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Troubleshoot API Gateway WebSocket API connection errors

How can I troubleshoot API Gateway WebSocket API connection errors?

Last updated: 2022-11-17

I tried to connect to my Amazon API Gateway WebSocket API but I received errors. How do I troubleshoot my WebSocket API connection?

Short description

API Gateway WebSocket API connection errors might occur due to:

  • Insufficient permissions to make the request to the backend
  • Incorrect fields for the API ID, AWS Region, and API stage
  • Errors in the backend integration
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication errors


Follow these troubleshooting steps for your use case.

Confirm that the WebSocket API has the required permissions to make a request to the backend

API Gateway uses IAM roles, policies, tags, and AWS Lambda authorizers to control access to a WebSocket API. For more information, see Controlling and managing access to a WebSocket API in API Gateway.

Also, make sure that the WebSocket API integration request is configured correctly.

Confirm that the request is sent to the correct API ID, AWS Region, and API stage

In this example request URL, make sure that the following fields are correct:

  • The WebSocket API ID "a1b2c3d4e5".
  • The AWS Region "us-east-1".
  • The API stage name "production" exists.

Check CloudWatch logs for errors

Follow the instructions to turn on Amazon CloudWatch logs for troubleshooting API Gateway WebSocket APIs. If a Lambda function is integrated for the backend, check the CloudWatch logs for errors. For more information, see Accessing CloudWatch logs for AWS Lambda.

Confirm that the API request is signed if the API method has IAM authentication turned on

If IAM authentication is turned on, then make sure that the API request is signed with Signature Version 4 (SigV4). For more information, see Signing AWS requests with Signature Version 4.

To turn on IAM authentication for your API Gateway API, follow these steps:

  1. In the API Gateway console, choose the name of your API.
  2. In the Resources pane, choose a method (such as GET or POST ) that you want to activate IAM authentication for.
  3. In the Method Execution pane, choose Method Request .
  4. Under Settings , for Authorization , choose the pencil icon ( Edit ). Choose AWS_IAM from the dropdown list, and then choose the check mark icon ( Update ).
  5. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-4 for each API method that you want to activate IAM authentication for.
  6. Deploy your WebSocket API for the changes to take effect.

Monitoring WebSocket API execution with CloudWatch metrics

Use API Gateway Lambda authorizers

How do I troubleshoot HTTP 403 Forbidden errors when using a Lambda authorizer with an API Gateway REST API?

How do I troubleshoot issues when connecting to an API Gateway private API endpoint?

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Troubleshoot 403 "missing authentication token" errors for API Gateway APIs with custom domain names

How can I troubleshoot 403 "missing authentication token" errors when invoking API Gateway REST or HTTP APIs with a custom domain name?

Last updated: 2022-11-11

I followed the instructions to set up a custom domain name for my Amazon API Gateway REST or HTTP API. I am getting a 403 "Missing Authentication token" error when I invoke the API. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this error?

Short description

API Gateway APIs with custom domain names return the 403 "Missing Authentication token" error when invoking the API if the URL path is incorrect.

Note: Using the API Gateway API stage URL won't return the 403 "Missing Authentication token" error.


Custom domain names configured for API Gateway APIs use API mappings to connect API stages to send traffic to APIs through the custom domain name. API mappings have an API, stage, custom domain name, and optionally a path to use for the mapping. For more information, see Working with API mappings.

In the following example, the custom domain "https://api.example.com" API mapping is configured as follows:

API Example Stage Path Default URL Custom Domain URL
abcd3456ef API 1 dev (none) https://abcd3456ef.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev https://api.example.com
wxyz1234ab API 2 test orders https://wxyz1234ab.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test https://api.example.com/orders
mnop5678qr API 3 prod customers https://mnop5678qr.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod https://api.example.com/customers

In this example configuration, a request made to API 1 using the URL https://abcd3456ef.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/resourceA routes traffic to "resourceA" successfully. This is because the request is made to the resource for the stage name "dev". However, the same request using the URL https://api.example.com/dev/resourceA returns a 403 "Missing Authentication token" error. This error occurs because the stage "dev" is mapped to the (none) path of the custom domain name. To route requests to "resourceA" using the custom domain name, make sure that the URL is https://api.example.com/resourceA.

Similarly, the custom domain name URL equivalent to https://wxyz1234ab.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test/resourceB is https://api.example.com/orders/resourceB. This is because the "test" stage of API 2 is mapped to the path "orders" in the custom domain API mapping.

How do I troubleshoot HTTP 403 errors from API Gateway?

How do I troubleshoot API Gateway REST API endpoint 403 "Missing Authentication Token" errors?

Setting up a Regional custom domain name in API Gateway

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Invoke an API Gateway private API using an load balancer

How can I invoke an API Gateway private API using an Application or Network Load balancer?

Last updated: 2022-11-03

I want to set up my API Gateway private API as a target behind a load balancer. Then, I want to access my private API from an Application or Network Load Balancer using my account or another AWS account. How do I set this up?

Short description

To access your private API using AWS Direct Connect or Amazon Route 53, see How to invoke a private API. You can also access an API Gateway private REST API in another AWS account using an interface VPC endpoint.

In the following set up, the private API is added as a target to the load balancer. This is done using the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint elastic network interface IP address.

Important: Custom domain names are not supported for private APIs. As a workaround, you can invoke and attach the domain to a load balancer. Then, invoke the private API using the setup described in this article.


Create an Amazon VPC endpoint

1.    Open the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints , and then choose Create endpoint .
Note: If you have any Amazon VPC endpoints already set up in your VPC using the API execute-api, then make sure that private DNS is disabled.

2.    For Services , choose com.amazonaws.com.your-region.execute-api .

3.    For VPC , choose your Amazon VPC.

4.    For Subnets , choose two subnets in different Availability Zones (AZ IDs), and then choose Create endpoint .

5.    Choose your endpoint, choose subnets , and copy the IP address . You use this IP address in another step.

For more information, see Create an interface VPC endpoint for API Gateway execute-api.

Create a private REST API and grant the Amazon VPC endpoint permission

1.    Open the API Gateway console, and then choose Create API .

2.    For REST API , choose Build .

3.    In Settings , enter the following:
For API name , enter a name for the API.
For Endpoint Type , choose Private .
For Endpoint IDs , enter and the endpoint ID that you created previously.

4.    Choose Create API .

5.    In the navigation pane, choose Resource Policy .

6.    In the resource policy editor, paste the following policy:
Replace vpce-<id> with your VPC endpoint ID.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:<region>:<account :<api-id>/*/*/*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
          "aws:sourceVpce": "vpce-081234d1ad408e"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:<region>:<account-id>:<api-id>/*/*/*"

7.    Choose Save .

For more information, see Create a private API using the API Gateway console.

Create or import an AWS Certificate Manager public certificate

If you haven't already done so, do one of the following:

Request a public certificate.


Import a certificate

Create an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer

If you haven't already done so, do one of the following:

Create an Application Load Balancer


Create a Network Load Balancer

Create the target group

1.    Open the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) console.

2.    In the navigation pane, in Load Balancing , choose Load Balancers , choose Target Groups , and then choose Create target group .

3.    For target type , choose IP addresses .

4.    for Target group name , enter a name.

Application Load Balancer

For Protocol , choose HTTPS .
For Port , choose 443 .
For VPC , choose your VPC.
For Health check path, enter 200,403. (This makes sure that the VPC endpoint shows as Healthy in the target group)

Network Load Balancer

For Protocol , choose TLS .
For Port , choose 443 .
For VPC , choose your VPC.

5.    Choose Next .

6.    In Specify IPs , enter the IP address that you copied in the Create an interface Amazon VPC endpoint section, and choose Add IPv4 address .

7.    Choose Create target group .

Configure the load balancer

1.    Open the EC2 console.

2.    In the navigation pane, choose Load Balancers , and then choose Create Load Balancer .

Application Load Balancer

For Scheme , choose either Internet-facing or Internal depending on your configuration.
For Protocol , choose HTTPS .
For VPC and subnets , choose your VPC and subnets.

Network Load Balancer For Scheme , choose either Internet-facing or Internal depending on your configuration.
For Protocol , choose TLS .
For VPC and subnets , choose your VPC and subnets.
For Security policy , choose the default policy ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS (recommended) .
For Default SSL/TLS certificate , choose From ACM .
Choose the Select a certificate dropdown menu, and then choose your certificate.

3.    Choose Create load balancer .

Note: The load balancer targets should be the IP addresses of the elastic network interface that the VPC endpoint created. These were done in step 1. You can find those elastic network interfaces by selecting your VPC endpoint and opening the Subnets tab.

Create a record in an Amazon Route 53 public or private hosted zone

If you haven't already done so, do one of the following:

Create a public hosted zone


Create a private hosted zone

Then, create a CNAME record and associate it with your Application or Network Load Balancer.


For public load balancers, you can make a curl request from your local machine.

For private load balancers, launch a new EC2 instance in one of the subnets for your load balancer. Then, make a curl request similar to the following:

curl -v https://{custom-domain-name}/<stage-name>/<resource-path> -H 'Host: <api-id>.execute-api.<region>.amazonaws.com'


curl -v https://{custom-domain-name}/<stage-name>/<resource-path> -H 'x-apigw-api-id:{api-id}'

A successful request returns a 200 OK response code. An unsuccessful request returns a 403 Forbidden response code or a DNS resolution error. If you encounter any issues, see Troubleshoot your load balancers.

How do I connect to a private API Gateway over a Direct Connect connection?

How do I troubleshoot issues when connecting to an API Gateway private API endpoint?

Setting up CloudWatch logging for a REST API in API Gateway

Monitoring REST APIs with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

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Secure an API Gateway WebSocket API

How can I secure my Amazon API Gateway WebSocket API?

Last updated: 2022-11-04

I want to secure my Amazon API Gateway WebSocket API. How can I do this?

Short description

Amazon API Gateway supports the following methods for controlling and managing access to APIs:

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authorization
  • AWS Lambda REQUEST authorizer function


IAM authorization

For WebSocket APIs, make sure that your routes use an ARN in the following format:


For more information, see Using IAM authorization.

Lambda authorizer function

You can't use path variables (event.pathParameters) with Lambda authorizer functions for WebSocket APIs because the path is fixed. Make sure that the methodArn ends with "$connect" in the following format:


For more information, see Creating a Lambda REQUEST authorizer function.

How can I set up a custom domain name for my API Gateway API?

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Troubleshoot 410 GoneException errors with API Gateway WebSocket APIs

How can I troubleshoot 410 GoneException errors with Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs?

Last updated: 2022-11-03

I get a "410 GoneException" error when trying to post a message to my Amazon API Gateway WebSocket API similar to the following:

"errorMessage": "GoneException: 410" 

How do I troubleshoot this?

Short description

You might receive the "410 GoneException" error if:

  • A message was posted to the WebSocket API before the connection was established.
  • The connection has been terminated, or the connection doesn't exist anymore.
  • The client disconnected and then tried to reconnect using the same connectionId.

Note: For WebSocket APIs, the connectionId is required to send a callback response from the backend.


To troubleshoot WebSocket API errors, turn on Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Note: For Log level , choose INFO to generate execution logs for all requests.

Execution logs contain information that you can use to identify and troubleshoot most API errors. For example:

  • The requests that your API receives
  • The integration backend responses from your API
  • The response provided by AWS Lambda authorizers
  • The requestId for AWS integration endpoints

For more information about each type of logging, see CloudWatch log formats for API Gateway.

Before posting messages to WebSocket APIs, make sure that your connection is established by calling the getConnection operation using the AWS SDK ApiGatewayManagementApi.

Avoid making the postToConnection request from the Lambda function integrated with your $connect route. For example, if you want to post a message after the client connection is established, do the following:

  1. Create a child Lambda function that's asynchronously invoked by the parent function.
  2. On initiation of a new connection, the $connect route is invoked and the parent function invokes the child function passing the connectionId .
  3. The Lambda child function receives the connectionId and calls the getConnection operation to verify that the connection is valid. Then, the message is sent using the postToConnection method.

About WebSocket APIs in API Gateway

How can I pass a connectionId or custom token to VPC Link integration as a header for Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs?

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Troubleshoot Amazon API Gateway 500 errors with VPC link integration

How can I troubleshoot 500 errors with VPC link integration for Amazon API Gateway?

Last updated: 2022-11-01

I configured Amazon API Gateway with VPC Link integrations. When I call my API, I receive a configuration or internal error with an HTTP 500 status code. How do I resolve this issue?

Short description

AWS API gateway can fail to forward traffic to backend resources and return an HTTP 500 status code with VPC links if:

  • The VPC Link is in the Failed state, the endpoint service is deleted, or in the Rejected state.
  • The registered target for the target group is unhealthy or not in use.
    Note: If no traffic is sent over the VPC link for 60 days, then it becomes INACTIVE . For more information, see Working with VPC links for HTTP APIs.
  • Security groups don't allow traffic on specific ports.
  • The network access control list (ACL) is blocking the traffic.
  • The target isn't listening on the target ports.
  • The domain name certificate isn't matching with the TLS enabled Network Load Balancer (NLB) or Application Load Balancer (ALB).

If Amazon CloudWatch logging is activated for your API, then an error message indicating the cause of the error appears in the execution logs.

Example HTTP 500 error messages in CloudWatch logs

Thu Aug 04 17:48:21 UTC 2022 : Execution failed due to configuration error: There was an internal error while executing your request
Thu Aug 04 17:48:21 UTC 2022 : Method completed with status: 500


Thu Aug 04 19:50:21 UTC 2022 : Execution failed due to configuration error: Host name 'domain.com.com' 
does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=myinstance.com)
Thu Aug 04 19:50:21 UTC 2022 : Method completed with status: 500


Confirm the cause of the error

If you haven't done so already, turn on CloudWatch logging for your REST API. Make sure that you configure execution logging.

Tip: When configuring the logging settings, for Log level , choose INFO . Then, choose Log full requests/responses data .

Identify what's causing the errors by viewing the REST APIs execution logs in CloudWatch.

Check for the error message in the execution logs and follow these resolution steps

"Execution failed due to configuration error: There was an internal error while executing your request"

  • Verify that the VPC Link load balancer exists and hasn't been deleted.
  • Verify that the VPC Link is in the AVAILABLE state. If the VPC Link is in the FAILED state, then you must create a new VPC link and associate it with your API. Note: Be sure to deploy the API after modifying the integration request.
  • Verify that the VPC Link endpoint connection is in the AVAILABLE state.
  • If the VPC ID is referenced with a stage variable, then verify that the VPC Link ID is correct.
  • Verify that the VPC Link load balancer is listening on the HTTP/HTTPS port that the request is configured for. Check that the listeners are configured for the correct port. Check the network ACLs and make sure that they aren't blocking the request.
  • Verify that the target group is accepting the request. Check network ACLs to make sure that traffic is allowed inbound and outbound. Check the security groups to make sure that traffic is allowed inbound for the configured ports.
  • If the request returns a 500 error, the connection might receive TCP RST packets. Verify that the backend server is up and running. Verify that the backend target has a service running on the target port. Verify that the backend target is listening on the target port.

"Execution failed due to configuration error: Host name 'domain.com.com' does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=myinstance.com)"

Make sure that the endpoint domain name matches the certificate that's returned by the TLS enabled load balancer target.

"Execution failed due to configuration error: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

This error means that the API Gateway can't find the root CA. Even if insecureSkipVerification is set to true on the integrations TlsConfig property, API Gateway performs basic certificate validation including:

  • The certificates expiration date.
  • The hostname.
  • The presence of a root certificate authority.

"Execution failed due to configuration error: Cannot verify ECDH ServerKeyExchange signature"

This error means that because a key and the corresponding certificate don't match, the TLS handshake fails. To resolve this, verify the contents of the files used for your configured certificate authorities, certificates, and keys.

"Execution failed due to an internal error"

This error occurs because Amazon API Gateway couldn't connect to the load balancer over the VPC Link due to target resets on the load balancer. To resolve this, set the timeout on the target to be higher than the default timeout (350 seconds) on the load balancer.

"Execution failed due to configuration error: Not a valid protocol version: {Text of string}"

This error means that the integration responded with an invalid HTTP response which doesn't adhere to the HTTP specification. This might indicate that the Integrated backend is sending invalid data back to Amazon API Gateway.

To troubleshoot this error, do the following:

  • Reproduce the request made from Amazon API Gateway. Test the service endpoint used by Amazon API Gateway by creating a VPC endpoint that's linked to the service endpoint ID. You can also run packet captures to review the response that's returned from the integrated backend.
  • Change the load balancers protocol to TLS or TCP depending on the targets response to avoid duplicate encryption.
  • Make sure that insecureSkipVerification is set to true on the integrations TlsConfig property.

Understanding VPC Links in Amazon API Gateway private Integrations

Working with VPC links for HTTP APIs

Monitoring REST API execution with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

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