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Infrastructure Engineer (API)
Budget: $0.00

Technologies: Django, Django Rest Framework, Kubernetes, Postgresql, Redis, Restful Services, Security Best Practices, Terraform

Duration: 12

Seeking a skilled Infrastructure Engineer with expertise in Kubernetes architecture, server infrastructure, and backend API development and deployment.

The ideal candidate will have experience with cloud computing and infrastructure automation and a passion for optimizing infrastructure for high availability, security, and performance.

Key responsibilities include infrastructure management and deployment, backend API development, documentation, system monitoring and optimization, security, continuous integration and deployment, and collaboration with development teams.

Required qualifications include an ability to work GMT+3 business hours, proficiency in Python and Django Rest Framework, understanding of Kubernetes architecture, proficiency in Terraform or similar IaC tools, experience with server infrastructure technologies, background in backend API development, familiarity with network protocols, knowledge of security best practices, and experience with monitoring and log aggregation tools.

To apply, candidates must submit an introduction video that answers the prompt on implementing Kubernetes and managing server infrastructure.