the dependencies container.

Below is an example use of extraEnv :

SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value

When the container is started, you can confirm that the environment variables are exposed:

env | grep SOME

You can also set extraEnv for a specific pod:

SOME_KEY: some_value
SOME_OTHER_KEY: some_other_value
- name: mailers
queues: mailers
SOME_POD_KEY: some_pod_value
- name: catchall
negateQueues: mailers

This will set SOME_POD_KEY only for application containers in the mailers
pod. Pod-level extraEnv settings are not added to init containers.


extraEnvFrom allows you to expose additional environment variables from other data sources in all containers in the pods.

Below is an example use of extraEnvFrom :

fieldPath: spec.nodeName
containerName: test-container
resource: requests.cpu
name: special-secret
key: special_token
# optional: boolean
name: useful-config
key: some-string
# optional: boolean


extraVolumes allows you to configure extra volumes chart-wide.

Below is an example use of extraVolumes :

extraVolumes: |
- name: example-volume
claimName: example-pvc


extraVolumeMounts allows you to configure extra volumeMounts on all containers chart-wide.

Below is an example use of extraVolumeMounts :

extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: example-volume-mount
mountPath: /etc/example


pullSecrets allows you to authenticate to a private registry to pull images for a pod.

Additional details about private registries and their authentication methods can be
found in the Kubernetes documentation.

Below is an example use of pullSecrets :

repository: my.sidekiq.repository
pullPolicy: Always
- name: my-secret-name
- name: my-secondary-secret-name


tolerations allow you schedule pods on tainted worker nodes

Below is an example use of tolerations :

- key: "node_label"
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoSchedule"
- key: "node_label"
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoExecute"


annotations allows you to add annotations to the Sidekiq pods.

Below is an example use of annotations :

kubernetes.io/example-annotation: annotation-value

Using the Community Edition of this chart

By default, the Helm charts use the Enterprise Edition of GitLab. If desired, you
can use the Community Edition instead. Learn more about the
differences between the two.

In order to use the Community Edition, set image.repository to
registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-sidekiq-ce .

External Services

This chart should be attached to the same Redis, PostgreSQL, and Gitaly instances
as the Webservice chart. The values of external services will be populated into a ConfigMap
that is shared across all Sidekiq pods.


host: rank-racoon-redis
port: 6379
- host: sentinel1.example.com
port: 26379
secret: gitlab-redis
key: redis-password

Name Type Default Description
host String The hostname of the Redis server with the database to use. This can be omitted in lieu of serviceName . If using Redis Sentinels, the host attribute needs to be set to the cluster name as specified in the sentinel.conf .
password.key String The password.key attribute for Redis defines the name of the key in the secret (below) that contains the password.
password.secret String The password.secret attribute for Redis defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from.
port Integer 6379 The port on which to connect to the Redis server.
serviceName String redis The name of the service which is operating the Redis database. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name ) in place of the host value. This is convenient when using Redis as a part of the overall GitLab chart.
sentinels.[].host String The hostname of Redis Sentinel server for a Redis HA setup.
sentinels.[].port Integer 26379 The port on which to connect to the Redis Sentinel server.

The current Redis Sentinel support only supports Sentinels that have
been deployed separately from the GitLab chart. As a result, the Redis
deployment through the GitLab chart should be disabled with redis.install=false .
The Secret containing the Redis password needs to be manually created
before deploying the GitLab chart.


host: rank-racoon-psql
serviceName: pgbouncer
port: 5432
database: gitlabhq_production
username: gitlab
preparedStatements: false
secret: gitlab-postgres
key: psql-password

Name Type Default Description
host String The hostname of the PostgreSQL server with the database to use. This can be omitted if postgresql.install=true (default non-production).
serviceName String The name of the service which is operating the PostgreSQL database. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service in place of the host value.
database String gitlabhq_production The name of the database to use on the PostgreSQL server.
password.key String The password.key attribute for PostgreSQL defines the name of the key in the secret (below) that contains the password.
password.secret String The password.secret attribute for PostgreSQL defines the name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from.
port Integer 5432 The port on which to connect to the PostgreSQL server.
username String gitlab The username with which to authenticate to the database.
preparedStatements Boolean false If prepared statements should be used when communicating with the PostgreSQL server.


- default
- default2
- name: node1
hostname: node1.example.com
port: 8079
secret: gitaly-secret
key: token

Name Type Default Description
host String The hostname of the Gitaly server to use. This can be omitted in lieu of serviceName .
serviceName String gitaly The name of the service which is operating the Gitaly server. If this is present, and host is not, the chart will template the hostname of the service (and current .Release.Name ) in place of the host value. This is convenient when using Gitaly as a part of the overall GitLab chart.
port Integer 8075 The port on which to connect to the Gitaly server.
authToken.key String The name of the key in the secret below that contains the authToken.
authToken.secret String The name of the Kubernetes Secret to pull from.


By default, a Prometheus metrics exporter is enabled per pod. Metrics are only available
when GitLab Prometheus metrics
are enabled in the Admin area. The exporter exposes a /metrics endpoint on port
3807 . When metrics are enabled, annotations are added to each pod allowing a Prometheus
server to discover and scrape the exposed metrics.

Chart-wide defaults

The following values will be used chart-wide, in the event that a value is not presented
on a per-pod basis.

Name Type Default Description
concurrency Integer 25 The number of tasks to process simultaneously.
timeout Integer 4 The Sidekiq shutdown timeout. The number of seconds after Sidekiq gets the TERM signal before it forcefully shuts down its processes.
memoryKiller.checkInterval Integer 3 Amount of time in seconds between memory checks
memoryKiller.maxRss Integer 2000000 Maximum RSS before delayed shutdown triggered expressed in kilobytes
memoryKiller.graceTime Integer 900 Time to wait before a triggered shutdown expressed in seconds
memoryKiller.shutdownWait Integer 30 Amount of time after triggered shutdown for existing jobs to finish expressed in seconds
minReplicas Integer 2 Minimum number of replicas
maxReplicas Integer 10 Maximum number of replicas
maxUnavailable Integer 1 Limit of maximum number of Pods to be unavailable


Detailed documentation of the Sidekiq memory killer is available
in the Omnibus documentation.

Per-pod Settings

The pods declaration provides for the declaration of all attributes for a worker
pod. These will be templated to Deployment s, with individual ConfigMap s for their
Sidekiq instances.

The settings default to including a single pod that is set up to monitor
all queues. Making changes to the pods section will overwrite the default pod with
a different pod configuration. It will not add a new pod in addition to the default.

Name Type Default Description
concurrency Integer The number of tasks to process simultaneously. If not provided, it will be pulled from the chart-wide default.
name String Used to name the Deployment and ConfigMap for this pod. It should be kept short, and should not be duplicated between any two entries.
queues String
See below.
negateQueues String
See below.
queueSelector Boolean false Use the queue selector.
timeout Integer The Sidekiq shutdown timeout. The number of seconds after Sidekiq gets the TERM signal before it forcefully shuts down its processes. If not provided, it will be pulled from the chart-wide default. This value must be less than terminationGracePeriodSeconds .
resources Each pod can present it’s own resources requirements, which will be added to the Deployment created for it, if present. These match the Kubernetes documentation.
nodeSelector Each pod can be configured with a nodeSelector attribute, which will be added to the Deployment created for it, if present. These definitions match the Kubernetes documentation.
memoryKiller.checkInterval Integer 3 Amount of time between memory checks
memoryKiller.maxRss Integer 2000000 Overrides the maximum RSS for a given pod.
memoryKiller.graceTime Integer 900 Overrides the time to wait before a triggered shutdown for a given Pod
memoryKiller.shutdownWait Integer 30 Overrides the amount of time after triggered shutdown for existing jobs to finish for a given Pod
minReplicas Integer 2 Minimum number of replicas
maxReplicas Integer 10 Maximum number of replicas
maxUnavailable Integer 1 Limit of maximum number of Pods to be unavailable
podLabels Map {} Supplemental Pod labels. Will not be used for selectors.
strategy {} Allows one to configure the update strategy utilized by the deployment
extraVolumes String Configures extra volumes for the given pod.
extraVolumeMounts String Configures extra volume mounts for the given pod.
priorityClassName String "" Allow configuring pods priorityClassName , this is used to control pod priority in case of eviction
hpa.customMetrics Array [] Custom metrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (overrides the default use of Average CPU Utilization configured in targetAverageUtilization )
hpa.cpu.targetType String AverageValue Overrides the autoscaling CPU target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.cpu.targetAverageValue String 350m Overrides the autoscaling CPU target value
hpa.cpu.targetAverageUtilization Integer Overrides the autoscaling CPU target utilization
hpa.memory.targetType String Overrides the autoscaling memory target type, must be either Utilization or AverageValue
hpa.memory.targetAverageValue String Overrides the autoscaling memory target value
hpa.memory.targetAverageUtilization Integer Overrides the autoscaling memory target utilization
hpa.targetAverageValue String
DEPRECATED Overrides the autoscaling CPU target value
extraEnv Map List of extra environment variables to expose. The chart-wide value is merged into this, with values from the pod taking precedence
extraEnvFrom Map List of extra environment variables from other data source to expose
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Integer 30 Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully.


The queues value is a string containing a comma-separated list of queues to be
processed. By default, it is not set, meaning that all queues will be processed.

The string should not contain spaces: merge,post_receive,process_commit will
work, but merge, post_receive, process_commit will not.

Any queue to which jobs are added but are not represented as a part of at least
one pod item will not be processed . For a complete list of all queues, see
these files in the GitLab source:

  1. app/workers/all_queues.yml
  2. ee/app/workers/all_queues.yml


negateQueues is in the same format as queues , but it represents
queues to be ignored rather than processed.

The string should not contain spaces: merge,post_receive,process_commit will
work, but merge, post_receive, process_commit will not.

This is useful if you have a pod processing important queues, and another pod
processing other queues: they can use the same list of queues, with one being in
queues and the other being in negateQueues .


negateQueues should not be provided alongside queues , as it will have no effect.

Example pod entry

- name: immediate
concurrency: 10
minReplicas: 2 # defaults to inherited value
maxReplicas: 10 # defaults to inherited value
maxUnavailable: 5 # defaults to inherited value
queues: merge,post_receive,process_commit
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: example-volume-mount
mountPath: /etc/example
extraVolumes: |
- name: example-volume
claimName: example-pvc
cpu: 800m
memory: 2Gi
targetType: Value
targetAverageValue: 350m

Configuring the networkpolicy

This section controls the
This configuration is optional and is used to limit Egress and Ingress of the
Pods to specific endpoints.

Name Type Default Description
enabled Boolean false This setting enables the network policy
ingress.enabled Boolean false When set to true , the Ingress network policy will be activated. This will block all Ingress connections unless rules are specified.
ingress.rules Array [] Rules for the Ingress policy, for details see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/#the-networkpolicy-resource and the example below
egress.enabled Boolean false When set to true , the Egress network policy will be activated. This will block all egress connections unless rules are specified.
egress.rules Array [] Rules for the egress policy, these for details see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/#the-networkpolicy-resource and the example below

Example Network Policy

The Sidekiq service requires Ingress connections for only the Prometheus
exporter if enabled, and normally requires Egress connections to various
places. This examples adds the following network policy:

  • All Ingress requests from the network on TCP port 3807 are allowed for metrics exporting
  • All Egress requests to the network on UDP port 53 are allowed for DNS
  • All Egress requests to the network on TCP port 5432 are allowed for PostgreSQL
  • All Egress requests to the network on TCP port 6379 are allowed for Redis
  • Other Egress requests to the local network on are restricted
  • Egress requests outside of the are allowed

Note the example provided is only an example and may not be complete

Note that the Sidekiq service requires outbound connectivity to the public
internet for images on external object storage

enabled: true
enabled: true
- from:
- ipBlock:
- port: 3807
enabled: true
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 53
protocol: UDP
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 5432
protocol: TCP
- to:
- ipBlock:
- port: 6379
protocol: TCP
- to:
- ipBlock:
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