This is one stop global knowledge base where you can learn about all the products, solutions and support features.
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
With no configuration required, Atomist already draws vulnerability data from several public advisories. You can extend this by adding your own, custom advisories if you wish.
To add your own advisories:
Create a repository called
in the GitHub account where
youâve installed the Atomist GitHub app.
In the default branch of the repository, add a new JSON file called
<source>/<source id>.json
, where:
should be the name of your company
has to be a unique id for the advisory within
The JSON file must follow the schema defined in Open Source Vulnerability format.
Refer to the GitHub Advisory Database for examples of advisories.
Delete an advisory from the database by removing the corresponding JSON advisory
file from the
Atomist only considers additions, changes and removals of JSON advisory files in the repositoryâs default branch .
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
This page describes the configurable settings for Atomist. Enabling any of these settings instructs Atomist to carry out an action whenever a specific Git event occurs. These features require that you install the Atomist GitHub app in your GitHub organization.
To view and manage these settings, go to the settings page on the Atomist website.
Extract software bill of material from container images, and match packages with data from vulnerability advisories. Identify when new vulnerabilities get introduced, and display them as GitHub status check on the pull request that introduces them.
Pin base image tags to digests in Dockerfiles, and check for supported tags on Docker official images. Automatically creates a pull request pinning the Dockerfile to the latest digest for the base image tag used.
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
To get started with Atomist, youâll need to:
Before you can begin the setup, you need a Docker ID. If you donât already have one, you can register here.
This section describes how to integrate Atomist with your container registry. Follow the applicable instructions depending on the type of container registry you use. After completing this setup, Atomist will have read-only access to your registry, and gets notified about pushed or deleted images.
Using Docker Hub? ð³
If you are using Docker Hub as your container registry, you can skip this step and go straight to linking images to Git source. Atomist integrates seamlessly with your Docker Hub organizations.
When setting up an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) integration with Atomist, the following AWS resources are required:
This procedure uses pre-defined CloudFormation templates to create the necessary
IAM role and Amazon EventBridge. This template protects you from
confused deputy attacks by ensuring a unique
, along
with the appropriate condition on the IAM role statement.
Fill out all the fields, except Trusted Role ARN . The trusted role identity is known only after applying the CloudFormation template.
Choose basic auth credentials to protect the endpoint that AWS uses to notify Atomist. The URL and the basic auth credentials are parameters to the CloudFormation template.
Now create the CloudFormation stack. Before creating the stack, AWS asks you to enter three parameters.
: the API endpoint copied from Atomist
: basic authentication credentials for the endpoint.
Must match what you entered in the Atomist workspace.
Use the following Launch Stack buttons to start reviewing the details in your AWS account.
Before creating the stack, AWS will ask for acknowledgement that creating this stack requires a capability. This stack creates a role that will grant Atomist read-only access to ECR resources.
After creating the stack, copy the Value for the AssumeRoleArn key from the Outputs tab in AWS.
Paste the copied AssumeRoleArn value into the Trusted Role ARN field on the Atomist configuration page.
Select Save Configuration .
Atomist tests the connection with your ECR registry. A green check mark displays beside the integration if a successful connection is made.
To integrate Atomist with GitHub Container Registry, connect your GitHub account, and enter a personal access token for Atomist to use when pulling container images.
Fill out the fields and select Save Configuration .
Atomist requires the
Personal access token
for connecting images to
private repositories. The token must have the
Leave the Personal access token field blank if you only want to index images in public repositories.
Setting up an Atomist integration with Google Container Registry and Google Artifact Registry involves:
topic to watch for activity in the
To complete the following procedure requires administratorâs permissions in the project.
Set the following environment variables. You will use them in the next steps
when configuring the Google Cloud resources, using the
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID="atomist-integration" # can be anything you like
Create the service account.
gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID} \
--project ${PROJECT_ID} \
--description="Atomist Integration Service Account" \
--display-name="Atomist Integration"
Grant the service account read-only access to the artifact registry.
The role name differs depending on whether you use Artifact Registry or Container Registry:
for Google Artifact Registry
for Google Container Registry
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
--project ${PROJECT_ID} \
--member="serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID}@${PROJECT_ID}" \
--role="roles/artifactregistry.reader" # change this if you use GCR
Grant service account access to Atomist.
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID}@${PROJECT_ID}" \
--project ${PROJECT_ID} \
--member="" \
Fill out the following fields:
used in earlier steps.
Select Save Configuration . Atomist will test the connection. Green check marks indicate a successful connection.
Next, create a new PubSub subscription on the
topic in registry. This
subscription notifies Atomist about new or deleted images in the registry.
Copy the URL in the
Events Webhook
field to your clipboard. This will be
for the PubSub subscription.
Define the following three variable values, in addition to the
from earlier:
: the webhook URL copied from the Atomist workspace.
: the service account address; a combination of the
service account ID and project ID.
: the name of the PubSub (can be anything).
Create the PubSub for the
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create ${SUBSCRIPTION} \
--topic='gcr' \
--push-auth-token-audience='atomist' \
--push-auth-service-account="${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}" \
When the first image push is successfully detected, a green check mark on the integration page will indicate that the integration works.
Atomist can index images in a JFrog Artifactory repository by means of a monitoring agent.
The agent scans configured repositories at regular intervals, and send newly discovered imagesâ metadata to the Atomist data plane.
In the following example,
is a private registry
only visible on an internal network.
docker run -ti atomist/docker-registry-broker:latest\
index-image remote \
--workspace AQ1K5FIKA \
--api-key team::6016307E4DF885EAE0579AACC71D3507BB38E1855903850CF5D0D91C5C8C6DC0 \
--artifactory-url \
--artifactory-repository atomist-docker-local \
--username admin \
--password password
Parameter | Description |
ID of your Atomist workspace. |
Atomist API key. |
Base URL of the Artifactory instance. Must not contain trailing slashes. |
The name of the container registry to watch. |
The hostname associated with the Artifactory repository containing images, if different from
Username for HTTP basic authentication with Artifactory. |
Password for HTTP basic authentication with Artifactory. |
Knowing the source repository of an image is a prerequisite for Atomist to interact with the Git repository. For Atomist to be able to link scanned images back to a Git repository repository, you must annotate the image at build time.
The image labels that Atomist requires are:
Label | Value |
The commit revision that the image is built for. |
Path to the Dockerfile, relative to project root. |
For more information about pre-defined OCI annotations, see the specification document on GitHub.
You can add these labels to images using the built-in Git provenance feature of
Buildx, or set using the
CLI argument.
Git provenance labels in Buildx is a Beta feature.
To add the image labels using Docker Buildx, set the environment variable
. The Buildx will create the labels automatically when
building the image.
docker buildx build . -f docker/Dockerfile
Assign image labels using the
argument for
docker build
docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t $IMAGE_NAME \
--label "org.opencontainers.image.revision=10ac8f8bdaa343677f2f394f9615e521188d736a" \
--label "com.docker.image.source.entrypoint=docker/Dockerfile"
Images built in a CI/CD environment can leverage the built-in environment variables when setting the Git revision label:
Build tool | Environment variable |
GitHub Actions |
${{ github.sha }}
GitHub Actions, pull requests |
${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
GitLab CI/CD |
Docker Hub automated builds |
Google Cloud Build |
AWS CodeBuild |
Manually |
$(git rev-parse HEAD)
Consult the documentation for your CI/CD platform to learn which variables to use.
Atomist is now tracking bill of materials, packages, and vulnerabilities for your images! You can view your image scan results on the images overview page.
Teams use Atomist to protect downstream workloads from new vulnerabilities. Itâs also used to help teams track and remediate new vulnerabilities that impact existing workloads. The following sections describe integrate and configure Atomist further. For example, to gain visibility into container workload systems like Kubernetes.
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
Atomist is a data and automation platform for managing the software supply chain. It extracts metadata from container images, evaluates the data, and helps you understand the state of the image.
Integrating Atomist into your systems and repositories grants you essential information about the images you build, and the containers running in production. Beyond collecting and visualizing information, Atomist can help you further by giving you recommendations, notifications, validation, and more.
Example capabilities made possible with Atomist are:
Atomist monitors your container registry for new images. When it finds a new image, it analyzes and extracts metadata about the image contents and any base images used. The metadata is uploaded to an isolated partition in the Atomist data plane where itâs securely stored.
The Atomist data plane is a combination of metadata and a large knowledge graph of public software and vulnerability data. Atomist determines the state of your container by overlaying the image metadata with the knowledge graph.
Head over to the try atomist page for instructions on how to run Atomist, locally and with no strings attached.
BuildKit and Buildx have support for modifying the colors that are used to
output information to the terminal. You can set the environment variable
to something like
to set the colors that you would like to use:
to anything will disable any colorized output as recommended
Parsing errors will be reported but ignored. This will result in default color values being used where needed.
See also the list of pre-defined colors.
If you create a
builder with Buildx, you can
apply a custom BuildKit configuration by passing the
flag to
docker buildx create
You can define a registry mirror to use for your builds. Doing so redirects
BuildKit to pull images from a different hostname. The following steps exemplify
defining a mirror for
(Docker Hub) to
Create a TOML at
with the following content:
debug = true
mirrors = [""]
debug = true
turns on debug requests in the BuildKit daemon, which logs a message that shows when a mirror is being used.
Create a
builder that uses this BuildKit configuration:
$ docker buildx create --use --bootstrap \
--name mybuilder \
--driver docker-container \
--config /etc/buildkitd.toml
Build an image:
docker buildx build --load . -f - <<EOF
FROM alpine
RUN echo "hello world"
The BuildKit logs for this builder now shows that it uses the GCR mirror. You
can tell by the fact that the response messages include the
$ docker logs buildx_buildkit_mybuilder0
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=containerd/1.5.8+unknown request.method=GET spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.accept-ranges=bytes response.header.age=1356 response.header.alt-svc="h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q043=\":443\"; ma=2592000,quic=\":443\"; ma=2592000; v=\"46,43\"" response.header.cache-control="public, max-age=3600" response.header.content-length=1469 response.header.content-type=application/octet-stream"Sun, 06 Feb 2022 17:25:17 GMT" response.header.etag="\"774380abda8f4eae9a149e5d5d3efc83\"" response.header.expires="Sun, 06 Feb 2022 18:25:17 GMT" response.header.last-modified="Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:07:57 GMT" response.header.server=UploadServer response.header.x-goog-generation=1637788077652182 response.header.x-goog-hash="crc32c=V3DSrg==" response.header.x-goog-hash.1="md5=d0OAq9qPTq6aFJ5dXT78gw==" response.header.x-goog-metageneration=1 response.header.x-goog-storage-class=STANDARD response.header.x-goog-stored-content-encoding=identity response.header.x-goog-stored-content-length=1469 response.header.x-guploader-uploadid=ADPycduqQipVAXc3tzXmTzKQ2gTT6CV736B2J628smtD1iDytEyiYCgvvdD8zz9BT1J1sASUq9pW_ctUyC4B-v2jvhIxnZTlKg response.status="200 OK" spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.accept-ranges=bytes response.header.age=760 response.header.alt-svc="h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q043=\":443\"; ma=2592000,quic=\":443\"; ma=2592000; v=\"46,43\"" response.header.cache-control="public, max-age=3600" response.header.content-length=1471 response.header.content-type=application/octet-stream"Sun, 06 Feb 2022 17:35:13 GMT" response.header.etag="\"35d688bd15327daafcdb4d4395e616a8\"" response.header.expires="Sun, 06 Feb 2022 18:35:13 GMT" response.header.last-modified="Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:07:12 GMT" response.header.server=UploadServer response.header.x-goog-generation=1637788032100793 response.header.x-goog-hash="crc32c=aWgRjA==" response.header.x-goog-hash.1="md5=NdaIvRUyfar8201DleYWqA==" response.header.x-goog-metageneration=1 response.header.x-goog-storage-class=STANDARD response.header.x-goog-stored-content-encoding=identity response.header.x-goog-stored-content-length=1471 response.header.x-guploader-uploadid=ADPycdtR-gJYwC7yHquIkJWFFG8FovDySvtmRnZBqlO3yVDanBXh_VqKYt400yhuf0XbQ3ZMB9IZV2vlcyHezn_Pu3a1SMMtiw response.status="200 OK" spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg=fetch spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg=fetch spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg=fetch spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg=fetch spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip, */*" request.header.user-agent=containerd/1.5.8+unknown request.method=GET spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
time="2022-02-06T17:47:48Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.accept-ranges=bytes response.header.age=1356 response.header.alt-svc="h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-Q043=\":443\"; ma=2592000,quic=\":443\"; ma=2592000; v=\"46,43\"" response.header.cache-control="public, max-age=3600" response.header.content-length=2818413 response.header.content-type=application/octet-stream"Sun, 06 Feb 2022 17:25:17 GMT" response.header.etag="\"1d55e7be5a77c4a908ad11bc33ebea1c\"" response.header.expires="Sun, 06 Feb 2022 18:25:17 GMT" response.header.last-modified="Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:07:06 GMT" response.header.server=UploadServer response.header.x-goog-generation=1637788026431708 response.header.x-goog-hash="crc32c=ZojF+g==" response.header.x-goog-hash.1="md5=HVXnvlp3xKkIrRG8M+vqHA==" response.header.x-goog-metageneration=1 response.header.x-goog-storage-class=STANDARD response.header.x-goog-stored-content-encoding=identity response.header.x-goog-stored-content-length=2818413 response.header.x-guploader-uploadid=ADPycdsebqxiTBJqZ0bv9zBigjFxgQydD2ESZSkKchpE0ILlN9Ibko3C5r4fJTJ4UR9ddp-UBd-2v_4eRpZ8Yo2llW_j4k8WhQ response.status="200 OK" spanID=9460e5b6e64cec91 traceID=b162d3040ddf86d6614e79c66a01a577
If you specify registry certificates in the BuildKit configuration, the daemon
copies the files into the container under
. The following
steps show adding a self-signed registry certificate to the BuildKit
Add the following configuration to
# /etc/buildkitd.toml
debug = true
This tells the builder to push images to the
registry using
the certificates in the specified location (
Create a
builder that uses this configuration:
$ docker buildx create --use --bootstrap \
--name mybuilder \
--driver docker-container \
--config /etc/buildkitd.toml
Inspect the builderâs configuration file (
), it
shows that the certificate configuration is now configured in the builder.
$ docker exec -it buildx_buildkit_mybuilder0 cat /etc/buildkit/buildkitd.toml
debug = true
ca = ["/etc/buildkit/certs/"]
cert = "/etc/buildkit/certs/"
key = "/etc/buildkit/certs/"
Verify that the certificates are inside the container:
$ docker exec -it buildx_buildkit_mybuilder0 ls /etc/buildkit/certs/
myregistry.pem myregistry_cert.pem myregistry_key.pem
Now you can push to the registry using this builder, and it will authenticate using the certificates:
$ docker buildx build --push --tag .
CNI networking for builders can be useful for dealing with network port contention during concurrent builds. CNI is not yet available in the default BuildKit image. But you can create your own image that includes CNI support.
The following Dockerfile example shows a custom BuildKit image with CNI support. It uses the CNI config for integration tests in BuildKit as an example. Feel free to include your own CNI configuration.
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
ARG BUILDKIT_VERSION=v{{ site.buildkit_version }}
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM alpine AS cni-plugins
RUN apk add --no-cache curl
WORKDIR /opt/cni/bin
RUN curl -Ls$CNI_VERSION/cni-plugins-$TARGETOS-$TARGETARCH-$CNI_VERSION.tgz | tar xzv
FROM moby/buildkit:${BUILDKIT_VERSION}
RUN apk add --no-cache iptables
COPY --from=cni-plugins /opt/cni/bin /opt/cni/bin
ADD${BUILDKIT_VERSION}/hack/fixtures/cni.json /etc/buildkit/cni.json
Now you can build this image, and create a builder instance from it using
--driver-opt image
$ docker buildx build --tag buildkit-cni:local --load .
$ docker buildx create --use --bootstrap \
--name mybuilder \
--driver docker-container \
--driver-opt "image=buildkit-cni:local" \
--buildkitd-flags "--oci-worker-net=cni"
You can limit the parallelism of the BuildKit solver, which is particularly useful
for low-powered machines, using a BuildKit configuration
while creating a builder with the
# /etc/buildkitd.toml
max-parallelism = 4
Now you can create a
that will use this BuildKit configuration to limit parallelism.
$ docker buildx create --use \
--name mybuilder \
--driver docker-container \
--config /etc/buildkitd.toml
TCP connections are limited to 4 simultaneous connections per registry for pulling and pushing images, plus one additional connection dedicated to metadata requests. This connection limit prevents your build from getting stuck while pulling images. The dedicated metadata connection helps reduce the overall build time.
More information: moby/buildkit#2259
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
By integrating Atomist with a runtime environment, you can track vulnerabilities for deployed containers. This gives you contexts for whether security debt is increasing or decreasing.
There are several options for how you could implement deployment tracking:
Each Atomist workspace exposes an API endpoint. Submitting a POST request to the endpoint updates Atomist about what image you are running in your environments. This lets you compare data for images you build against images of containers running in staging or production.
You can find the API endpoint URL on the Integrations page. Using this API requires an API key.
The most straight-forward use is to post to this endpoint using a webhook. When
deploying a new image, submit an automated POST request (using
, for
example) as part of your deployment pipeline.
$ curl <api-endpoint-url> \\
-X POST \\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api-token>" \\
-d '{"image": {"url": "<image-url>@<sha256-digest>"}}'
The API supports the following parameters in the request body:
"image": {
"url": "string",
"name": "string"
"environment": {
"name": "string"
"platform": {
"os": "string",
"architecture": "string",
"variant": "string"
Parameter | Mandatory | Default | Description |
Yes | Â | Fully qualified reference name of the image, plus version (digest). You must specify the image version by digest. |
No | Â | Optional identifier. If you deploy many containers from the same image in any one environment, each instance must have a unique name. |
No |
Use custom environment names to track different image versions in environments, like
No |
Image operating system. |
No |
Instruction set architecture. |
No | Â | Optional variant label. |
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
When installed for a GitHub organization, the Atomist GitHub app links repository activity to images. This enables Atomist to relate image tags and digests directly to specific commits in the source repository. It also opens up the possibility to incorporate image analysis in your Git workflow. For example, by adding analysis checks to pull request, or automatically raising pull requests for updating and pinning base image versions.
Install the GitHub app in the organization that contains the source code repositories for your Docker images.
Select Connect to GitHub and follow the authorization flow. This installs the Atomist GitHub App.
Install the app.
If your GitHub account is a member of one or more organizations, GitHub prompts you to choose which account to install the app into. Select the account that contains the source repositories for your images.
After installing the app, GitHub redirects you back to Atomist.
In the repository selection menu, select what repositories you want Atomist to start watching.
If you are just looking to evaluate Atomist, start by selecting a few repositories during evaluation. Once you are comfortable using Atomist, you can switch on the integration for all repositories. Selecting All repositories also includes any repository created in the future.
If Atomist detects
commands in Dockerfiles in the selected repositories, it begins raising automated pull requests. The pull requests update the DockerfileFROM
-line to specify the image versions (as digests).
Atomist is now connected with your GitHub repositories and is be able to link image analyses with Git commits.
If you wish to add or remove repository access for Atomist, go to the Repositories page.
You might want to disconnect from GitHub when:
You want to change which GitHub organization or account connected to your Atomist workspace.
To do so, disconnect the old GitHub organization or account first. Then, follow the instructions for connecting to GitHub for the new GitHub organization or account.
You want to remove Atomist access to a GitHub organization or account when you no longer use Atomist.
To disconnect a GitHub account:
Go to the GitHub Applications settings page, then:
Select Configure
Select Uninstall . This removes the installation of the Atomist GitHub App from your GitHub organization or account.
Select Revoke .
This removes the authorization of the Atomist GitHub App from your GitHub organization or account.
The Buildx Docker driver is the default driver. It uses the BuildKit server components built directly into the Docker engine. The Docker driver requires no configuration.
Unlike the other drivers, builders using the Docker driver canât be manually created. Theyâre only created automatically from the Docker context.
Images built with the Docker driver are automatically loaded to the local image store.
# The Docker driver is used by buildx by default
docker buildx build .
Itâs not possible to configure which BuildKit version to use, or to pass any additional BuildKit parameters to a builder using the Docker driver. The BuildKit version and parameters are preset by the Docker engine internally.
If you need additional configuration and flexibility, consider using the Docker container driver.
For more information on the Docker driver, see the buildx reference.
Atomist is currently in Early Access. Features and APIs are subject to change.
The quickest way to try Atomist is to run it on your local images, as a CLI tool. Trying it locally eliminates the need of having to integrate with and connect to a remote container registry. The CLI uses your local Docker daemon directly to upload the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to the Atomist control plane for analysis.
Before you can begin the setup, you need a Docker ID. If you donât already have one, you can register here.
Only use this CLI-based method of indexing images for testing or trial purposes. For further evaluation or production use, integrate Atomist with your container registry. See get started.
In your terminal of choice, invoke the Atomist CLI tool using
docker run
Update the following values:
: the workspace ID found on the
page on the
Atomist website.
: the API key you just created.
: the Docker image that you want to index.
docker run \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-ti atomist/docker-registry-broker:latest \
index-image local \
--workspace AQ1K5FIKA \
--api-key team::6016307E4DF885EAE0579AACC71D3507BB38E1855903850CF5D0D91C5C8C6DC0 \
The image must have a tag (for example,
) so that you are able to identify the image later.
The output should be similar to the following:
[info] Starting session with correlation-id c12e08d3-3bcc-4475-ab21-7114da599eaf
[info] Starting atomist/docker-vulnerability-scanner-skill 'index_image' (1f99caa) atomist/skill:0.12.0-main.44 (fe90e3c) nodejs:16.15.0
[info] Indexing image python:latest
[info] Downloading image
[info] Download completed
[info] Indexing completed
[info] Mapped packages to layers
[info] Indexing completed successfully
[info] Transacting image manifest for with digest sha256:a8077d2b2ff4feb1588d941f00dd26560fe3a919c16a96305ce05f7b90f388f6
[info] Successfully transacted entities in team AQ1K5FIKA
[info] Image URL is
[info] Transacting SBOM...
[info] Successfully transacted entities in team AQ1K5FIKA
[info] Transacting SBOM...
When the command exits, open the Atomist web UI, where you should see the image in the list.
Select the image name. This gets you to the list of image tags.
Since this is your first time indexing this image, the list only has one tag for now. When you integrate Atomist with your container registry, images and tags show up in this list automatically.
Select the tag name. This shows you the insights for this tag.
In this view, you can see how many vulnerabilities this image has, their severity levels, whether there is a fix version available, and more.
The tutorial ends here. Take some time to explore the different data views that Atomist presents about your image. When youâre ready, head to the get started guide to learn how to start integrating Atomist in your software supply chain.