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HALTE Community & Chatbot
Budget: $TBD

Technologies: Web Application Development

3.1. Development of “HALTE Community” on opensource “Discource” platform:

3.1.1. Discourse Community Setup on the current HALTE Server: refer

3.1.2. Configuration of the theme from:

3.1.3. Community Features: A member can post questions Other members can respond Likes, Comments, Shares All the capabilities of a question/answer platform (refer Quora) Note: Any feature that Discourse tool does not support will be out of scope of work


3.2. Building an automated bot to collect news, events related to Halte’s line of business (Agriculture, Gardening, Lawn, Travel, Home) and post them automatically in the community:

3.2.1. Collect News, Products, Events related to HALTE Category

3.2.2. Store them in DB

3.2.3. Publish them periodically (every hour?)

3.2.4. Revamp User Authorization/Authentication/Settings etc


3.3. Building AI Bot based on “Crisp” product that can gather information from website integrated and answer questions. Includes panel to see insights and analytics of the AI Bot:

3.3.1. Guided user journey till checkout

3.3.2. Answer questions by gathering info from website

3.3.3. Omnichannel bot for Website, Instagram, FB, and WhatsApp will be built on which has Audio/Video/Phone Call capabilities - Subscription: $95/month for one main channel, additional channels: $20/month per channel Note: Any feature that tool does not support will be out of scope of work. Information for answering will be gathered from website (main content, knowledge base, blogs etc.). Scraping of other platforms (Social media platforms) is not feasible and building integrations (Webhooks) can be looked for next version.


3.4. Minor modifications to HALTE website from UI/UX perspective for better look & feel:

3.4.1. Font size updates across the site/all pages

3.4.2. Header Correction across the site/all pages

3.4.3. Alignment (images, components, text) across the site/all pages


3.5. Admin panel for community